2007—2008年中国担保业研究报告 |
字数:1.8万 |
页数:46 |
图表数:30 |
中文电子版:4000元 |
中文纸版:2000元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:4500元 |
英文电子版:1200美元 |
英文纸版:1100美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:1500美元 |
发布日期:2008-02 |
附件:下载 |




China guarantee industry has developed very fast during the past decade. There were 966 guarantee agencies in 2003 and by the end of 2006, the figure has risen to 3,366.
Changes of the Number of Guarantee Agencies, 2003-2006

Source: ResearchInChina
Among the 3,366 guarantee agencies, 688 agencies are invested completely by government, amounting to 20% of the total and another 629 agencies are invested partly by government, accounting for 19% of the total, while 2,049 agencies are invested by private investors, amounting to 61% the total.
Investment Structure of China Guarantee Agencies, 2006

Source: ResearchInChina
As early as 2003, China had 305 guarantee agencies with full government investment, amounting to 31.6% of the total and 321 agencies with partial government investment, accounting for 33.2% of the total, while only 340 agencies were financed by private investors, amounting to 35.2% of the total.
Changes of Investment Structure of China Guarantee Agencies, 2003-2006

Source: ResearchInChina
Changes of Investment Structure of China Guarantee Agencies, 2003-2006 (unit: %)

Source: ResearchInChina
The above chart shows that the guarantee agencies invested by private investors have grown very rapidly and they have become the most important players in China’s guarantee industry.
According to the authoritative statistics from National Bureau of Statistics, and National Development and Reform Commission, China’s top economic planning agency, and the study of cases, the report makes an in-depth analysis of the current situation of development, the policy environment and key players in China’s guarantee industry with focus on nine key guarantee agencies. Based upon the analysis of China’s guarantee industry development in 2007 and before, the report predicts thedevelopment tendency of the industry in 2008.
第一章 担保行业简介 1.1 担保的基本概念及关系阐明 1.1.1 担保的概念 1.1.2 担保的分类 1.2 担保行业在我国的发展历程回顾
第二章 中国担保行业发展环境分析 2.1 政策环境分析 2.2 经济环境分析 2.2.1 2007年中国宏观经济概况 2.2.2 中国市场融资特点 2.2.3 金融投资发展情况 2.2.4 中国中小企业发展概况
第三章 2007年中国担保业发展现状分析 3.1 中国担保业机构数量分析 3.2 中国担保机构出资结构分析 3.3 中国担保机构治理结构分析 3.4 中国担保机构担保资本金筹集分析 3.4.1 中国担保机构担保资本金筹集情况 3.4.2 中国担保机构担保资本金筹集来源分析 3.5 中国担保机构业务量分析 3.6 中国担保机构营业收入分析 3.6.1 中国担保机构营业收入额分析 3.6.2 中国担保机构营业收入结构分析
第四章 2007—2008年货币政策对担保业的影响分析 4.1 2007—2008中国货币政策概况 4.2 利率变化对担保费的影响分析 4.2.1 利率变化对担保费的消极影响 4.2.1 利率变化对担保费的积极影响
第五章 2007年中国优势担保机构运营分析 5.1 中国投资担保有限公司 5.2 中国中科智担保集团股份有限公司 5.2.1 公司简介 5.2.2 公司战略投资者引进情况 5.3 中投信用担保有限公司 5.4 北京首创投资担保有限公司 5.4.1 公司简介 5.4.2 公司担保业务经营概况 5.5 北京中关村科技担保有限公司 5.5.1 公司简介 5.5.2 公司经营分析 5.6 深圳市华融投资担保有限公司 5.6.1 公司简介 5.6.2 公司主营业务概况 5.7 深圳市中小企业信用担保中心 5.8 广东银达担保投资集团有限公司 5.9 广东中盈盛达担保投资有限公司
第六章 2008年中国担保业发展趋势展望
Chapter I: Introduction of Guarantee Industry 1.1 Basic concept of guarantee 1.1.1 Definition 1.1.2 Classification 1.2 Overview of China’s guarantee industry development
Chapter II: Development Environment of China Guarantee Industry 2.1 Policy environment 2.2 Economic environment 2.2.1 Overview of China macro-economy in 2007 2.2.2 Characteristics of financing in China’s market 2.2.3 Development of financial investment 2.2.4 Development of China’s medium- and small-sized enterprises
Chapter III: Status Quo of China Guarantee Industry Development, 2007 3.1 Quantity of China guarantee agencies 3.2 Investment structure 3.3 Corporate governance structure 3.4 Analysis of fundraising of guarantee capital 3.4.1 Fundraising of guarantee capital 3.4.2 Channels of fundraising of guarantee capital 3.5 Business volume 3.6 Operating revenue 3.6.1 Analysis of operating revenue 3.6.2 Analysis of operating revenue structure
Chapter IV: Effects of Monetary Policy on Guarantee Industry, 2007-2008 4.1 China monetary policy, 2007-2008 4.2 Effects of interest rate changes on guarantee fee 4.2.1 Negative impact of interest rate changes on guarantee fee 4.2.2 Positive impact of interest rate changes on guarantee fee
Chapter V: Operation of China’s Key Guarantee Agencies, 2007 5.1 China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. 5.2. Credit Orienwise Group Ltd. 5.2.1 Company profile 5.2.2 Introduction of strategic investors 5.3 China Investment & Credit Guaranty Co., Ltd. 5.4 Beijing Shouchuang Investment & Guarantee Co., Ltd. 5.4.1 Company profile 5.4.2 Operation 5.5 Beijing Zhongguancun Sci-tech Guaranty Co., Ltd. 5.5.1 Company profile 5.5.2 Operation 5.6 Shenzhen Huarong Investment & Guarantee Co., Ltd. 5.6.1 Company profile 5.6.2 Primary business 5.7 Shenzhen Small & Medium Enterprises Credit Guarantee Center Co., Ltd. 5.8 Guangdong Yinda Guarantee Investment Group Co., Ltd. 5.9 GuangDong Join-Share Guarantee Investment Co., Ltd.
Chapter VI: Prospect of China Guarantee Industry Development, 2008
图1998-2006年直接融资、间接融资对比(%) 图:中国富裕人群及其资产变动趋势 图:2003-2006年担保机构数量变化示意图(单位:家) 图:2006年全国担保机构政府与民间出资结构(单位:家) 图:2003—2006年全国担保机构政府与民间出资结构变化(单位:家) 图:2003—2006年全国担保机构政府与民间出资结构变化(单位:%) 图:2006年全国担保机构治理结构构成(单位:家) 图:2003—2006年全国担保机构治理结构变化(单位:家) 图:2003-2006年担保机构筹资金额及增长率(单位:亿元) 图:2006年担保机构筹资来源结构(单位:亿元) 图:2003-2006年担保机构筹资来源变化趋势(单位:亿元) 图:2003-2006年担保机构筹资来源变化趋势(单位:%) 图:2004-2006年政府与民间出资增长率比较(单位:%) 图:2003-2006年担保企业数量及增长率(单位:万户) 图:2003—2006年担保总额及增长率(单位:亿元) 图:2003-2006年担保机构营业收入额及增长率(单位:亿元) 图:2006年担保机构营业收入结构(单位:亿元) 图:2003—2006年担保机构三大营业收入增长(单位:亿元) 图:2003—2006年担保机构三大营业收入比例变化(单位:%) 图:1994—2005年累计担保总额(单位:亿元) 图:1994—2005年担保余额(单位:亿元) 图:1998—2005年担保金额及增长率(单位:亿元) 图:2000—2006年中关村担保担保规模及增长率(单位:亿元) 图:2000—2006年中关村担保历年服务企业(单位:家次) 图:2000-2006年中关村担保收入及增长率(单位:亿元) 图:2000-2006年中关村担保净利润及增长率(单位:百万元) 图:2006年中关村担保担保行业分布
表:中国国民生产总值(2007年1-4季度) 表:2007年央行加息情况 表:央行历年准备金率调整情况
Selected Charts Comparison Between Direct Financing and Indirect Financing, 1998-2006 (%) Changing Trend of China Rich People and their Assets Changes of the Number of Guarantee Agencies, 2003-2006 Investment Structure of China Guarantee Agencies, 2006 Changes of Investment Structure of China Guarantee Agencies, 2003-2006 Changes of Investment Structure of China Guarantee Agencies, 2003-2006 (unit: %) Corporate Governance Structure of China Guarantee Agencies, 2006 Changes of Corporate Governance Structure of China Guarantee Agencies, 2003-2006 Amount of Fundraising & its Growth Rate of China’s Guarantee Agencies, 2003-2006 (unit: CNY 100 million) Financing Sources of China Guarantee Agencies, 2006 (unit: RMB 100 million) Changes of Financing Sources of China Guarantee Agencies, 2003-2006 (unit: CNY 100 million) Percentage Changes of Financing Sources of China Guarantee Agencies, 2003-2006 Investment Growth Rates of Government and Private Investors, 2004-2006 (%) Number of China Guarantee Agencies & its Growth Rate, 2003-2006 (unit: 10,000) Total Guarantee Amount and its Growth Rate, 2003-2006 (unit:CNY100 million) Operating Revenue and its Growth Rate of China Guarantee Agencies, 2003-2006 (unit: CNY100 million) Operating Revenue of China Guaranty Agencies, 2006 (unit: CNY100 million) Revenue Growth of Three Main Business of China Guarantee Agencies, 2003-2006 (unit: CNY100 million) Percentage Changes of Three Main Business Revenue of China Guarantee Agencies, 2003-2006 Total Guarantee Amount, 1994-2005 (unit: CNY100 million) Outstanding Guarantee Amount, 1994-2005 (unit: CNY100 million) Guarantee Amount and Growth Rate, 1998-2005 (unit: CNY100 million) Guarantee Amount & Growth Rate of Beijing Zhongguancun Sci-tech Guaranty Co., 2000-2006 (unit: CNY100 million) Clients of Beijing Zhongguancun Sci-tech Guaranty Co., 2000-2006 Guarantee Revenue & Growth Rate of Beijing Zhongguancun Sci-tech Guaranty Co., 2000-2006 (unit: CNY100 million) Net Profit & Growth Rate of Beijing Zhongguancun Sci-tech Guaranty Co., 2000-2006 (unit: CNY1 million) Industries Guaranteed by Beijing Zhongguancun Sci-tech Guaranty Co., 2006 Table: China GNP (Q1-Q4 2007) Table: Interest Rate Hikes of China’s Central Bank in 2007 Table: Adjustments to Reserve Requirement Ratio by China’s Central Bank
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