2009年中国保险公司运营数据统计报告 |
字数:0.7万 |
页数:58 |
图表数:109 |
中文电子版:1200元 |
中文纸版:600元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:1700元 |
英文电子版:499美元 |
英文纸版:499美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:799美元 |
发布日期:2010-02 |
附件:下载 |
图:2008-2009年中国平安财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 单位:十亿元  来源:保监会;整理:水清木华研究中心
图:2008-2009年丰泰保险(亚洲)保费收入月度统计及走势图 单位:百万元  来源:保监会;整理:水清木华研究中心
The operating benefit of Chinese insurance companies increased dramatically on the whole in 2009. The total profit of the insurance companies hit RMB53.06 billion. In particular, the property insurance companies achieved RMB3.51 billion of profit, turning losses into gains; and the personal insurance companies realized a total profit of RMB43.46 billion, a considerable rise in business value. The investment return in the whole industry was RMB214.17 billion with profit rate 6.41%, up 4.5 percentage points from the comparable period of last year. There were a total of 22 insurance companies with the rate of return on capital being over 8% apiece.
Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Ping An Property Insurance of China, 2008-2009 (Unit: RMB in Billions) Source: China Insurance Regulatory Commission, ResearchInChina
As of the end of October 2009, the solvency adequacy ratio of all the foreign insurance companies stationed in China had reached above 150% on average, meeting supervision requirements. The foreign life insurance companies made certain achievements in optimizing business structure and improving the quality of development. Generally speaking, foreign insurance companies remained steady growth momentum in terms of business scale and profitability. Still, they played an important role in perfecting the main structure of China’s insurance market, pushing insurance products for innovation and expanding the insurance market in central-western regions of China.
Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Winterthur Insurance (Asia), 2008-2009  Source: China Insurance Regulatory Commission, ResearchInChina
Through over 100 subdivided charts and tables, the report highlights the overall operation, Chinese insurance companies, foreign insurance companies and Sino-foreign joint insurance ventures and the revenue of major insurance products in China's insurance industry, in a bid to help related institutions and investors with a profound understanding of China insurance industry and make right decisions. Based on the report , we will provide revised versions monthly for customers to get timely and accurate information.
第一章 中国保险公司运营数据统计 1.1 中国保险公司机构数量统计 1.2 中国保险公司从业人数统计
第二章 中资保险公司业绩统计 2.1 中资公司财险业绩统计 2.2 中资公司寿险业绩统计
第三章 外资保险公司业绩统计 3.1 外资公司财险业绩统计 3.2 外资公司寿险业绩统计
1. Operation Statistics of Chinese Insurance Companies 1.1 Institution Quantity of Chinese Insurance Companies 1.2 Staff Quantity of Chinese Insurance Companies
2. Performance Statistics of Chinese Insurance Companies 2.1 Property Insurance 2.2 Life Insurance
3. Performance Statistics of Foreign Insurance Companies 3.1 Property Insurance 3.2 Life Insurance
图:2004-2008年保险公司机构数量统计及走势图 图:2004-2008年保险集团公司数量统计及走势图 图:2004-2008年中资保险公司数量统计及走势图 图:2005-2008年中资保险公司省级分公司数量统计及走势图 图:2005-2008年中资保险公司中心支分公司数量统计及走势图 图:2005-2008年中资保险公司支公司数量统计及走势图 图:2005-2008年中资保险公司营业部数量统计及走势图 图:2005-2008年中资保险公司营销服务部数量统计及走势图 图:2004-2008年中外合资公司数量统计及走势图 图:2005-2008年中外合资公司省级分公司数量统计及走势图 图:2003-2008年保险公司职工人数统计及走势图 图:2004-2008年保险集团公司职工人数统计及走势图 图:2004-2008年中资保险公司职工人数统计及走势图 图:2005-2008年中资保险公司省级分公司职工人数统计及走势图 图:2005-2008年中资保险公司中心支分公司职工人数统计及走势图 图:2005-2008年中资保险公司营业部职工人数统计及走势图 图:2005-2008年中资保险公司营销服务部职工人数统计及走势图 图:2003-2008年中外合资保险公司职工人数统计及走势图 图:2003-2008年中外合资保险公司省级分公司职工人数统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中资财产险公司保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中国人民财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中国太平洋财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中国平安财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中国出口信用保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中国大地财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中华联合财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年安邦财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年安诚财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年安华农业保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年安联保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年渤海财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年长安责任保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年大众保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年都邦财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年华安财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年华农财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年华泰财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年上海安信农业保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年太平保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年天安保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年天平汽车保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年阳光财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年阳光农业相互保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年永安财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年永诚财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中国人寿财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中银集团保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中资寿险公司保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中国人寿股份保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中国人寿集团保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中国平安人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年太平洋人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中国人保寿险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年长城人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年合众人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年华泰人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年华夏人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年嘉禾人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年金盛人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年民生人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年瑞泰人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年生命人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年泰康人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年太平人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年新华人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年信诚人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年信泰人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年英大泰和人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年正德人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中国平安养老保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中国人民健康险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年昆仑健康险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年平安健康险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年瑞福德健康险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年外资财产险公司保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年美亚保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年东京海上火灾保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年法国安盟保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年丰泰保险(亚洲)保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年韩国三星火灾海上保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年利宝互助保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年日本爱和谊保险天津分公司保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年日本财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年三井住友海上火灾保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年苏黎世保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年现代财产保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年香港民安保险保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年外资寿险公司保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中保康联人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中德安联人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中法人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中航三星人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中宏人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中美大都会人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中新大东方人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中意人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年中英人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年光大永明人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年广电日生人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年国泰人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年海尔纽约人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年海康人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年恒安标准人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年恒康天安人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年首创安泰人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年太平洋安泰人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年招商信诺人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年金盛人寿保费收入月度统计及走势图 图:2008-2009年美国友邦保险保费收入月度统计及走势图
The Number of Insurance Institutions, 2004-2008 The Number of Insurance Companies, 2004-2008 The Number of Chinese Insurance Companies, 2004-2008 The Number of Province-level Branch Offices Under Chinese Insurance Companies, 2005-2008 The Number of Sub-centers Under Chinese Insurance Companies, 2005-2008 The Number of Sub- offices Under Chinese Insurance Companies, 2005-2008 The Number of Sales Departments Under Chinese Insurance Companies, 2005-2008 The Number of Marketing Services Under Chinese Insurance Companies, 2005-2008 The Number of Sino-foreign Joint Insurance Ventures, 2004-2008 The Number of Province-level Branch Offices Under Sino-foreign Joint Insurance Ventures, 2005-2008 Staff Quantity of Insurance Companies, 2003-2008 Staff Quantity of Insurance Group Companies, 2004-2008 Staff Quantity of Chinese Insurance Companies, 2004-2008 Staff Quantity of Province-level Branch Offices Under Chinese Insurance Companies, 2005-2008 Staff Quantity of Sub-centers Under Chinese Insurance Companies, 2005-2008 Staff Quantity of Sales Departments Under Chinese Insurance Companies, 2005-2008 Staff Quantity of Marketing Services Under Chinese Insurance Companies, 2005-2008 Staff Quantity of Sino-foreign Joint Insurance Ventures,2 004-2008 Staff Quantity of Province-level Branch Offices Under Sino-foreign Joint Insurance Ventures, 2003-2008 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Chinese Property Insurance Companies, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of PICC Property and Casualty Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of China Pacific Property Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Ping An Property Insurance Company of China, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of China Continent Property & Casualty Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of China Insurance, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Anbang Property & Casualty Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Ancheng Property & Casualty Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of AnHua Agricultural Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Allianz Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Bohai Property Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Chang An Property & Liability Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Dazhong Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of DuBon Property Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of SinoSafe Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of China Huanong Property & Casualty Insurance, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of HuaTai Property Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Shanghai Anxin Agricultural Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of China Taiping Insurance, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Tian An Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of TianPing Auto Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Sunshine Property and Casualty Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Sunlight Mutual Insurance, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Yong An Insurance, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of AllTrust Insurance, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of China Life Property and Casualty Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Bank of China Group Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Chinese Life Insurance Companies, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of China Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of China Life Insurance(Group)Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Ping An Life Insurance Company of China, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of China Pacific Life Insurance, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of PICC Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly S Insurance Premium Income of GreatWall Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Union Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of HuaTai Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Huaxia Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Jiahe Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of AXA-Minmetals Assurance, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Minsheng Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Skandia-BSAM Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Sino Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Taikang Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Taiping Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of New China Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of CITIC-Prudential Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Sinatay Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Yingda Taihe Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Dragon Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Ping An Endowment Insurance Company of China, 2008-2009 Monthly Health Insurance Premium Income of PICC Health Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Kunlun Health Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Ping An Health Insurance Company of China, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Reward Health Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Foreign Property Insurance Companies, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of American International Underwriters, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of French Groupama Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Winterthur Insurance (Asia), 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Aioi Insurance Company Tianjin Branch, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Sompo Japan Insurance, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of MitSui Sumitomo Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Zurich Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Hyundai Property Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of HK Ming An Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Foreign Life Insurance Companies, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of China CMG Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Allianz China Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Sino-French Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Samsung Air China Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Manulife-Sinochem Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Sino-US MetLife Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Generali China Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Aviva-Cofco Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Sun Life EverBright Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Nissay-SVA Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Cathay Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Haier New York Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Aegon-Cnooc Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Aegon-Cnooc Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Heng An Standard Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of ING Capital Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of Pacific-AnTai Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of CIGNA and CMC Life Insurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of AXA-Minmetals Assurance Company, 2008-2009 Monthly Insurance Premium Income of American International Assurance, 2008-2009
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