2009中国担保行业研究报告 |
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页数:50 |
图表数:47 |
中文电子版:3500元 |
中文纸版:1750元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:4000元 |
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英文纸版:1300美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:1700美元 |
发布日期:2010-03 |
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图:2005—2009年中国担保机构数量及增速  来源:水清木华研究中心
- 中央以及各省市政府对于有实力的担保机构提供风险补贴和免税优惠。
- 中国企业对担保行业业务依然有巨大的需求;
- 2008年以来的全球金融危机对于中小企业的影响导致了担保风险的提高,也给担保机构筹集担保资金带来了一个定的压力。
- 政府出台了一系列监管规范政策,限制了资质不齐的担保机构的无序增长。
图:2005-2008年中国担保机构筹集担保资本金金额及增速  来源:水清木华研究中心
As of the end of 2008, there had been 4,247 credit guarantee institutions serving SMEs in China, with the guarantee capital of RMB200 million; the total amount of guarantee for SMEs’ loans had reached RMB1.75 trillion, involving 907,000 companies. It is expected that at the end of 2009, there would be over 4,800 credit guarantee institutions serving SMEs in China, with the total guarantee funds of over RMB250 billion; and a cumulative capital of RMB2.6 trillion would be guaranteed for 1.15 million enterprises.
Quantity and Growth Rate of Chinese Guarantee Agencies, 2005-2009  Source: ResearchInChina
The total fundraising of guarantee agencies hit RMB222.5 billion in 2008, a 25.4% YoY rise, much lower than that in 2006 and 2007. In 2009.The number of guarantee agencies as well as the guarantee capital collected by them tended to rise, but the growth rate slowed down gradually, which was similar to 2008.
The factors which promote the development of guarantee industry in the future:
- The central and provincial & municipal governments grant risk subsidies and tax benefits to powerful guarantee agencies.
- Chinese enterprises still have huge demand for guarantee business.
The factors which hamper China guarantee industry:
- The global financial crisis has not only increased the risks of guarantee agencies when they provide guarantee for SMEs, but also brought about some pressure on them when they raise funds.
- ? The Government has issued a series of regulatory policies to limit the development of unqualified guarantee agencies.
Amount and Growth Rate of Guarantee Capital Collected by Chinese Guarantee Agencies, 2005-2008  Source: ResearchInChina
第一章 中国担保行业简介 1.1 担保的基本知识 1.1.1 担保的基本概念和形式 1.1.2 担保的作用 1.2 中国担保行业发展历程
第二章 担保行业环境分析 2.1 中国宏观经济环境 2.2 中国担保政策环境 2.3 中国担保行业监管环境
第三章 中国担保行业发展现状 3.1 中国担保机构整体规模和结构分析 3.1.1 中国担保机构数量 3.1.2 中国担保机构的种类情况 3.2 中国担保机构经营情况分析 3.2.1 中国担保机构担保资本金分析 3.2.2 中国担保行业业务情况分析 3.2.3 中国担保机构盈利情况分析 3.2.4 担保机构风险情况分析 3.3 中国担保行业的市场需求 3.3.1 中小企业融资需求 3.3.2 工程担保需求 3.4 房地产置业担保需求
第四章 主要担保机构运营分析 4.1 中国投资担保有限公司 4.1.1 公司简介 4.1.2经营情况 4.2 中国中科智担保集团股份有限公司 4.2.1 公司简介 4.2.2经营情况 4.3 中投信用担保有限公司 4.3.1 公司简介 4.3.2 经营情况 4.4 北京首创投资担保有限公司 4.4.1 公司简介 4.4.2 经营情况 4.5 北京中关村科技担保有限公司 4.5.1 公司简介 4.5.2 经营情况 4.6 深圳市华融投资担保有限公司 4.6.1 公司简介 4.6.2 经营情况 4.7 深圳市中小企业信用担保中心有限公司 4.7.1 公司简介 4.7.2 经营情况 4.8 广东银达担保投资集团有限公司 4.8.1 公司简介 4.8.2 经营情况 4.9 广东中盈盛达担保投资股份公司 4.9.1 公司简介 4.9.2 经营情况 4.10 上海中财担保有限公司 4.10.1 公司简介 4.10.2 经营情况 4.11 上海市住房置业担保有限公司 4.11.1公司简介 4.11.2 经营情况 4.12 上海银信投资担保有限公司 4.12.1 公司简介 4.12.2 经营情况 4.13 上海融真担保租赁有限公司 4.13.1 公司简介 4.13.2 经营情况 4.14 上海汇金担保有限公司 4.14.1 公司简介 4.14.2 经营情况 4.15 上海恒洋投资担保有限公司 4.15.1 公司简介 4.15.2 经营情况 4.16 中新力合担保公司 4.16.1 公司介绍 4.16.2 经营情况 4.17 其它担保机构
第五章 中国担保行业展望 5.1 政策对中国担保行业的支持 5.2 担保行业集中度提高
1. Introduction to China Guarantee Industry 1.1 Fundamentals 1.1.1 Concepts & Classification 1.1.2 Role 1.2 Development Course
2. Environment for China Guarantee Industry 2.1 Macro-economic Situation 2.2 Guarantee Policies 2.3 Regulatory Environment
3. Development of China Guarantee Industry 3.1 Scale and Structure of Guarantee Institutions 3.1.1 Quantity 3.1.2 Types 3.2 Operation 3.2.1 Guarantee Capital 3.2.2 Business 3.2.3 Profitability 3.2.4 Risks 3.3 Market Demand 3.3.1 SMEs' Demand for Financing 3.3.2 Demand for Construction Guarantee 3.4 Demand for Real Estate Guarantee
4. Key Guarantee Agencies in China 4.1 China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. 4.1.1 Profile 4.1.2Operation 4.2 Credit Orienwise Group Ltd. 4.2.1 Profile 4.2.2 Operation 4.3 China Investment & Credit Guaranty Co., Ltd 4.3.1 Profile 4.3.2 Operation 4.4 Beijing Capital Guarantee & Investment Co., Ltd. 4.4.1 Profile 4.4.2 Operation 4.5 Beijing Zhongguancun Sci-tech Guaranty Co., Ltd. 4.5.1 Profile 4.5.2 Operation 4.6 Shenzhen Huarong Investment Guarantee Co., Ltd. 4.6.1 Profile 4.6.2 Operation 4.7 Shenzhen Small & Medium Enterprises Credit Guarantee Center Co., Ltd. (CGC) 4.7.1 Profile 4.7.2 Operation 4.8 Guangdong Yinda Guaranty Investment Group Co., Ltd. 4.8.1 Profile 4.8.2 Operation 4.9 Guangdong Join-Share Guarantee Investment Co., Ltd. 4.9.1 Profile 4.9.2 Operation 4.10 Shanghai Zhongcai Guarantee Co., Ltd. 4.10.1 Profile 4.10.2 Operation 4.11 Shanghai Estate Guaranty Co, Ltd. 4.11.1Profile 4.11.2 Operation 4.12 Shanghai Yinxin Investment Credit Bank Co., Ltd. 4.12.1 Profile 4.12.2 Operation 4.13 Shanghai Ranking Guarantee & Leasing Co., Ltd. 4.13.1 Profile 4.13.2 Operation 4.14 Shanghai Huijin Guaranty Co., Ltd. 4.14.1 Profile 4.14.2 Operation 4.15 Shanghai Heng-yang Investment Guarantee Co., Ltd. 4.15.1 Profile 4.15.2 Operation 4.16 Uni-power Guaranty Co., Ltd. 4.16.1 Profile 4.16.2 Operation 4.17 Others
5. Outlook of Chinese Guarantee Industry 5.1 Supporting Policies 5.2 Improvement of Industry Concentration
表:中国《担保法》规定的五种担保形式 表:中国担保行业分类 表:2007-2009年中国存贷款基准利率 表:2008-2010年中国存款准备金率调整情况 表:中国2008-2009存款准备金率调整一览 表:中国担保行业相关法律法规 表:中国担保行业监管三个方面 表:中国各部门有关担保行业的规范性文件 表:《融资性担保公司管理暂行办法》重要政策摘要 图:2005—2009年中国担保机构数量及增速 表:担保机构多样化 图:2005-2008年中国不同出资担保机构数量 图:2005-2008年中国不同出资担保机构数量比例 图:2005-2008年中国担保机构筹集担保资本金金额及增速 图:2005-2008政府出资和民间出资担保机构所筹集担保资本比例 图:2005-2008年中国担保机构不同出资来源所筹集担保资本金增速 图:2005-2008年中国担保机构往年累计担保企业数量及增速 图:2005-2008年中国担保机构往年累计担保金额及增速 图:2005-2008年中国担保机构营业收入额及增长率 图:2006—2008年担保机构三大营业收入比例变化 表:担保业务三大风险 表:中国各主要省份中小企业概况 表:工程担保的四大类别 表:2008年度北京工程类担保额数额较大的担保机构名 图:2008年中国铁路和公路营业里程 图:2008中国铁路和公路营业里程增长率 图:2009年中国70个大中城市房价同比月度增幅 表:中国投资担保有限公司信用及担保业务 图:中国投资担保有限公司担保累计总额 图:中国投资担保有限公司历年新增担保额 表:中国中科智担保集团股份有限公司产品和服务 表:战略投资者入股中科智担保集团情况 图:中投信用担保有限公司股东结构 图:北京首创投资担保有限责任公司核心竞争力数据 表:主要专项融资担保优惠政策执行情况 图:2002-2008年中关村担保公司担保规模及增长率 图:2002-2008年中关村担保公司收入及增长率 图:2002-2008年中关村担保公司净利润及增长 表:深圳担保中心主要业务 表:广东银达担保公司主要业务 表:中盈盛达公司主要业务 表:上海中财担保有限公司业务列表 图:2006-2008年上海市住房置业担保有限公司营业收入和净利润 表:上海银信投资担保有限公司业务 表:上海融真担保租赁有限公司业务 表:上海汇金担保有限公司业务列表 图:中新力合担保有限公司股东结构图
Five Guarantee Forms Stipulated by China's Guarantee Law Classification of China Guarantee Industry Benchmark Deposit and Lending Interest Rates in China, 2007-2009 Adjustment of Deposit Reserve Ratio in China, 2008-2010 Adjustment of Deposit Reserve Ratio in China, 2008-2009 Laws and Regulations for China Guarantee Industry Three Aspects Regulated by China Guarantee Industry Regulatory Documents of China's Various Departments for Guarantee Industry Brief of " Interim Management Measures on Financing Guarantee Corporations Quantity and Growth Rate of Chinese Guarantee Agencies, 2005-2009 Diversification of Chinese Guarantee Agencies Quantity of Chinese Guarantee Agencies Funded by Various Investors, 2005-2008 Quantity Proportion of Chinese Guarantee Agencies Funded by Various Investors, 2005-2008 Amount and Growth Rate of Guarantee Capital Collected by Chinese Guarantee Agencies, 2005-2008 Proportion of Guarantee Capital Collected by Chinese Guarantee Agencies Funded by Government and Private Sectors, 2005-2008 Growth Rate of Guarantee Capital Collected by Chinese Guarantee Agencies by Various Ways, 2005-2008 Quantity and Growth Rate of Guarantee Clients, 2005-2008 Amount and Growth Rate of Guarantee Capital of Chinese Guarantee Agencies, 2005-2008 Operating Revenue and Growth Rate of Chinese Guarantee Agencies, 2005-2008 Revenue Ratios of Three Main Businesses of Guarantee Agencies, 2006-2008 Three Major Risks of Guarantee Business Profile of Chinese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Key Provinces Four Categories of Engineering Guarantee Guarantee Institutions with Large Amount of Engineering Guarantee in Beijing, 2008 Operation Mileage of Chinese Railways and Highways, 2008 Operation Mileage Growth Rate of Chinese Railways and Highways, 2008 Year-on-Year Housing Price Growth Rate by Month in 70 Medium and Large Cities in China, 2009 Credit and Guarantee Business of China Investment & Credit Guaranty Co., Ltd Cumulative Guarantee Capital of China Investment & Credit Guaranty Co., Ltd Annual Newly-increased Guarantee Capital of China Investment & Credit Guaranty Co., Ltd Products and Service of Credit Orienwise Group Ltd. Strategic Investors of Credit Orienwise Group Ltd. Equity Structure of China Investment & Credit Guaranty Co., Ltd Core Competitiveness of Beijing Capital Guarantee & Investment Co., Ltd. Implementation of Major Special Financing Guarantee Preferential Policies Guarantee Scale and Growth Rate of Beijing Zhongguancun Sci-tech Guaranty Co., Ltd., 2002-2008 Revenue and Growth Rate of Beijing Zhongguancun Sci-tech Guaranty Co., Ltd., 2002-2008 Net Profit and Growth Rate of Beijing Zhongguancun Sci-tech Guaranty Co., Ltd., 2002-2008 Main Business of Shenzhen Small & Medium Enterprises Credit Guarantee Center Co., Ltd. Main Business of Guangdong Yinda Guaranty Investment Group Co., Ltd. Main Business of Guangdong Join-Share Guarantee Investment Co., Ltd. Business of Shanghai Zhongcai Guarantee Co., Ltd. Operating Revenue and Net Profit of Shanghai Estate Guaranty Co., Ltd., 2006-2008 Business of Shanghai Yinxin Investment Credit Bank Co., Ltd. Business of Shanghai Ranking Guarantee & Leasing Co., Ltd. Business of Shanghai Huijin Guaranty Co., Ltd. Equity Structure of Uni-power Guaranty Co., Ltd.
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