2010年中国ATM机行业研究报告 |
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页数:85 |
图表数:57 |
中文电子版:7000元 |
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发布日期:2011-04 |
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随着国内消费水平的不断提升,中国银行业明显加快扩张与革新的步伐,加大ATM等货币自助设备的投放力度,促进了联网ATM市场的快速增长。截至2010年底,全国联网ATM 保有量为27.1万台,较2009年新增5.61万台,增长幅度为26.11%。
图:2002-2010年中国联网ATM机保有量及增长率(万台)  数据来源:中国人民银行,水清木华研究中心 中国ATM市场保有量迅速增加,但这并不意味着ATM在中国市场已经饱和,相反,中国ATM市场正步入持续发展的稳步增长期。目前中国每百万人口拥有202台ATM,还没有达到世界平均水平,更是不到发达国家的一半。而且,目前ATM也只是在大中城市及县城或一些发达的乡镇中投放,并未普及到城市的每一个社区和农村的每一个村庄。 此外,中国每台ATM 对应的银行卡数量为0.89万张,远高于国际0.40万张的标准配置水平,显示中国ATM 市场需求仍然旺盛,整个行业的发展前景依然可期。 从市场格局上看,中国ATM市场仍然主要是外资公司主导,NCR、日立、迪堡以及德利多富四家占据了52%以上的市场份额。但2006年以来,国产品牌占用率增长很快。2010年,以广电运通、广州御银、深圳怡化为代表的国产品牌的市场占有率约为四成。 广电运通的ATM生产能力和销售规模在国产品牌中均名列第一,自主核心知识产权的ATM产品也逐渐被市场认可。 NCR是国际知名ATM及模块供应商,其产品在中国一直占据很高的市场份额。近年来由于国内厂商发展很快,NCR的市场份额受到了一定程度的冲击,市场份额连年下滑。 迪堡(Diebold)的ATM市场占有率在全球一直名列前茅,2008年以前在中国市场一直保持第一的地位,近两年其市场份额也逐步下滑,但其在安防以及ATM机服务领域发展良好。 日立(Hitachi)拥有近30年的ATM生产经验,其在华ATM业务发展迅速,2010年已位列中国市场第二位。 深圳怡化拥有日本OKI的技术背景,该公司主要专注于存取款循环机的生产和销售,其产销量近年增长迅速,2010年已经跃居中国市场第四。
With the accelerated improvement in domestic consumption level, China’s
banking industry quickens its steps in expansion and innovation by
intensifying the placement of self-service monetary equipment such as
ATM, in an attempt to boost the development of networked ATM market. By
the end of 2010, the networked ATM ownership nationwide increased by
56,100 sets than 2009 to 271,000 sets in 2010, with a 26.11% YOY rise.
China Networked ATM Ownership and Growth Rate, 2002-2010 (10,000 sets)  Source: The People’s Bank of China; ResearchInChina China’s
sharp increase in ATM ownership does not mean that the ATM market has
already been saturated. Instead, the ATM market of China is on its way
for sustained and stable development. Presently, in China, the ATM
ownership realizes 202 sets per million people, much lower than the
international average level and even lower than half of the level of
developed countries. Moreover, ATMs are available only in mid-and
big-cities and counties or some developed villages and towns across
China, and have not spread over every community in cities and every
village in rural regions yet. In addition, an ATM serves 8,900
bankcards on average in China, outnumbering the global standard of 4,000
ones. This indicates robust demand of China’s ATM market and prosperous
market potential. In terms of market pattern, foreign companies
including NCR, Hitachi, Diebold and Wincor Nixdorf still dominate the
ATM market of China, with the combined market share exceeding 52%.
However, the market occupancy of homegrown brands represented by GRG
Banking Equipment, Guangzhou KingTeller Technology and Shenzhen YIHUA
has increased rapidly since 2006, and reached around 40% in 2010. GRG
Banking Equipment ranks the first place among its homegrown equivalents
in terms of ATM capacity and sales scale. And its ATM products with
independent core intellectual property rights have been gradually
recognized by the market. NCR is a world-renowned ATM and ATM
module provider, the products of which have long been occupying
considerable market share in China. Impacted by its fast-growing Chinese
counterparts, NCR has seen consecutive years of decline in its market
share. Diebold has long been a front-runner in terms of the
global ATM market occupancy. Before 2008, it remained the champion in
Chinese market, but has seen gradual slump in its market share in recent
years. Nevertheless, it develops well in security and ATM service
areas. With nearly three decades of ATM production experience,
Hitachi has developed by leaps and bounds in China. In 2010, it became
the runner-up in Chinese market. YIHUA, with the technical
support from Japan-based OKI, specializes in the production and sales of
cash recycle system (CRS). In 2010, YIHUA jumped to the fourth place in
the Chinese market in terms of CRS output and sales volume.
第一章 全球ATM市场发展分析 1.1 全球ATM市场概况 1.2 国外ATM市场运营模式分析及借鉴
第二章 中国ATM市场分析 2.1 中国ATM市场规模 2.2 中国ATM市场竞争格局分析 2.3 中国ATM运营行业分析 2.4 中国ATM市场发展趋势
第三章 2010年银行机构投资ATM情况 3.1 2010年银行卡发卡情况与ATM对应数量 3.2 2010年各银行ATM采购与投放情况 3.2.1各银行ATM采购情况 3.2.2各银行ATM投放情况 3.3 2010年各银行ATM建设动态 3.3.1 中国工商银行(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,ICBC) 3.3.2 中国建设银行(China Construction Bank,CBC) 3.3.3 中国农业银行(Agricultural Bank of China, ABC) 3.3.4 中国银行(Bank of China, BOC) 3.3.5 交通银行(Bank of Communications, BCM) 3.3.6 中国邮政储蓄银行(Postal Savings Bank of China, PSBC) 3.3.7 招商银行(China Merchants Bank, CMB) 3.3.8 光大银行(China Everbright Bank, CEB) 3.3.9 中信银行(China CITIC Bank, CITIC)
第四章 中国ATM制造商经营状况分析 4.1 NCR 4.1.1 企业简介 4.1.2 企业经营情况 4.1.3 企业发展动态 4.2 DIEBOLD 4.2.1 企业简介 4.2.2 企业经营情况 4.2.3 企业发展动态 4.3 WINCOR NIXDORF 4.3.1 企业简介 4.3.2 企业经营情况 4.3.3 企业发展动态 4.4 广州广电运通金融电子有限公司(GRG BANKING) 4.4.1 企业简介 4.4.2 企业经营情况 4.4.3 企业发展动态 4.5 广州御银科技股份有限公司(KINGTELLER) 4.5.1 企业简介 4.5.2 企业经营情况 4.5.3 企业发展动态 4.6南京三商信息系统设备有限公司(MDC) 4.7日立金融设备系统(深圳)有限公司(HITACHI-HFES) 4.7.1 企业简介 4.7.2 企业经营情况 4.8 FUJITSU 4.9 北京晓星电脑技术有限公司(HYOSUNG) 4.10辰通智能设备(深圳)有限公司(TOUCHSTONE) 4.11 深圳市怡化电脑有限公司(YIHUA) 4.12 北京立德金融设备系统有限责任公司(LEADSYS)
第五章 中国ATM市场投资机会分析 5.1 风险分析 5.1.1 市场风险分析 5.1.2 技术风险分析 5.1.3 政策风险分析 5.2 机会分析 5.2.1 市场机会分析 5.2.2 政策机会分析 5.3 投资策略 5.3.1 进入行业壁垒分析 5.3.2 结论和观点
1. Development of Global ATM Market
1.1 Overview of Global ATM Market
1.2 Operation Model of Foreign ATM Market for Reference
2. China ATM Market
2.1 Market Scale
2.2 Competition Pattern
2.3 Operation
2.4 Development Tendency
3. ATM Investment of Banking Institutions in 2010
3.1 Bankcard Issuing and Corresponding ATM Quantity in 2010
3.2 ATM Purchasing & Placement by Bank in 2010
3.2.1 ATM Purchasing
3.2.2 ATM Placement
3.3 ATM Construction by Bank in 2010
3.3.1 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)
3.3.2 China Construction Bank (CBC)
3.3.3 Agricultural Bank of China (ABC)
3.3.4 Bank of China (BOC)
3.3.5 Bank of Communications (BCM)
3.3.6 Postal Savings Bank of China (PSBC)
3.3.7 China Merchants Bank (CMB)
3.3.8 China Everbright Bank (CEB)
3.3.9 China CITIC Bank (CITIC)
4. Operation of ATM Manufacturers in China
4.1 NCR
4.1.1 Profile
4.1.2 Operation
4.1.3 Development
4.2.1 Profile
4.2.2 Operation
4.2.3 Development
4.3.1 Profile
4.3.2 Operation
4.3.3 Development
4.4.1 Profile
4.4.2 Operation
4.4.3 Development
4.5.1 Profile
4.5.2 Operation
4.5.3 Development
4.6 MDC
4.7.1 Profile
4.7.2 Operation
4.11 YIHUA
5. Investment in Chinese ATM Market
5.1 Risks
5.1.1 Market Risk
5.1.2 Technology Risk
5.1.3 Policy Risk
5.2 Opportunities
5.2.1 Market Opportunity
5.2.2 Policy Opportunity
5.3 Investment Strategy
5.3.1 Entry Barrier
5.3.2 Conclusion & Viewpoint
图:2007-2013年全球ATM市场保有量预测(百万台) 图:2008-2013年中国和美国ATM保有量对比(千台) 图:2002-2010年中国联网ATM机保有量及增长率(万台) 图:2005-2010年中国联网ATM机新增量情况(千台) 图:2005-2010年中国ATM机每百万人保有量变化(台) 图:2010年中国ATM市场销售占有率(台) 图:ATM运营合作运营盈利模式 图:ATM运营融资租赁盈利模式 表:国内ATM运营商 图:2005-2010中国存取款机保有量及增量情况(千台) 图:2005-2010中国存取款机保有量占ATM机总保有量比重 图:2005-2010年中国银行卡总量(百万张) 图:2006-2010年中国银行卡交易笔数和交易金额 图:2001-2010年中国每台ATM对应银行卡数量(万张) 图:2010年各银行ATM 终端增量对比(台) 图:2010年末各银行ATM投放数量及占比 图:2010年各银行每营业网点拥有ATM 量(台) 图:2005-2010年工商银行ATM投放数量(台) 图:2006-2010年建设银行ATM投放数量(台) 图:2007-2010年农业银行ATM投放数量(台) 图:2008-2010年中国银行ATM投放数量(台) 图:2006-2010年交通银行ATM投放数量(台) 图:2009-2010年中国光大银行ATM投放数量(台) 图:2005-2010年中信银行ATM投放数量(台) 图:2005-2010年NCR销售收入变化走势(百万美元) 图:2007-2010年NCR在华ATM销售量(台) 图:2006-2010年NCR公司ATM机订单数量(中国大陆地区) 表:NCR主要ATM产品 图:2005-2010年Diebold公司全球销售收入变化 图:2010年Diebold公司业务分布(百万美元) 图:2007-2010年迪堡在华ATM销售量(台) 表:迪堡主要产品 图:2005-2010年Wincor Nixdorf销售收入变化(百万欧元) 图:2005-2010年Wincor Nixdorf公司(分行业)销售收入占比 图:2007-2010年德利多富在华ATM销售量(台) 表:Wincor Nixdorf公司主要ATM机产品 图:2005—2010年广电运通营业收入(百万人民币) 图:2006—2010年广电运通整体毛利率趋势 图:2006—2010年广电运通ATM和AFC毛利率趋势 图:2005-2010年广电运通ATM销售数量及销售额(台、百万元) 图:2010年广电运通前五大客户销售额及占比(百万人民币) 表:广电运通主要ATM机产品 图:2005-2010年御银股份主营业务收入变化(百万人民币) 图:2007-2010年御银股份(分产品)营收结构(百万元) 图:2006-2010年御银股份ATM运营与ATM销售毛利率对比 表:御银股份合作运营主要合作伙伴 表:御银股份融资租赁主要合作伙伴 表:御银股份主要产品 表:南京三商公司主要产品 表:南京三商公司主要客户 图:2007-2010年日立在华ATM销售量(台) 图:日立主要的ATM产品 表:富士通8000系列ATM技术指标与特点 表:晓星主要ATM产品列表 表:深圳辰通主要ATM产品列表 表:怡化电脑主要ATM产品列表 表:北京立德主要ATM产品列表 表:工商银行主要收费项目调整明细
Global ATM Market Ownership, 2007-2013E ATM Ownership in China & USA, 2008-2013 China Networked ATM Ownership & Growth Rate, 2002-2010 Increment of China Networked ATM, 2005-2010 China ATM Ownership per Million People, 2005-2010 China ATM Market Sales Occupancy, 2010 Profit Model of ATM Collaboration Operation Profit Model of ATM Financial Leasing Operation Domestic ATM Operators China CRS Ownership & Increment, 2005-2010 Proportion of CRS Ownership to Total ATM Ownership in China, 2005-2010 China Bankcard Quantity, 2005-2010 Total Transactions and Transaction Value of Bankcards in China, 2006-2010 Quantity of Bankcards per ATM in China, 2001-2010 ATM Terminal Increment by Bank, 2010 ATM Placement Quantity & Proportion by Bank, 2010 Quantity of ATMs per Business Outlet by Bank, 2010 ATM Placement Quantity of ICBC, 2005-2010 ATM Placement Quantity of CCB, 2006-2010 ATM Placement Quantity of ABC, 2007-2010 ATM Placement Quantity of BOC, 2008-2010 ATM Placement Quantity of BCM, 2008-2010 ATM Placement Quantity of CEB, 2009-2010 ATM Placement Quantity of CITIC, 2005-2010 Sales of NCR, 2005-2010 ATM Sales Volume of NCR in China, 2007-2010 ATM Orders of NCR in Chinese Mainland, 2006-2010 Major ATM Products of NCR Global Sales of Diebold, 2005-2010 Business Distribution of Diebold, 2010 ATM Sales Volume of Diebold in China, 2007-2010 Major ATM Products of Diebold Sales of Wincor Nixdorf, 2005-2010 Sales of Wincor Nixdorf by Sector, 2005-2010 ATM Sales Volume of Wincor Nixdorf in China, 2007-2010 Major ATM Products of Wincor Nixdorf Operating Income of GRG BANKING, 2005-2010 Consolidated Gross Margin of GRG BANKING, 2006-2010 Gross Margin of ATM and AFC of GRG BANKING, 2006-2010 ATM Sales Volume & Sales Value of GRG BANKING, 2005-2010 Top 5 Customers of GRG BANKING by Sales, 2010 Major ATM Products of GRG BANKING Operating Income of KINGTELLER, 2005-2010 Operating Income Structure of KINGTELLER by Product, 2007-2010 ATM Operation & ATM Sales Gross Margin of KINGTELLER, 2006-2010 Major Partners of KINGTELLER by Collaboration Operation Major Partners of KINGTELLER by Financial Leasing Operation Major Products of KINGTELLER Major Products of MDC Major Customers of MDC ATM Sales Volume of HITACHI-HFES in China, 2007-2010 Major ATM Products of HITACHI-HFES Technical Indexes and Features of 8000 ATM series Made by Fujitsu Major ATM Products of HYOSUNG Major ATM Products of TOUCHSTONE Major ATM Products of YIHUA Major ATM Products of LEADSYS Adjustment Details of ICBC's Major Charge Items
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