2010-2011年中国农村商业银行市场研究报告 |
字数:2.4万 |
页数:91 |
图表数:108 |
中文电子版:7500元 |
中文纸版:3750元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:8000元 |
英文电子版:1999美元 |
英文纸版:2099美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:2299美元 |
发布日期:2011-06 |
附件:下载 |
中国农村商业银行的数量增加迅速,截止2010年底,中国已组建85家农商行。尤其是在2010年,监管层对农商行的上市表达了积极的态度后,中国农商行整体进入了加速发展期。截至2010年底,中国农商行资产总额2.8万亿人民币,负债总额2.6万亿人民币,2010年实现税后利润279.9亿元。中国农村商业银行在银行业金融机构中的比例也从2006年的1.15%上升至2010年的2.90%。 图表:2006-2010年中国农商行资产总额及其在中国银行业中的比例 来源:中国银监会 2010年末,中国农商行不良贷款率2.34%,较2010年初下降0.43个百分点,但不良贷款余额288.2亿元,比2010年初增加17.1亿元,成为中国各类银行中唯一一类不良贷款余额不降反升的银行。截至2010年3月末,中国农商行资本充足率12%,贷款损失准备充足率166.4%,拨备覆盖率130%。 目前,“改制→增资扩股→上市”成为中国农商行扩张主要路径。重庆农商行2010年底赴港上市;北京农商行增资扩股为IPO辅路;广州农商行声称3至5年登陆A股市场等等。 中国农商行虽然发展迅速,但发展水平不一:规模大的农商行如北京农商行资产总量在3000亿元以上;规模小的农商行资总产则仅十几亿元,相差上百倍。 北京农商银行:2011年5月,完成总额134.316亿元的增资扩股工作,注册资本金由50.75亿元增至95.52亿元。截止2010年末资产总额3358亿元;存款余额3008亿元;贷款余额1391亿元;不良贷款率4.77%。按总资产排名,北京农商银行是中国最大的农村商业银行及中国第20大商业银行。 重庆农商行:2010年赴香港上市,成为中国首家上市农商行。截止2010年末资产总额2855.46亿元;存款总额2055.63亿元;贷款总额1210.25亿元;不良贷款率2.38%。按总资产排名,重庆农商行是中国第二大农村商业银行及中国第21大商业银行。 上海农商银行:注册资本50亿元人民币。截止2010年末资产总额2513.29亿元;存款余额2109.94亿元;贷款余额1412.13亿元;不良贷款率1.36%。按总资产排名,是中国第三大农村商业银行。 广州农商行:截止2010年末资产总额2114亿元;存款余额1781亿元;贷款余额1066亿元。广州农商行谋划通过设立村镇银行的方式开展跨区域经营模式。该行计划在2~3年内在全国发起设立30家村镇银行,并最终成立村镇银行控股公司,实现村镇银行的专业化管理。 常熟农商行:截止2010 年末资产总额520.89亿元;存款余额441.11 亿元;贷款余额262.94 亿元;不良贷款率0.78%。2011年常熟农商行IPO申请获得了中国银监会的批准。 成都农商银行:截止2010年末资产总额1603亿元;存款余额1315亿元;贷款余额826亿元;拥有员工5475名;营业网点629个。2011年1月,该行定向募股40.02亿股,募资后注册资本增至100亿元。 本报告分布从银行的经营规模、资产质量、盈利状况、贷款分布、发展规模、股权结构等方面详细分析了中国最具有影响力的20家农商行。
The number of rural commercial banks in China has expanded rapidly, and
it had reached 85 up to the end of 2010. Chinese rural commercial banks
have accelerated the development particularly in 2010 when the
supervision authority showed the active attitude towards the listing of
rural commercial banks. At the end of 2010, the total assets of Chinese
rural commercial banks registered RMB2.8 trillion, the total liabilities
RMB2.6 trillion, and the after-tax profit RMB27.99 billion; meanwhile,
Chinese rural commercial banks took a rising proportion in banking
financial institutions from 1.15% in 2006 to 2.90% in 2010. Total Assets of Chinese Rural Commercial Banks and Proportions in Chinese Banking Industry, 2006-2010  Source: CBRC At
the end of 2010, the non-performing loan ratio of Chinese rural
commercial banks turned out to be 2.34%, down 0.43 percentage point
against early 2010; however, the balance of bad loans amounted to
RMB28.82 billion, an increase of RMB1.71 billion from the beginning of
2010, and the rural commercial banks became the sole category that
featured the rising bad loan balance among various banks in China. At
the end of March 2010, the capital adequacy ratio of Chinese rural
commercial banks arrived at 12%, the adequacy ratio of loan loss
provision 166.4%, and the provision coverage ratio 130%. Currently,
‘system reform→ ownership enlargement→ public listing’ is the major
expansion approach of rural commercial banks in China. Chongqing Rural
Commercial Bank went public in Hong Kong at the end of 2010; Beijing
Rural Commercial Bank practiced ownership enlargement to set the stage
for IPO; Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank proclaimed to land at A-share
market in 3~5 years; etc. The development levels of Chinese
rural commercial banks vary in spite of the rapid progress. The total
assets of large-scale rural commercial banks like Beijing Rural
Commercial Bank surpass RMB300 billion, while that of small-sized ones
are merely above RMB1 billion each. Beijing Rural Commercial Bank: in
May 2011, it accomplished the capital increase of RMB13.4316 billion,
and the registered capital rose to RMB9.552 billion from RMB5.075
billion. At the end of 2010, the total assets reached RMB335.8 billion;
the deposit balance RMB300.8 billion; the loan balance RMB139.1 billion;
and the ratio of non-performing loan 4.77%. Based on the ranking by
total assets, Beijing Rural Commercial Bank is the largest rural
commercial bank and No.20 commercial bank in China. Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank: it
went public in Hong Kong in 2010 and it was the first listed rural
commercial bank in China. Up till the end of 2010, the total assets
registered RMB285.546 billion, the total deposit RMB205.563 billion, the
total loan RMB121.025 billion, and the ratio of non-performing loan
2.38%. According to the ranking by total assets, Chongqing Rural
Commercial Bank is the second largest rural commercial bank and No.21
commercial bank in China. Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank (SRCB): it
owns the registered capital of RMB5 billion. At the end of 2010, the
total assets rested on RMB251.329 billion, the deposit balance
RMB210.994 billion, the loan balance RMB141.213 billion, and the ratio
of non-performing loan 1.36%. Concerning the ranking by total assets,
SRCB is the third largest rural commercial bank in China. Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank: the
total assets arrived at RMB211.4 billion, the deposit balance RMB178.1
billion, and the loan balance RMB106.6 billion as of 2010 year-end.
Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank plans to develop the trans-regional
operation mode by means of establishing village & town-level banks.
It intends to set up 30 village & town-level banks in 2~3 years and
ultimately found the holding company for village & town-level banks
so as to obtain the professionalized management of village &
town-level banks. Changshu Rural Commercial Bank: at the
end of 2010, the total assets hit RMB52.089 billion, the deposit balance
RMB44.111 billion, the loan balance RMB26.294 billion, and the ratio of
non-performing loan 0.78%. The IPO application of Changshu Rural
Commercial Bank was approved by CBRC in 2011. Chengdu Rural Commercial Bank (CDRCB): up
to the end of 2010, the total assets got to RMB160.3 billion; the
deposit balance RMB131.5 billion; the loan balance RMB82.6 billion; the
employees 5,475; and the number of banking offices 629. In January 2011,
CDRCB issued the directional offering of 4.002 billion shares, and the
registered capital therefore advanced to RMB10 billion. The
report probes deeply into the 20 most influential rural commercial banks
in China from the aspects of operation scale, asset quality,
profitability, loan distribution, development, equity structure, etc.
第一章 中国经济金融形势 1.1.中国经济概况 1.2中国金融概况
第二章 中国银行业概况 2.1中国银行业金融机构数量 2.2中国银行业金融机构资产规模 2.2.1资产、负债及所有者权益总额 2.2.2不同机构类型占比 2.3中国银行业金融机构存贷款规模 2.4中国银行业金融机构资产质量情况 2.4.1不良贷款情况 2.4.2资本充足率水平 2.4.3拨备水平 2.4.4流动性情况 2.5中国银行业金融机构盈利水平
第三章 中国农村商业银行概述 3.1中国农商行发展历程 3.2中国农商行发展路径 3.3中国农商行发展环境 3.3.1中国农村金融服务覆盖水平 3.3.2中国加快组建新型农村金融机构
第四章 中国农村商业银行运行情况分析 4.1法人机构数量及从业人员情况 4.2资产、负债及所有者权益 4.2.1资产总额 4.2.2负债总额 4.2.3所有者权益 4.3盈利情况 4.4资产质量情况
第五章 重点银行经营情况分析 5.1北京农商银行 5.1.1公司简介 5.1.2经营情况 5.2上海农商银行 5.2.1公司简介 3.2.2经营情况 5.3重庆农商行 5.3.1公司简介 5.3.2经营情况 5.4张家港农商行 5.4.1公司简介 5.4.2经营情况 5.5吴江农商行 5.5.1公司简介 5.5.2经营情况 5.6常熟农商行 5.6.1公司简介 5.6.2经营情况 5.7江阴农商行 5.7.1公司简介 5.7.2经营情况 5.8江南农商行 5.8.1公司简介 5.8.2经营情况 5.9深圳农商行 5.9.1公司简介 5.9.2经营情况 5.10广州农商行 5.10.1公司简介 5.10.2经营情况 5.11无锡农商行 5.11.1公司简介 5.11.2经营情况 5.12滨海银行 5.12.1公司简介 5.12.2经营情况 5.13东莞农商行 5.13.1公司简介 5.13.2经营情况 5.14苏州银行 5.14.1公司简介 5.14.2经营情况 5.15成都农商银行 5.15.1公司简介 3.15.2经营情况 5.16杭州联合银行 5.16.1公司简介 5.16.2经营情况 5.17江苏太仓农商行 5.17.1公司简介 5.17.2经营情况 5.18顺德农商银行 5.18.1公司简介 5.18.2经营情况 5.19武汉农商行 5.19.1公司简介 5.19.2经营情况 5.20昆山农商行 5.20.1公司简介 5.20.2经营情况
1. Economic and Financial Environment in China
1.1 Economy
1.2 Finance
2. China’s Banking Industry
2.1 Quantity of Financial Institutions
2.2 Asset Scale
2.2.1 Total Assets, Total Liabilities & Owner’s Equity
2.2.2 Proportions of Different Institutions
2.3 Deposits and Loans
2.4 Asset Quality
2.4.1 Non-Performing Loan
2.4.2 Capital Adequacy Ratio
2.4.3 Provision
2.4.4 Liquidity
2.5 Profitability
3. Overview of China’s Rural Commercial Banks
3.1 Development History
3.2 Development Route
3.3 Development Environment
3.3.1 Coverage of China's Rural Financial Services
3.3.2 China Speeds Up the Establishment of New Rural Financial Institutions
4. Operation of China’s Rural Commercial Banks
4.1 Institution Numbers & Employees
4.2 Total Assets, Total Liabilities & Owner’s Equity
4.2.1 Total Assets
4.2.2 Total Liabilities
4.2.3 Owner’s Equity
4.3 Profitability
4.4 Asset Quality
5. Key Rural Commercial Banks
5.1 Beijing Rural Commercial Bank
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.2 Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank (SRCB)
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.3 Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.4 Rural Commercial Bank of Zhangjiagang
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.5 Wujiang Rural Commercial Bank
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.6 Changshu Rural Commercial Bank
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Operation
5.7 Jiangsu Jiangyin Rural Commercial Bank
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Operation
5.8 Jiangnan Rural Commercial Bank
5.8.1 Profile
5.8.2 Operation
5.9 Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank
5.9.1 Profile
5.9.2 Operation
5.10 Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank
5.10.1 Profile
5.10.2 Operation
5.11 Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank
5.11.1 Profile
5.11.2 Operation
5.12 Binhai Bank
5.12.1 Profile
5.12.2 Operation
5.13 Dongguan Rural Commercial Bank (DRC Bank)
5.13.1 Profile
5.13.2 Operation
5.14 Bank of Suzhou
5.14.1 Profile
5.14.2 Operation
5.15 Chengdu Rural Commercial Bank (CDRCB)
5.15.1 Profile
5.15.2 Operation
5.16 Hangzhou United Bank
5.16.1 Profile
5.16.2 Operation
5.17 Taicang Rural Commercial Bank
5.17.1 Profile
5.17.2 Operation
5.18 Foshan Shunde Rural Commercial Bank
5.18.1 Profile
5.18.2 Operation
5.19 Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank
5.19.1 Profile
5.19.2 Operation
5.20 Kunshan Rural Commercial Bank
5.20.1 Profile
5.20.2 Operation
图表:2006-2010年中国货币供应情况 图表:2006-2010年中国银行业人民币存贷款总额 图表:2010年中国银行业不同类型金融机构数量分布 图表:2006-2010年中国银行业金融机构资产、负债及所有者权益总额 图表:2006-2010年中国不同类型金融机构资产占比 图表:2006-2010年中国银行业金融机构存贷款余额及存贷比 图表:2006-2010年中国商业银行不良贷款余额及不良贷款率 图表:2010年商业银行资本充足率情况表 图表:2006-2010年资本充足率达到8%的银行数量和资产占比 图表:2006-2010年中国商业银行资产减值准备及拨备覆盖率 图表:2010年中国银行业金融机构流动性比例图 图表:2007-2010年中国银行业金融机构利润结构图 图表:部分农商行上市和上市准备情况 图表:2009-2010年金融服务空白乡镇分布变化图 图表:2010年中国农村不同类型金融机构数量及从业人员统计 图表:2010年中国农商行机构数量和从业人员在中国银行业的比例 图表:2006-2010年中国农商行资产总额统计 图表:2006-2010年中国农商行资产总额占银行业金融机构比例 图表:2006-2010年中国农商行负债总额统计 图表:2007-2010年中国农商行所有者权益统计 图表:2007-2010年中国农商行税后利润统计 图表:2007-2010年中国农商行税后利润占银行业金融机构比例 图表:2007-2010年北京农商银行业务规模情况 图表:2007-2010年北京农商银行资产质量情况 图表:2008-2010年上海农商银行业务规模情况 图表:2008-2010年上海农商银行资产质量情况 图表:2010年上海农商银行贷款投放前五位的行业及比例 图表:2010年上海农商银行前五大股东持股情况 图表:2007-2010年重庆农商行业务规模情况 图表:2007-2010年重庆农商行盈利情况 图表:2007-2010年重庆农商行主要盈利能力指标 图表:2007-2010年重庆农商行资产质量情况 图表:2007-2010年重庆农商行主要业务经营情况 图表:2007-2010年重庆农商行主要业务地区分布情况 图表:2010年重庆农商行股权结构 图表:2008-2010年张家港农商行业务规模情况 图表:2008-2010年张家港农商行资产质量情况 图表:2010年张家港农商行贷款投放前五位的行业及比例 图表:2007-2010年吴江农商行业务规模情况 图表:2010年吴江农商行主要财务指标增减变动幅度及其原因 图表:2010年吴江农商行存贷款市场份额 图表:2010年吴江农商行资产质量情况 图表:2010年吴江农商行贷款行业分布 图表:2010年吴江农商行股权结构 图表:2010年吴江农商行前五大股东持股情况 图表:吴江农商行2011年经营计划 图表:2008-2010年常熟农商行业务规模情况 图表:2010年常熟农商行主要财务指标增减变动幅度及原因 图表:2007-2010年常熟农商行资产质量情况 图表:2010年常熟农商行贷款主要行业分布情况 图表:2010年常熟农商行股权结构 图表:2010年常熟农商行前五大股东持股情况 图表:常熟农商行对外投资情况 图表:常熟农商行设立的村镇银行2010年经营情况 图表:2009-2010年江阴农商行业务规模情况 图表:2010年江阴农商行贷款行业分布 图表:2010年江阴农商行贷款地区分布 图表:江阴农商行投资村镇银行情况 图表:2010年江阴农商行股权结构 图表:2010年江阴农商行股东数量 图表:1996-2009年深圳农商行利润统计 图表:2009-2010年广州农商行业务规模情况 图表:2009-2010年广州农商行收入构成 图表:2010年广州农商行贷款行业分布 图表:广州农商行村镇银行建设情况 图表:2008-2010年无锡农商行业务规模情况 图表:2010年无锡农商行贷款主要行业分布情况 图表:2009-2010年无锡农商行资本的构成及其变化情况 图表:2009-2010年无锡农商行资产质量情况 图表:2009-2010年无锡农商行呆账准备变动情况 图表:2009-2010年无锡农商行盈利情况 图表:2010年无锡农商行股权结构 图表:2008-2010年滨海银行主要经营数据 图表:2008-2010年滨海银行资产质量情况 图表:2010年滨海银行前十大股东持股情况 图表:2008-2010年苏州银行主要经营数据 图表:2010年苏州银行资产质量情况 图表:2010年苏州银行贷款行业分布 图表:2010年苏州银行股权结构 图表:2009-2010年杭州联合银行经营规模 图表:2009-2010年杭州联合银行资产质量情况 图表:2009-2010年杭州联合银行营业收入构成情况 图表:2009-2010年杭州联合银行贷款结构 图表:2010年杭州联合银行贷款行业分布 图表:杭州联合银行投资情况 图表:2010年杭州联合银行股权结构 图表:2010年杭州联合银行前五大股东持股情况 图表:2010年江苏太仓农商行经营规模 图表:2010年江苏太仓农商行资产质量情况 图表:2009-2010年江苏太仓农商行营业收入构成情况 图表:2010年江苏太仓农商行股权结构 图表:2008-2010年顺德农商银行主要经营数据 图表:2008-2010年顺德农商银行资产质量情况 图表:2010年顺德农商银行贷款行业分布 图表:2010年顺德农商银行股权结构 图表:2009-2010年武汉农商行主要经营数据 图表:2009-2010年武汉农商行主要财务指标增减变动幅度及原因 图表:2009-2010年武汉农商行资产质量 图表:2010年武汉农商行贷款行业分布 图表:2010年武汉农商行股权结构 图表:2009-2010年昆山农商行主要经营数据 图表:2009-2010年昆山农商行主营业务构成情况 图表:2009-2010年昆山农商行主要财务指标增减变动幅度及原因 图表:2009-2010年昆山农商行资产质量 图表:2010年昆山农商行股权结构 图表:2010年昆山农商行贷款行业分布 图表:昆山农商行长期股权投资情况
Currency Supply in China, 2006-2010 Total RMB Deposits & Loans of Chinese Banking Industry, 2006-2010 Quantity of Different Financial Institutions in China, 2010 Total Assets, Total Liabilities & Owner’s Equity of China’s Financial Institutions, 2006-2010 Market Share of China’s Different Financial Institutions by Assets, 2006-2010 Deposit Balance, Outstanding Loan, and Deposit-to-Loan Ratio of Chinese Financial Institutions, 2006-2010 Non-Performing Loan Balance & Non-Performing Loan Ratio of China’s Commercial Banks, 2006-2010 Capital Adequacy Ratio of Commercial Banks, 2010 Quantity and Asset Proportion of Banks Meeting the CAR Requirement (8%), 2006-2010 Asset Impairment Provisions and Provision Coverage Ratio of Commercial Banks in China, 2006-2010 Liquidity Condition of Financial Institutions in Chinese Banking Industry, 2010 Profit Structure of Financial Institutions in Chinese Banking Industry, 2007-2010 Listing & Listing Preparations of Some Rural Commercial Banks Distribution of Villages and Towns with Financial Service Vacancy in China, 2009-2010 Quantities & Employees of Different Rural Financial Institutions in China, 2010 Quantities & Employees of Chinese Rural Commercial Banks and Their Proportions in Chinese Banking Industry, 2010 Total Assets of China’s Rural Commercial Banks, 2006-2010 Proportion of Rural Commercial Banks in Banking Financial Institutions by Total Assets, 2006-2010 Total Liabilities of China’s Rural Commercial Banks, 2006-2010 Owner’s Equity of China’s Rural Commercial Banks, 2007-2010 Profit after Tax of China’s Rural Commercial Banks, 2007-2010 Proportion of Rural Commercial Banks in Banking Financial Institutions by Profit after Tax, 2007-2010 Operation Scale of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, 2007-2010 Asset Quality of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, 2007-2010 Operation Scale of Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, 2008-2010 Asset Quality of Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, 2008-2010 Top 5 Loan Industries & Proportions of Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Equity of Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank 's Top Five Shareholders, 2010 Operation Scale of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank, 2007-2010 Profit of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank, 2007-2010 Key Profitability Indices of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank, 2007-2010 Asset Quality of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank, 2007-2010 Main Business Operation of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank, 2007-2010 Major Businesses of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank by Region, 2007-2010 Equity Structure of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Operation Scale of Rural Commercial Bank of Zhangjiagang, 2008-2010 Asset Quality of Rural Commercial Bank of Zhangjiagang, 2008-2010 Top 5 Loan Industries & Proportions of Rural Commercial Bank of Zhangjiagang, 2010 Operation Scale of Wujiang Rural Commercial Bank, 2008-2010 Key Financial Index Changes and the Causes of Wujiang Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Deposit & Loan Market Share of Wujiang Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Asset Quality of Wujiang Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Loan Distribution of Wujiang Rural Commercial Bank by Sector, 2010 Equity Structure of Wujiang Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Equity of Wujiang Rural Commercial Bank 's Top Five Shareholders, 2010 Operation Plan of Wujiang Rural Commercial Bank, 2011 Operation Scale of Changshu Rural Commercial Bank, 2008-2010 Key Financial Index Changes and the Causes of Changshu Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Asset Quality of Changshu Rural Commercial Bank, 2007-2010 Loan Distribution of Changshu Rural Commercial Bank by Sector, 2010 Equity Structure of Changshu Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Equity of Changshu Rural Commercial Bank 's Top Five Shareholders, 2010 Investment of Changshu Rural Commercial Bank Operation of Changshu Rural Commercial Bank at Village and Town Level, 2010 Operation Scale of Jiangsu Jiangyin Rural Commercial Bank, 2009-2010 Loan Distribution of Jiangsu Jiangyin Rural Commercial Bank by Sector, 2010 Loans Distribution of Jiangsu Jiangyin Rural Commercial Bank by Region, 2010 Investment of Jiangsu Jiangyin Rural Commercial Bank at Village and Town Level Equity Structure of Jiangsu Jiangyin Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Shareholder Number of Jiangsu Jiangyin Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Profit of Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank,1996-2009 Operation Scale of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank, 2009-2010 Revenue Structure of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank, 2009-2010 Loan Distribution of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank by Sector, 2010 Construction of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank at Village and Town Level Operation Scale of Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank, 2008-2010 Loan Distribution of Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank by Sector, 2010 Capital Structure of Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank, 2009-2010 Asset Quality of Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank, 2009-2010 Provision for Doubtful Debts of Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank, 2009-2010 Profitability of Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank, 2009-2010 Equity Structure of Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Operation Data of Binhai Bank, 2008-2010 Asset Quality of Binhai Bank, 2008-2010 Equity of Binhai Bank 's Top Ten Shareholders, 2010 Operation Data of Bank of Suzhou, 2008-2010 Asset Quality of Bank of Suzhou, 2010 Loan Distribution of Bank of Suzhou by Sector, 2010 Equity Structure of Bank of Suzhou, 2010 Operation Scale of Hangzhou United Bank, 2009-2010 Asset Quality of Hangzhou United Bank, 2009-2010 Operating Income Structure of Hangzhou United Bank, 2009-2010 Loan Structure of Hangzhou United Bank, 2009-2010 Loan Distribution of Hangzhou United Bank by Sector, 2010 Investment of Hangzhou United Bank Equity Structure of Hangzhou United Bank, 2010 Equity of Hangzhou United Bank 's Top Five Shareholders, 2010 Operation Scale of Taicang Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Asset Quality of Taicang Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Operating Income Structure of Taicang Rural Commercial Bank, 2009-2010 Equity Structure of Taicang Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Operation Data of Foshan Shunde Rural Commercial Bank, 2008-2010 Asset Quality of Foshan Shunde Rural Commercial Bank, 2008-2010 Loan Distribution of Foshan Shunde Rural Commercial Bank by Sector, 2010 Equity Structure of Foshan Shunde Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Operation Scale of Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank, 2009-2010 Key Financial Index Changes and the Causes of Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Asset Quality of Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank, 2009-2010 Loan Distribution of Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank by Sector, 2010 Equity Structure of Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Operation Data of Kunshan Rural Commercial Bank, 2009-2010 Main Business Structure of Kunshan Rural Commercial Bank, 2009-2010 Key Financial Index Changes and the Causes of Kunshan Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Asset Quality of Kunshan Rural Commercial Bank, 2009-2010 Equity Structure of Kunshan Rural Commercial Bank, 2010 Loan Distribution of Kunshan Rural Commercial Bank by Sector, 2010 Long-term Equity Investments of Kunshan Rural Commercial Bank, 2010
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