2011-2012年全球及中国砷化镓(GaAs)器件行业研究报告 |
字数:1.5万 |
页数:91 |
图表数:86 |
中文电子版:7500元 |
中文纸版:3750元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:8000元 |
英文电子版:1800美元 |
英文纸版:1900美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:2100美元 |
发布日期:2012-05 |
附件:下载 |
不同于传统的硅半导体(Silicon Semiconductor),GaAs属于化合物半导体(Compound Semiconductor),又称III-V族半导体,主要用在手机射频前端,如PA。进入4G时代,手机的射频前段变得更加复杂,4G设备的射频前端成本大约为9-11美元,是3G系统的两倍,是2G系统的6倍。手机射频系统主要元件包括收发器Transceiver、功率放大器Power Amplifier、滤波器Filters和Antenna Switches。2011年此市场规模大约为38亿美元,预计到2016年达到50亿美元。 以4G版本的iPad 为例,其使用了多达19个射频前端元件,主要包括7个PA,1个收发器,2个天线开关模块(ASM)。其中AVAGO提供3个PA,分别对应LTE的3个波段。Skyworks提供2个,分别对应3G的两个波段。Triquint提供1个PA,其内部包含3个独立的PA裸晶(Die),对应2G的4个波段。还有一个PA包含在日本Murata提供的ASM中。4G版本iPad的两个ASM都由Murata提供,此外Broadcom的BCM4330负责802.11/Bluetooth/FM,此SiP的IC里包含了Skyworks提供的GaAs pHEMT功率放大器。 2011-2012年全球GaAs厂家收入排名(单位:百万美元)  日本的Murata是全球最大的MLCC厂家,也是第一大通讯模块厂家,包括蓝牙模块、WLAN模块等。同时Murata还是全球第二大SAW滤波器厂家,全球第一大天线开关厂家。2012年3月1日,Murata完成对Renesas旗下PA事业部的收购,从而进军PA市场,Murata在手机射频市场具备最齐全的产品线。 Kopin、VPEC、IQE则是全球三大GaAs Epilayer厂家,三家合计的市场占有率超过60%。Kopin和VPEC是采用MOCVD法生产,IQE是MBE法。GaAs基板厂家公开上市的只有AXT一家,其总部虽然在美国,但是早在2003年该公司就被一家大连的中国公司收购,其制造基地位于北京。 Win Semiconductor(全懋)是最大的GaAs 晶圆代工厂,主要客户是AVAGO。AWSC主要客户是Skyworks,不过Skyworks自己也拥有GaAs 晶圆厂,只有在产能不足时,才外包生产。Anadigics是最小规模的GaAs IDM厂,2011年其收入下滑了29%。 RFMD曾经是全球第一大PA厂家,但是过分依赖大客户。2008财年,诺基亚占了其收入的59%,摩托罗拉占了14%。诺基亚在3G时代和智能手机时代快速下滑,RFMD也因此转型缓慢,业绩也随之下滑,2011年收入下滑大约17%。 SKYWORKS则如日中天,全球前10大手机厂家都是其主要客户,其客户分布最为合理,技术也最优秀 。AVAGO则是后起之秀,专供3G和4G领域。AVAGO在2008年收购Infineon的BAW部门使其在BAW Filter领域市场占有率达65%,而BAW Filter是手机中价格最高的射频前端部件。未来AVAGO与Skyworks将一争高下。 SEDI是日本住友电工旗下的子公司,住友电工是全产业链厂家,从最上游的Substrate到下游的IC,全部覆盖。SEDI的产品主要是对应Base staion的PA。 RDA是中国大陆厂家,依托大陆强大的白牌(Grey)手机制造业迅速发展,2011年收入增幅达51.3%,在白牌手机的PA、蓝牙、FM Turner、DVB-S Tuner市场均为中国第一,FM Turner和DVB-S Tuner市场占有率超过50%。
Distinct from traditional silicon semiconductor, gallium arsenide (GaAs)
is a compound of the elements gallium and arsenic. It is an III-V
semiconductor and is mainly used in handset RF front end like power
amplifier (PA). In the 4G era, handset RF front end becomes more
sophisticated. The RF front end of 4G devices costs around USD9-11,
twice of that of 3G system and 6 times of that of 2G system. The handset
RF system mainly consists of transceiver, PA, filter and antenna
switch. The market size of handset RF approximated USD3.8 billion and is
expected to hit USD5 billion in 2016. Taking 4G iPad for
example, it applies as many as 19 RF front-end components, including 7
PAs, 1 transceiver and 2 antenna switch modules (ASM). Of those devices,
3 PAs are provided by AVAGO and correspond to three LTE frequency
bands; 2 PAs are supplied by Skyworks and correspond to two 3G frequency
bands; 1 PA is offered by TriQuint, which contains three separate PA
dies and corresponds to four 2G frequency bands; the rest 1 PA is in the
ASM supplied by Japan-based Murata; the two ASMs are provided by
Murata. Additionally, 4G iPad is integrated with 802.11/Bluetooth/FM
supported by Broadcom BCM4330, and its SIP IC contains GaAs pHEMT PA
provided by Skyworks. Revenue of Global GaAs Manufacturers, 2011-2012 (Unit: US$M)
is the largest MLCC manufacturer, the largest communication module
(including Bluetooth module and WLAN module) producer, the second
largest SAW filter manufacturer and the largest antenna switch producer
in the world. On March 1, 2012, Murata completed the acquisition on PA
Division of Renesas and marched into PA market, which empowers the
company to possess the most complete product line in the handset RF
market. Kopin, VPEC and IQE are the world’s top three GaAs
Epilayer manufacturers, together accounting for over 60% market share.
Kopin and VPEC adopt MOCVD process and IQE applies MBE method.
Headquartered in the U.S., AXT, the only publicly traded GaAs substrate
company, was acquired by a Chinese company in Dalian as early as in
2003, with manufacturing base located in Beijing. Win
Semiconductor is the largest GaAs foundry with AVAGO as its main
customer. AWSC’s major client is Skyworks that has its own GaAs fab and
outsources its production in the case of insufficient capacity.
Anadigics is the smallest GaAs IDM and its revenue fell by 29% in 2011. RFMD,
once the world’s largest PA manufacturer, relies heavily on big
customers. In FY2008, Nokia contributed to 59% of RFMD’s revenue, and
Motorola 14%. In the era of 3G and smart phone, Nokia’s business drops
sharply, so RFMD shows slow transition and sees declining performance,
with revenue slipping 17% or so in 2011. Skyworks is in its
heyday. It is supported by its main customers, the global top 10 mobile
phone vendors, and boasts the most reasonable customer distribution and
first-class technology. AVAGO is a rising star and provides services for
3G and 4G devices. Its acquisition of Infineon’s BAW Division in 2008
makes AVAGO market share in BAW filter area register as high as 65%, and
BAW filter enjoys the highest price among the handset RF front end
components. AVAGO and Skyworks may rival each other in the coming years. SEDI
is a subsidiary of Sumitomo Electric Industries which acts as a
manufacturer possessing the complete industry chain ranging from the
upstream substrate to the downstream IC. The products of SEDI target at
the PA of base station. RDA, a Chinese mainland manufacturer,
booms by virtue of unbranded phone fabrication, with revenue growing
51.3% in 2011. The company ranks No. 1 in the market of unbranded cell
phone PA, Bluetooth, FM turner and DVB-S tuner, and occupies more than
50% of FM turner and DVB-S tuner market share.
第一章、GaAs简介 1.1、GaAs简介 1.2、GaAs应用 1.3、GaAs、GaN、SiGe对比 1.4、GaAs制造工艺 1.4.1、BiHEMT 1.4.2、BiHEMT
第二章、GaAs产业 2.1、GaAs产业链 2.2、全球GaAs产能 2.3、GaAs供需分析 2.4、GaAs厂家排名
第三章、GaAs下游市场 3.1、网络设备市场 3.2、手机市场 3.3、全球手机市场规模 3.4、手机品牌市场占有率
第四章、无线射频系统前端分析 4.1、iPad 4G 通讯系统分析 4.2、手机射频前段系统 4.3、手机滤波器 4.3.1、TDK-EPC 4.4、手机天线开关 4.5、手机PA 4.6、手机PA与手机品牌配套关系
第五章、GaAs厂家研究 5.1、Murata 5.2、Kopin 5.3、住友电气半导体分部 5.4、Freiberger 5.5、AXT 5.6、IQE 5.7、稳懋 5.8、宏捷科技 5.9、全新光电 5.10、GCS 5.11、Triquint 5.12、AVAGO 5.13、Anadigics 5.14、RFMD 5.15、锐迪科RDA 5.16、Skyworks 5.17、SEDI 5.18、Hittite Microwave 5.19、M/A-COM Technology
1 Profile of GaAs
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Applications
1.3 Comparison: GaAs, GaN and SiGe
1.4 Manufacturing Process
1.4.1 BiHEMT
1.4.2 BiHEMT
2 GaAs-based Device Industry
2.1 Industry Chain
2.2 Global Capacity
2.3 Supply & Demand
2.4 Ranking of Manufacturers
3 Downstream Market of GaAs-based Device
3.1 Network Devices
3.2 Mobile Phone
3.3 Global Mobile Phone Market Size
3.4 Market Share of Mobile Phone Brands
3.5 Smartphone Market and Industry
3.6 Geographical Distribution of Chinese Mobile Phone Industry
3.7 Export Scale of Chinese Mobile Phone
3.8 Characteristics of Chinese Mobile Phone Exports
3.9 Exports of Chinese Mobile Phone by Region
4 Wireless RF Front-end
4.1 iPad 4G Communication System
4.2 RF Front-end for Mobile Phone
4.3 Mobile Phone Filter
4.3.1 TDK-EPC
4.4 Antenna Switch for Mobile Phone
4.5 Mobile Phone PA
4.6 PA Suppliers for Mobile Phone Brands
5 GaAs-based Device Manufacturers
5.1 Murata
5.2 Kopin
5.3 Semiconductor Division of Sumitomo Electric
5.4 Freiberger
5.5 AXT
5.6 IQE
5.7 Win Semiconductor
5.8 AWSC
5.9 VPEC
5.10 GCS
5.11 TriQuint
5.12 AVAGO
5.13 Anadigics
5.14 RFMD
5.15 RDA
5.16 Skyworks
5.17 SEDI
5.18 Hittite Microwave
5.19 M/A-COM Technology
GaAs产业链主要厂家 2008年-2013年全球主要GaAs IDM厂家产能 2008年-2013年全球主要GaAs Foundry厂家产能 2010-2015全球GaAs需求分析 全球GaAs厂家产能市场占有率 2011-2012年全球GaAs厂家收入排名 2010-2015全球无线家用网络设备出货量 2010-2015全球企业级网络设备出货量 2010-2014年全球Wi-Fi设备出货量 2010-2015年4G手机所占比例 2010-2015年平均每部手机PA使用量 2007-2013年自动对焦相机手机出货量 2007-2014年全球手机出货量 2009年1季度-2011年4季度每季度全球手机出货量 与年度增幅 2010-2012年3G/4G手机出货量地域分布 2010-2016年手机中滤波器与双工器市场规模 2011年BAW、SAW主要厂家市场占有率 2008-2011年TDK-EPC收入与EBIT 2008-2011年TDK-EPC收入产品分布 2010-2016年手机天线开关出货量技术分布2010-2016 2011年全球手机天线开关主要厂家市场占有率 2010-2011年全球主要手机PA厂家收入 2011年3G、4G手机PA主要厂家市场占有率 2011年2G手机PA主要厂家市场占有率 2010-2011年诺基亚手机PA主要供应厂家比例 2010-2011年三星手机PA主要供应厂家比例 2010-2011年LG手机PA主要供应厂家比例 2011年中国白牌(Grey Brand)手机PA市场主要厂家市场占有率 2010-2011年APPLE PA主要供应厂家比例 2009年1季度-2011年4季度Murata收入、新订单与Backlog 2009年1季度-2011年4季度Murata运营利润、净利润 2011-2012财年Murata收入产品分布 2011-2012财年Murata收入下游应用分布 2010-2011年全球GaAs Epilayer厂家市场占有率 Kopin全球分布 2006-2011年KOPIN收入与运营利润率 2008-2011年KOPIN收入业务分布 2008-2011年KOPIN收入客户分布 2004-2011年AXT收入与运营利润率 2006-2011年AXT收入产品分布 2006-2011年AXT收入地域分布 2005-2011年IQE收入与运营利润率 2008-2011年IQE收入业务分布 2008、2009年IQE收入地域分布 2005-2012年稳懋收入与运营利润率 2009年1季度-2011年3季度稳懋毛利率\净利率\运营利润率 2010年3月-2012年3月稳懋月度收入 稳懋核心竞争力 2005-2011年稳懋产能 2006-2012年宏捷科技收入与毛利率 2010年3月-2012年3月宏捷科技月度收入 2005-2012年VPEC收入与运营利润率 2001-2012年TRIQUNIT收入与毛利率 2005-2011年TRIQUINT收入业务分布 2005-2010年TRIQUINT手机业务收入制式分布 2009年1季度-2011年4季度TRIQUINT德州厂GaAs产能 2009年1季度-2011年4季度TRIQUINT德州厂BAW产能 2009年1季度-2011年4季度TRIQUINT佛罗里达厂FLSAW产能 2009年1季度-2011年4季度TRIQUINT哥斯达黎加厂FLIP CHIP产能 智能手机RF架构趋势 2004-2011财年AVAGO收入与运营利润率 2007-2011财年AVAGO收入部门分布 2010财年1季度-2012财年1季度AVAGO收入、毛利率、运营利润、净利润 2003-2011年ANADIGICS收入与毛利率 2007-2011年ANADIGICS收入客户分布 2005-2011年ANADIGICS收入业务分布 2008-2011年ANADIGICS收入地域分布 2002-2012财年RFMD收入与运营利润率 2009-2012财年RFMD收入部门分布 2010-2011财年RFMD收入地域分布 2007-2011年RDA收入与运营利润率 2009年1季度-2012年1季度RDA收入 2010年1季度-2012年1季度RDA毛利率 RDA产品中国市场占有率 RDA产品时间表 RDA产品路线图 RDA BASEBAND路线图 RDA收入产品分布 2002-2011财年SKYWORKS收入与毛利率 2007-2011财年SKYWORKS各项支出 2010财年1季度-2012财年2季度SKYWORKS收入与运营利润率 2005-2011财年SKYWORKS收入地域分布 2007-2011财年SKYWORKS收入客户分布 2007-2011年Hittite Microwave收入与运营利润 2007-2011年M/A-COM收入与运营利润 2010-2011年M/A-COM收入产品分布
Main Manufacturers in GaAs Industry Chain Capacity of Major GaAs IDMs Worldwide, 2008 -2013E Capacity of Global Key GaAs Foundry, 2008-2013E Global Demand for GaAs, 2010-2015E Market Share of Global GaAs Manufacturers by Capacity Ranking of Global GaAs Manufacturers by Revenue, 2011-2012E Shipment of Wireless Home Network Devices Worldwide, 2010-2015E Shipment of Global Enterprise Network Devices, 2010-2015E Global Wi-Fi Device Shipment, 2010-2014E Proportion of 4G Mobile Phone, 2010-2015E PA Usage Amount per Mobile Phone, 2010-2015E Autofocus Camera Phone Shipment, 2007-2013E Global Mobile Phone Shipment, 2007-2014E Quarterly Global Mobile Phone Shipment and Annual Growth Rate, Q12009-Q42011 3G/4G Mobile Phone Shipment by Region, 2010-2012E Market Size of Mobile Phone Filter and Duplexer, 2010-2016 Market Share of Main BAW and SAW Filter Manufacturers, 2011 Revenue and EBIT of TDK-EPC, 2008-2011 TDK-EPC Revenue by Product, 2008-2011 Shipment of Mobile Phone Antenna Switch by Technology, 2010-2016E Market Share of Global Key Mobile Phone Antenna Switch Manufacturers, 2011 Revenue of Global Mobile Phone PA Manufacturers, 2010-2011 Market Share of 3G/4G Mobile Phone PA Manufacturers, 2011 Market Share of 2G Mobile Phone PA Manufacturers, 2011 Main PA Suppliers for Nokia Mobile Phone, 2010-2011 Major PA Suppliers for Samsung Mobile Phone, 2010-2011 Key PA Suppliers for LG Mobile Phone, 2010-2011 Market Share of Main Grey Brand Phone PA Manufacturers in China, 2011 Major Apple PA Suppliers, 2010-2011 Revenue, New Order and Backlog of Murata, Q1 2009-Q4 2011 Operating Income and Net Income of Murata, Q1 2009-Q4 2011 Murata Revenue by Product, FY2011-FY2012 Murata Revenue by Application, FY2011-FY2012 Market Share of Global GaAs Epilayer Manufacturers, 2010-2011 Global Presence of Kopin Revenue and Operating Margin of Kopin, 2006-2011 Kopin Revenue by Business, 2008-2011 Kopin Revenue by Customer, 2008-2011 Revenue and Operating Margin of AXT, 2004-2011 ATX Revenue by Product, 2006-2011 ATX Revenue by Region, 2006-2011 Revenue and Operating Margin of IQE, 2005-2011 IQE Revenue by Business, 2008-2011 IQE Revenue by Region, 2008 and 2009 Revenue and Operating Margin of Win Semiconductor, 2005-2012E Gross Margin, Net Profit Margin and Operating Margin of Win Semiconductor, Q1 2009-Q3 2011 Monthly Revenue of Win Semiconductor, Mar. 2010-Mar. 2012 Core Competitiveness of Win Semiconductor Capacity of Win Semiconductor, 2005-2011 Revenue and Gross Margin of AWSC, 2006-2012E Monthly Revenue of AWSC, Mar. 2010-Mar. 2012 Revenue and Operating Margin of VPEC, 2005-2012E Revenue and Gross Margin of TriQuint, 2001-2012E TriQuint Revenue by Business, 2005-2011 Revenue of TriQuint Mobile Phone Business by System, 2005-2010 GaAs Capacity of TriQuint Texas Plant, Q1 2009-Q4 2011 BAW Filter Capacity of TriQuint Texas Plant, Q1 2009-Q4 2011 FLSAW Capacity of TriQuint Florida Plant, Q1 2009-Q4 2011 Flip Chip Capacity of TriQuint Costa Rica Plant, Q1 2009-Q4 2011 Smartphone RF Structure Trend Revenue and Operating Margin of AVAGO, FY2004-FY2011 AVAGO Revenue by Division, FY2007-FY2011 Revenue, Gross Margin, Operating Income and Net Income of AVAGO, Q1 FY2010-Q1 FY2012 Revenue and Gross Margin of ANADIGICS, 2003-2011 ANADIGICS Revenue by Customer, 2007-2011 ANADIGICS Revenue by Business, 2005-2011 ANADIGICS Revenue by Region,2008-2011 Revenue and Operating Margin of RFMD, FY2002- FY2012 RFMD Revenue by Division, FY2009-FY2012 RFMD Revenue by Region, FY2010-FY2011 Revenue and Operating Margin of RDA, 2007-2011 RDA Revenue, Q1 2009-Q1 2012 Gross Margin of RDA, Q1 2010-Q1 2012 Market Share of RDA Products in China PDA Product Timetable RDA Product Roadmap RDA Baseband Roadmap RDA Revenue by Product Revenue and Gross Margin of Skyworks, FY2002-FY2011 Expenses of Skyworks, FY2007-FY2011 Revenue and Operating Margin of Skyworks, Q1 FY2010-Q2 FY2012 Skyworks Revenue by Region, FY2005-FY2011 Skyworks Revenue by Customer, FY2007-FY2011 Revenue and Operating Income of Hittite Microwave, 2007-2011 Revenue and Operating Income of M/A-COM, 2007-2011 M/A-COM Revenue by Product, 2010-2011
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