2011-2012年全球及中国耐火材料行业研究报告 |
字数:6.9万 |
页数:164 |
图表数:153 |
中文电子版:9000元 |
中文纸版:4500元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:9500元 |
英文电子版:2400美元 |
英文纸版:2500美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:2700美元 |
发布日期:2012-06 |
附件:下载 |
近年来,全球耐火材料工业正在经历兼并重组的变革。奥镁集团(RHI)、库克森集团(Cookson)、摩根坩埚集团(Morgan Crucible)等世界知名耐火材料厂商纷纷实施跨国并购。
目前,RHI已经在中国大连、辽宁的大石桥、营口鲅鱼圈以及山东建立了工厂,并在大连设立了贸易公司。 1986年,维苏威公司加入Cookson,借助于母公司强大的经济实力,其在中国已经建立了十余个子公司,代表企业有维苏威高级陶瓷(苏州)有限公司、营口鲅鱼圈耐火材料有限公司、鞍钢维苏威耐火材料有限公司、福士科耐火材料(天津)有限公司等。
Morgan Crucible是世界最大的陶瓷纤维企业之一,在中国已经设立了多个陶瓷纤维企业,包括摩根凯龙(荆门)热陶瓷有限公司、摩根热陶瓷(上海)有限公司等。2011年1月,该集团收购了中国石墨供应商长沙海容新材料有限公司(Hairong New Materials),并更名摩根海容新材料有限责任公司(Morgan AM&T Hairong)。
China is a major producer and exporter of refractory materials in the
world. In recent years, driven by iron and steel, nonferrous metals,
cement, glass and other downstream industries, China refractory material
industry has witnessed rapid growth. From 2003-2011, China's refractory
material output grew at an average annual growth rate of 9.0%; the
export volume rose at an average annual growth rate of 11.3%.
refractory materials, unshaped refractory materials have been promoted
vigorously because of simple production technology, less energy
consumption, strong adaptability and other advantages. In 2011, the
output of unshaped refractory materials was 11.171 million tons,
accounting for 37.9% of China's total output, up 3.6 percentage points
from 2009, but the proportion was still very low compared with over 50%
in developed industrial countries.
In addition, chromium-free
alkaline refractory materials, bio-soluble refractory ceramic fiber and
other green and eco-friendly products have been developed and produced
For chromium-free alkaline refractory materials,
Ruitai established an industrial base in 2008, and now it can produce
35,000 tons of high-quality chrome-free alkaline refractory materials
annually. In May 2011, Sinosteel Refractory Materials Co., Ltd. started
building a high-quality eco-friendly chromium-free alkaline refractory
materials production line with an annual capacity of 150,000 tons.
for bio-soluble refractory ceramic fiber, Luyang developed bio-soluble
eco-friendly magnesium silicate ceramic fiber independently in 2009.
Lijin Huitong Fiber Materials Co., Ltd. commenced a bio-soluble ceramic
fiber project in 2010. In 2011, Morgan Kailong (Jingmen) Thermal
Ceramics Co., Ltd. of Morgan Crucible began to produce biodegradable
heat insulation fiber - SUPERWOOL.
The report not only studies
the status quo, key products and the market of the industry, but also
analyzes seven international companies as well as 19 key Chinese
enterprises (Puyang Refractories, Shandong Luyang, Ruitai, Beijing Lier,
In recent years, the global refractory material industry
has been experiencing mergers and acquisitions. RHI, Cookson, Morgan
Crucible and other world-renowned refractory material manufacturers have
implemented cross-border mergers and acquisitions.
RHI has established factories in Dalian, Liaoning Dashiqiao, Yingkou
Bayuquan and Shandong. Besides, it has set up a trading company in
In 1986, Vesuvius joined Cookson. With the powerful
economic strength of the parent company, Vesuvius has established more
than ten subsidiaries in China, including Vesuvius Advanced Ceramics
(Suzhou) Co., Ltd. and Yingkou Bayuquan Refractory Materials Co., Ltd.,
Ansteel Vesuvius Refractory Materials Co., Ltd., Foseco Refractory
Materials (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. and so on.
Morgan Crucible is one
of the world's largest ceramic fiber enterprises. It has set up a number
of ceramic fiber companies in China, including Morgan Kailong (Jingmen)
Thermal Ceramics Co., Ltd., Morgan Thermal Ceramics (Shanghai) Co.,
Ltd. and so forth. In January 2011, the group acquired a Chinese
graphite supplier - Changsha Hairong New Materials, and changed its name
to Morgan AM&T Hairong.
Driven by the consolidation and
reorganization boom in the global refractory material market, as well as
large-scale reorganization and integration in steel and cement
industries, China refractory material industry has also entered the
integration stage, and representative enterprises include Puyang
Refractories, Ruitai and Beijing Lier.
Puyang Refractories:
In 2011, it acquired 100% stake of Haicheng LinLi Mining Co., Ltd. in
March and 95% stake of Haicheng Huayin High-tech Material Co., Ltd. in
September, and established a joint venture - Tibetan Puyang Refractories
High-purity Magnesium Materials Co., Ltd. in August.
In 2011, the company set up Zhengzhou Ruitai Refractory Technology Co.,
Ltd., acquired and restructured Anhui Ningguo Kaiyuan Electric
Wear-resistant Materials Co., Ltd.
Beijing Lier: In
February 2011, the company set up Liaoning Lier High Temperature
Materials Co., Ltd., and planned to build a 60,000 tons / year
production line of high-quality refractory materials for secondary
refining. In March, it cooperated with Baotou Steel to set up a joint
venture - Baotou Steel Lier High Temperature Materials Co., Ltd. In
July, it acquired Ma'anshan Kaiyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
for 73% stake.
第一章 耐火材料简介 1.1 定义及分类 1.1.1 定义 1.1.2 分类 1.2 产品特性 1.3 上下游 1.3.1 上游 1.3.2 下游
第二章 全球耐火材料发展现状 2.1 行业现状 2.2 企业现状 2.3 技术现状
第三章 中国耐火材料发展现状 3.1 中国耐材的国际地位 3.2 行业现状 3.3 企业现状 3.4 技术现状
第四章 中国耐火材料市场分析 4.1 供应情况 4.1.1 产量 4.1.2 产量构成 4.2 需求情况 4.2.1 钢铁用耐火材料 4.2.2 玻璃用耐火材料 4.2.3 水泥用耐火材料 4.3 进出口情况 4.3.1 耐火原料出口 4.3.2 耐火制品出口
第五章 耐火材料细分产品市场分析 5.1 熔铸耐火材料 5.1.1 发展现状 5.1.2 竞争格局 5.1.3 前景预测 5.2 碱性耐火材料 5.2.1 发展现状 5.2.2 无铬碱性耐火材料 5.2.3 竞争格局 5.3 不定形耐火材料 5.3.1 发展现状 5.3.2 市场竞争 5.3.3 产量预测 5.4 陶瓷纤维 5.4.1 世界陶瓷纤维发展现状 5.4.2 中国陶瓷纤维发展现状 5.4.3 重点企业 5.4.4 发展前景
第六章 中国耐火材料竞争分析 6.1 区域竞争 6.1.1 河南 6.1.2 辽宁 6.1.3 山东 6.2 产品竞争 6.3 企业竞争
第七章 国际耐火材料重点企业研究 7.1奥镁集团 7.1.1 企业简介 7.1.2 经营情况 7.1.3 在华发展 7.2库克森集团 7.2.1 企业简介 7.2.2 经营情况 7.2.3 在华发展 7.3 黑崎播磨公司 7.3.1 企业简介 7.3.2 经营情况 7.3.3 在华发展 7.4 巴西镁业耐火材料 7.4.1 企业简介 7.4.2 经营情况 7.4.3 在华发展 7.5摩根坩埚集团 7.5.1 企业简介 7.5.2 经营情况 7.5.3 在华发展 7.6 圣戈班集团 7.6.1 企业简介 7.6.2 经营情况 7.6.3 在华发展 7.7 日本品川白炼瓦株式会社 7.7.1 企业简介 7.7.2 经营情况 7.7.3 在华发展 本章小结
第八章 中国耐火材料重点企业研究 8.1 濮阳濮耐高温材料(集团)股份有限公司 8.1.1 企业简介 8.1.2 经营情况 8.1.3 营收构成 8.1.4 毛利率 8.1.5 发展战略 8.2 山东鲁阳股份有限公司 8.2.1 企业简介 8.2.2 经营情况 8.2.3 营收构成 8.2.4 毛利率 8.2.5 主要供应商及客户 8.2.6 重点项目 8.2.7 竞争优势 8.3瑞泰科技股份有限公司 8.3.1 企业简介 8.3.2 经营情况 8.3.3 营收构成 8.3.4 毛利率 8.3.5 子公司经营情况 8.3.6 发展战略 8.4北京利尔高温材料股份有限公司 8.4.1 企业简介 8.4.2 经营情况 8.4.3 营收构成 8.4.4 毛利率 8.4.5 发展战略 8.5浙江金磊高温材料股份有限公司 8.5.1 企业简介 8.5.2 经营情况 8.5.3 营收构成 8.5.4 毛利率 8.5.5 重点项目 8.5.6 竞争优势 8.6营口青花集团有限公司 8.6.1 企业简介 8.6.2 经营情况 8.6.3 重点项目 8.6.4 研发能力 8.7海城市后英经贸集团有限公司 8.7.1 企业简介 8.7.2 经营情况 8.8营口金龙集团耐火材料有限公司 8.8.1 企业简介 8.8.2 经营情况 8.9 海城镁矿耐火材料总厂 8.9.1 企业简介 8.9.2 经营情况 8.10 浙江自立股份有限公司 8.10.1 企业简介 8.10.2 经营情况 8.10.3 重点项目 8.11江苏苏嘉集团有限公司 8.11.1 企业简介 8.11.2 经营情况 8.12 通达耐火技术股份有限公司 8.12.1 企业简介 8.12.2 经营情况 8.12.3 重点项目 8.12.4 研发能力 8.13中钢集团洛阳耐火材料研究院有限公司 8.13.1 企业简介 8.13.2 经营情况 8.13.3 研发能力 8.14山东耐火材料集团有限公司 8.14.1 企业简介 8.14.2 经营情况 8.14.3 主要子公司 8.15其他企业 8.15.1洛阳大洋电熔耐火材料有限公司 8.15.2 郑州华威耐火材料股份有限公司 8.15.3中钢集团耐火材料有限公司 8.15.4北京西普耐火材料有限公司 8.15.5淄博旭硝子电熔材料有限公司 本章小结
第九章 中国耐火材料行业发展趋势 9.1存在的问题 9.2发展趋势
1. Profile of Refractory Materials
1.1 Definition and Classification
1.1.1 Definition
1.1.2 Classification
1.2 Product Characteristics
1.3 Upstream and Downstream
1.3.1 Upstream
1.3.2 Downstream
2. Development of Refractory Materials Worldwide
2.1 Industry Status
2.2 Enterprise Status
2.3 Technology Status
3. Development of Refractory Materials in China
3.1 Status of China's Refractory Material Industry in the World
3.2 Industry Status
3.3 Enterprise Status
3.4 Technology Status
4. Refractory Material Market in China
4.1 Supply
4.1.1 Output
4.1.2 Output Structure
4.2 Demand
4.2.1 Refractory Materials for Steel Industry
4.2.2 Refractory Materials for Glass Industry
4.2.3 Refractory Materials for Cement Industry
4.3 Import and Export
4.3.1 Export of Refractory Raw Materials
4.3.2 Export of Refractory Products
5. Refractory Market Segments in China
5.1 Fused Cast Refractories
5.1.1 Current Status
5.1.2 Competition
5.1.3 Development Prospect
5.2 Basic Refractory Materials
5.2.1 Current Status
5.2.2 Chrome-free Basic Refractory Materials
5.2.3 Competition
5.3 Unshaped Refractory Materials
5.3.1 Current Status
5.3.2 Competition
5.3.3 Production Forecast
5.4 Ceramic Fiber
5.4.1 Development of Ceramic Fiber Worldwide
5.4.2 Development of Ceramic Fiber in China
5.4.3 Key Enterprise
5.4.4 Development Prospect
6. Competition in China’s Refractory Material Industry
6.1 Regional Competition
6.1.1 Henan
6.1.2 Liaoning
6.1.3 Shandong
6.2 Product Competition
6.3 Competition among Enterprises
7. Key Enterprises Worldwide
7.1 RHI
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Development in China
7.2 Cookson
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 Development in China
7.3 Krosaki
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 Development in China
7.4 Magnesita Refratários
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.4.3 Development in China
7.5 Morgan Crucible
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Operation
7.5.3 Development in China
7.6 Saint-Gobain
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Operation
7.6.3 Development in China
7.7 Shinagawa
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Operation
7.7.3 Development in China
8. Key Enterprises in China
8.1 Puyang Refractories Group Co., Ltd.
8.1.1 Profile
8.1.2 Operation
8.1.3 Revenue Structure
8.1.4 Gross Margin
8.1.5 Development Strategy
8.2 Shandong Luyang Share Co., Ltd.
8.2.1 Profile
8.2.2 Operation
8.2.3 Revenue Structure
8.2.4 Gross Margin
8.2.5 Major Suppliers and Customers
8.2.6 Key Project
8.2.7 Competitive Advantage
8.3 Ruitai Materials Technology Co., Ltd.
8.3.1 Profile
8.3.2 Operation
8.3.3 Revenue Structure
8.3.4 Gross Margin
8.3.5 Operation of Subsidiary Companies
8.3.6 Development Strategy
8.4 Beijing Lier High-temperature Materials Co., Ltd.
8.4.1 Profile
8.4.2 Operation
8.4.3 Revenue Structure
8.4.4 Gross Margin
8.4.5 Development Strategy
8.5 Zhejiang Jinlei Refractories Co., Ltd.
8.5.1 Profile
8.5.2 Operation
8.5.3 Revenue Structure
8.5.4 Gross Margin
8.5.5 Key Project
8.5.6 Competitive Edge
8.6 Yingkou Qinghua Group Co., Ltd.
8.6.1 Profile
8.6.2 Operation
8.6.3 Key Project
8.6.4 R&D Capability
8.7 Haicheng Houying Trade Group Co., Ltd.
8.7.1 Profile
8.7.2 Operation
8.8 Yingkou Jinlong Refractories Group Co., Ltd.
8.8.1 Profile
8.8.2 Operation
8.9 Haicheng Magnesite Refractory General Factory
8.9.1 Profile
8.9.2 Operation
8.10 Zhejiang Zili Corporation Limited
8.10.1 Profile
8.10.2 Operation
8.10.3 Key Project
8.11 Jiangsu Sujia Group Co., Ltd.
8.11.1 Profile
8.11.2 Operation
8.12 Tongda Refractory Technologies Co., Ltd.
8.12.1 Profile
8.12.2 Operation
8.12.3 Key Project
8.12.4 R&D Capability
8.13 Sinosteel Luoyang Institute of Refractories Research Co., Ltd.
8.13.1 Profile
8.13.2 Operation
8.13.3 R&D Capability
8.14 Shandong Refractories Group Co., Ltd.
8.14.1 Profile
8.14.2 Operation
8.14.3 Main Subsidiaries
8.15 Others
8.15.1 Luoyang Dayang Refractory Co., Ltd.
8.15.2 Zhengzhou Huawei Refractories Co., Ltd.
8.15.3 Sinosteel Refractory Co., Ltd.
8.15.4 Beijing SEPR Refractories Co., Ltd.
8.15.5 Zibo Asahi Co., Ltd.
9. Development Trends of China's Refractory Materials Industry
9.1 Problems
9.2 Development Trends
表:耐火原料的构成 图:2002-2010年中国铝土矿基础储量 图:2002-2010年中国菱镁矿基础储量 图:中国耐火材料应用领域及占比 表:2011年中国耐火材料主要下游行业产量及世界占比 图:1990-2010年世界耐火材料平均价格 图:1990-2010年世界耐火材料成本变化 表:世界不同发展阶段耐火材料工业的特点 表:RHI重组兼并事件 表:Cookson Group 重组兼并事件 表:Krosaki重组兼并事件 表:Shinagawa Refractories重组兼并事件 表:主要跨国公司在华子公司及耐材产品 图:2003-2012年中国耐火材料产量 表:2009-2011年中国耐材材料(分产品)产量 表:2011年中国耐火材料(分省市)产量及同比增长 表:钢铁用耐火材料 图:2001-2012年中国粗钢产量及同比增长 图:玻璃熔窑耐材分布图 图:不同耐火材料在玻璃窑中的使用比重 表:水泥窑各部位用耐火材料一览表 图:2005-2011年中国水泥产量及新型干法水泥比重 表:2009-2012年中国耐火原材料进出口额 表:2009-2011年中国主要耐火原料出口量 表:2011年中国主要耐火原料出口平均价 图:2011年中国烧结镁砂月度出口价格走势 图:2011年中国电熔镁砂月度出口价格走势 图:2011年中国碳化硅月度出口价格走势 图:2011年中国棕刚玉月度出口价格走势 表:2009-2011年中国主要耐火制品出口量 图:2011年中国耐火制品出口量(分国家)构成 图:2011年中国碱性耐火制品出口量(分国家)构成 图:2011年中国铝硅质耐火制品出口量(分国家)构成 图:2011年中国碱性耐火制品月度出口价 图:2011年中国铝硅质耐火制品月度出口价 图:2011年中国其他耐火制品月度出口价 表:不同档次玻璃熔窑熔铸氧化铝用量 表:中国熔铸耐火材料龙头及主导产品 表:主要碱性耐火原料及耐火制品 表:碱性耐火材料的典型应用 表:不含铬碱性耐火砖在发达国家的应用 表:不含铬碱性耐火砖替代产品技术路径及代表厂商 表:不定形和定形耐火材料比较 图:2011年主要国家/地区不定型耐火材料使用率对比 图:2009-2012年中国不定形耐火材料产量 图:中国陶瓷纤维应用领域及占比 图:2007-2011年中国陶瓷纤维产量 表:世界陶瓷纤维龙头在华子公司 表:中国陶瓷纤维重点企业及产能 表:陶瓷纤维替的替代优势 表:2008-2011年中国主要省市耐火材料产量 表:山东省耐火材料重点企业 图:节能减排推动耐火材料产品结构升级 图:2008-2011年奥镁集团营业收入及利润 图:2011年RHI营业收入(分行业)构成 图:2011年RHI营业收入(分地区)构成 图:2007-2009年辽宁奥镁有限公司销售收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年大连奥镁销售收入和利润总额 图:2007-2011年Cookson营业收入及利润 表:2011年Cookson业务介绍 图:2007-2011年Cookson(分业务)营业收入及营业利润 图:2011年Cookson营业收入(分终端市场)构成 图:2011年Cookson营业收入(分区域)构成 表:Cookson在华主要子公司 表:Krosaki 发展历程 图:2007-2011财年 Krosaki净销售额及净利润 表:2011财年 Krosaki(分业务)净销售额及同比增长 表:2010-2011财年 Krosaki(分地区)净销售额 图:2007-2009年秦皇岛首钢黑崎耐火材料有限公司销售收入和利润总额 图:2010-2011年Magnesita净收入及净利润 表:2010-2011年Magnesita(分业务)销量及营业收入 图:2010-2011年Magnesita(分地区)营业收入构成 表:2010-2011年Magnesita在华净收入及净利润 表:2009-2011年Morgan Crucible(分业务)营业收入 表:Morgan Crucible主要在华公司 图:2006-2011年Saint-Gobain净销售额及净利润 图:2011年Saint-Gobain 净销售额(分业务)构成 图:2011年Saint-Gobain净销售额(分区域)构成 图:2008-2010财年Shinagawa Refractories(分业务)销售额同比增长 表:2011年全球主要耐火材料企业营业收入及增速 表:濮耐股份基本情况 图:2007-2012年濮耐股份营业收入和净利润 表:濮耐股份主营产品及市场占有率 表:2008-2011年濮耐股份(分产品)主营业务收入 图:2008-2011年濮耐股份(分地区)主营业务收入 图:2009-2011年濮耐股份海外主营业务收入(分地区)构成 图:2008-2011年濮耐股份主营业务收入(分应用行业)构成 图:2008-2011年濮耐股份耐材主营业务收入(分销售方式)构成 图:2008-2012年濮耐股份毛利率 表:2010-2011年濮耐股份主要产品毛利率 表:2009-2011年濮耐股份兼并重组事件 表:2011年濮耐股份子公司总资产及净利润 图:2012年濮耐股份业务模块 表:鲁阳股份基本情况 图:2007-2012年鲁阳股份营业收入和净利润 表:2011年鲁阳股份主要产品订单额及同比增长 表:2008-2011年鲁阳股份(分产品)主营业务收入 表:2009-2011年鲁阳股份(分地区)主营业务收入及占比 图:2007-2012年鲁阳股份毛利率 图:2007-2011年鲁阳股份(分产品)毛利率 表:2011年鲁阳股份前五名供应商采购金额及占比 表:2011年鲁阳股份前五名客户销售金额及占比 表:2011年鲁阳股份主要子公司产能 表:瑞泰科技基本情况 图:2007-2012年瑞泰科技营业收入及净利润 表:2009-2011年瑞泰科技(分产品)主营业务收入及占比 图:2011年瑞泰科技主营业务收入(分销售对象)构成 图:2008-2011年瑞泰科技(分地区)主营业务收入 图:2008-2012年瑞泰科技毛利率 表:2011年瑞泰科技主要原料采购价格及同比增长 表:2008-2011年瑞泰科技(分产品)毛利率 表:2011年瑞泰科技主要子公司营业收入和净利润 表:2011年瑞泰科技主要子公司产能 表:北京利尔基本情况 图:2008-2012年北京利尔营业收入和净利润 表:2009-2011年北京利尔(分地区)主营业务收入及占比 表:2009-2011年北京利尔(分产品)主营业务收入及占比 图:2008-2011年北京利尔耐材主营业务收入(分销售方式)构成 图:2008-2012年北京利尔毛利率 表:金磊股份基本情况 图:2008-2012年金磊股份营业收入和净利润 表:金磊股份主要产品及应用领域 图:2008-2011年金磊股份主要产品销量 表:2009-2011年金磊股份(分产品)主营业务收入及占比 图:2008-2011年金磊股份主营业务收入(分销售方式)构成 图:2008-2012年金磊股份毛利率 图:2008-2011年金磊股份主要产品毛利率 图:2008-2011年金磊股份主要销售方式毛利率 表:2011年金磊股份募投资金建设项目 表:2008-2015年金磊股份募投项目产能 表:青花集团基本情况 表:营口青花集团主要产品及应用 图:2007-2011年营口青花集团销售收入 表:后英集团基本情况 表:后英集团主要耐火材料产品 表:金龙集团基本情况 表:金龙集团耐火材料子公司及主要产品产能 表:海城镁矿基本情况 图:2005-2011年海城镁矿营业收入及同比增长 表:自立股份基本情况 图:2006-2011年自立股份销售额 表:江苏苏嘉基本情况 表:通达耐火基本情况 表:中钢洛耐院基本情况 图:2001-2010年中钢洛耐院主营业务收入 图:2001-2010年中钢洛耐院进出口总额 表:山东耐火基本情况 表:山东耐材发展史 图:2007-2009年山东中齐耐火销售收入及利润情况 图:2007-2009年郑州华威耐火材料有限公司主要经济指标变化情况 图:2007-2009年北京西普营业收入和利润总额 表:2011年中国耐火材料企业销售收入TOP10 表:2012年2月1日起中国主要矿石资源税
Composition of Refractory Raw Materials Basic Reserves of Bauxite in China, 2002-2010 Basic Reserves of Magnesite in China, 2002-2010 Application Fields and % of Refractory Materials in China Output of Main Refractory Products in China and % of Global Output, 2011 Average Price of Refractory Materials Worldwide, 1990-2010 Cost of Refractory Materials Worldwide, 1990-2010 Characteristics of Refractory Material Industry in Different Development Stages of the World M & A Events of RHI M & A Events of Cookson Group M & A Events of Krosaki M & A Events of Shinagawa Refractories Subsidiary Companies of Multinational Corporations in China and Their Refractory Products Output of Refractory Materials in China, 2003-2012 Output of Refractory Materials by Product in China, 2009-2011 Output and YoY Growth of Refractory Materials by Province/City in China, 2011 Refractory Materials for Steel Industry Output and YOY Growth of Crude Steel in China, 2001-2012 Layout of Refractory Materials for Glass Melting Furnaces Application of Refractory Materials in Glass Kiln Application of Refractory Materials in Cement Kiln Cement Output and Proportion of NSP Cement in China, 2005-2011 Import & Export Value of Refractory Raw Materials in China, 2009-2012 Export Volume of China’s Major Refractory Raw Materials, 2009-2011 Average Export Prices of Main Refractory Raw Materials in China, 2011 Monthly Export Price of Sintered Magnesia in China, 2011 Monthly Export Price of Fused Magnesia in China, 2011 Monthly Export Price of SiC in China, 2011 Monthly Export Price of Brown Corundum in China, 2011 Export Volume of Main Refractory Products in China, 2009-2011 Export Volume Breakdown of China’s Refractory Products by Country, 2011 Export Volume Breakdown of China’s Basic Refractories by Country, 2011 Export Volume Breakdown of China’s Alumina-Silica Refractories by Country, 2011 Monthly Export Price of Basic Refractories in China, 2011 Monthly Export Price of Alumina-Silica Refractories in China, 2011 Monthly Export Price of Other Refractory Products in China, 2011 Consumption of Fused Cast Alumina for Various Glass Furnaces Key Companies of Fused Cast Refractories in China Major Basic Refractory Raw Materials and Refractory Products Typical Applications of Basic Refractory Materials Application of Chromium-free Basic Firebrick in Developed Countries Technical Route and Key Manufacturers of Chromium-free Basic Firebrick Substitutes Comparison between Shaped Refractories and Unshaped Refractories Utilization Rate of Unshaped Refractories by Country/Region, 2011 Output of Unshaped Refractory Materials in China, 2009-2012 Application Fields and % of Ceramic Fiber in China Output of Ceramic Fiber in China, 2007-2011 Subsidiary Companies of the World's Leading Ceramic Fiber Manufacturers in China Key Enterprises of Ceramic Fiber in China and Their Capacity Substitution Advantages of Ceramic Fiber Output of Refractory Materials in China by Province/City, 2008-2011 Key Refractory Material Companies in Shandong Product Structure Upgrading of Refractory Materials Promoted by Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Revenue and Profit of RHI, 2008-2011 Revenue Breakdown of RHI by Industry, 2011 Revenue Breakdown of RHI by Region, 2011 Sales and Total Profit of RHI Refractories Liaoning, 2007-2009 Sales and Total Profit of RHI Refractories Dalian, 2007-2009 Revenue and Profit of Cookson, 2007-2011 Business Introduction of Cookson, 2011 Revenue and Operating Income of Cookson by Business, 2007-2011 Revenue Breakdown of Cookson by End Market, 2011 Revenue Breakdown of Cookson by Region, 2011 Main Subsidiary Companies of Cookson in China Development Course of Krosaki Net Sales and Net Income of Krosaki, FY2007-FY2011 Net Sales and YOY Growth of Krosaki by Business, FY2011 Net Sales of Krosaki by Region, FY2010-FY2011 Sales and Total Profit of Qinhuangdao Shougang Kurosaki Refractories, 2007-2009 Net Revenue and Net Income of Magnesita, 2010-2011 Sales Volume and Revenue of Magnesita by Business, 2010-2011 Revenue Breakdown of Magnesita by Region, 2010-2011 Net Revenue and Net Income of Magnesita in China, 2010-2011 Revenue of Morgan Crucible by Business, 2009-2011 Main Subsidiary Companies of Morgan Crucible in China Net Sales and Net Income of Saint-Gobain, 2006-2011 Net Sales Breakdown of Saint-Gobain by Business, 2011 Net Sales Breakdown of Saint-Gobain by Region, 2011 YoY Sales Growth of Shinagawa Refractories by Business, FY2008-FY2010 Revenue and Growth Rate of Main Refractory Enterprises Worldwide, 2011 Profile of PRCO Revenue and Net Income of PRCO, 2007-2012 Main Products and Market Occupancy of PRCO Operating Revenue of PRCO by Product, 2008-2011 Operating Revenue of PRCO by Region, 2008-2011 Overseas Operating Revenue Breakdown of PRCO by Region, 2009-2011 Operating Revenue Breakdown of PRCO by Application Area, 2008-2011 Operating Revenue Breakdown of PRCO by Sales Model, 2008-2011 Gross Margin of PRCO, 2008-2012 Gross Margin of PRCO by Product, 2010-2011 M&A Events of PRCO, 2009-2011 Total Assets and Net Income of PRCO Subsidiaries, 2011 Business Modules of PRCO, 2012 Profile of Luyang Share Revenue and Net Income of Luyang Share, 2007-2012 Main Product Order Value and YoY Growth of Luyang Share, 2011 Operating Revenue of Luyang Share by Product, 2008-2011 Operating Revenue and % of Luyang Share by Region, 2009-2011 Gross Margin of Luyang Share, 2007-2012 Gross Margin of Luyang Share by Product, 2007-2011 Luyang Share’s Procurement from Top 5 Suppliers and % of Total Procurement, 2011 Luyang Share's Revenue from top 5 Clients and % of Total Sales, 2011 Capacity of Luyang Share by Subsidiary, 2011 Profile of Ruitai Technology Revenue and Net Income of Ruitai Technology, 2007-2012 Operating Revenue and % of Ruitai Technology by Product, 2009-2011 Operating Revenue Breakdown of Ruitai Technology by Sales Target, 2011 Operating Revenue of Ruitai Technology by Region, 2008-2011 Gross Margin of Ruitai Technology, 2008-2012 Procurement Prices and YOY Growth of Main Raw Materials of Ruitai Technology, 2011 Gross Margin of Ruitai Technology by Product, 2008-2011 Revenue and Net Income of Ruitai Technology by Subsidiary, 2011 Capacity of Ruitai Technology by Subsidiary, 2011 Profile of Beijing Lier Revenue and Net Income of Beijing Lier, 2008-2012 Operating Revenue and % of Beijing Lier by Region, 2009-2011 Operating Revenue and % of Beijing Lier by Product, 2009-2011 Operating Revenue and % of Beijing Lier by Sales Model, 2008-2011 Gross Margin of Beijing Lier, 2008-2012 Profile of Zhejiang Jinlei Revenue and Net Income of Zhejiang Jinlei, 2008-2012 Main Products and Application Fields of Zhejiang Jinlei Sales Volume of Main Products of Zhejiang Jinlei, 2008-2011 Operating Revenue and % of Zhejiang Jinlei by Product, 2009-2011 Operating Revenue Breakdown of Zhejiang Jinlei by Sales Model, 2008-2011 Gross Margin of Zhejiang Jinlei, 2008-2012 Gross Margin of Zhejiang Jinlei by Product, 2008-2011 Gross Margin of Zhejiang Jinlei by Sales Model, 2008-2011 Fundraising and Investment Projects of Zhejiang Jinlei, 2011 Capacity of Fundraising and Investment Projects of Zhejiang Jinlei, 2008-2015 Profile of Yingkou Qinghua Main Products and Applications of Yingkou Qinghua Sales of Yingkou Qinghua, 2007-2011 Profile of Haicheng Houying Main Refractory Products of Haicheng Houying Profile of Jinlong Refractories Group Main Product Capacity of Jinlong Refractories Group by Subsidiary Profile of Haicheng Magnesite Revenue and YOY Growth of Haicheng Magnesite, 2005-2011 Profile of Zili Limited Sales of Zili Limited, 2006-2011 Profile of Jiangsu Sujia Profile of Tongda Refractory Profile of Sinosteel Luoyang Institute of Refractories Research Revenue of Sinosteel Luoyang Institute of Refractories Research, 2001-2010 Total Import & Export Value of Sinosteel Luoyang Institute of Refractories Research, 2001-2010 Profile of Shandong Refractories Development History of Shandong Refractories Sales and Total Profit of Shandong Zhongqi Refractory, 2007-2009 Major Economic Indicators of Zhengzhou Huawei Refractories, 2007-2009 Revenue and Total Profit of Beijing SEPR, 2007-2009 TOP10 Refractory Material Companies in China by Sales, 2011 China‘s Main Ore Resource Tax Implemented since Feb.1st, 2012
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