2011-2012年全球及中国超硬材料及制品行业研究报告 |
字数:2.4万 |
页数:61 |
图表数:68 |
中文电子版:5500元 |
中文纸版:2750元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:6000元 |
英文电子版:1400美元 |
英文纸版:1500美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:1700美元 |
发布日期:2012-07 |
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超硬材料产业链主要涉及单晶超硬材料、复合超硬材料、超硬材料工具三个环节。中国目前是全球最大的单晶超硬材料生产国,但在下游复合超硬材料发展方面与国外先进企业尚有明显差距。 在单晶超硬材料领域,2011年中国人造金刚石产量为110亿克拉,占全球总产量的90%,市场份额主要集中在中南钻石、黄河旋风和豫金刚石三家企业。 复合超硬材料方面,目前全球复合超硬材料的中高端产品主要集中在DI、E.S、US Synthetic等企业,中国聚晶超硬材料的市场容量为90亿元左右,主要企业有黄河旋风、四方达、郑州新亚、河南亚龙等。 超硬材料工具生产企业遍布全球,处于第一阵营的是Saint Gobain、Tyrolit等知名厂商,中国企业中规模较大的是江钻股份、奔朗新材料、博深工具等。 水清木华研究中心《2011-2012年全球及中国超硬材料及制品行业研究报告》主要涵盖以下内容:※ 中国金刚石产量、产量分布、企业竞争格局; ※ 全球及中国复合超硬材料市场规模、竞争情况;刀具用复合片、石油用复合片、矿山用复合片、拉丝模坯四个细分市场的市场规模、竞争格局; ※ 中国超硬材料工具市场概况和主要企业; ※ DI、E.S、Saint Gobain等8家全球主要超硬材料及制品生产企业和中南钻石、黄河旋风、博深工具等13家中国企业的生产经营情况。
中南钻石股份有限公司具备60亿克拉/年的人造金刚石生产能力,产量占中国市场的44.5%,是中国最大的金刚石生产企业。近年来,中南钻石以自产金刚石微粉为原料,积极拓展下游PDC产品。 四方达是中国规模最大的聚晶金刚石企业,未来重点发展刀具用复合片和石油钻头用复合片。四方达具备量产50.8mm刀具用复合片的能力,同时也是全球排名第三的聚晶金刚石拉丝模坯生产企业。 博深工具生产的金刚石工具主要用于建筑、建材加工及装饰领域,尤其在陶瓷加工领域具备竞争优势。博深工具在美国、加拿大、巴西拥有子公司,2011年公司在泰国投资2.39亿元建设生产基地,主要生产金刚石锯片,预计2012年底将释放产能。
The superhard material industry chain mainly includes three sectors:
monocrystalline superhard materials, composite superhard materials and
superhard material tools. Now, China is the world's largest
monocrystalline superhard material producer, but it is still backward in
the development of composite superhard materials compared with advanced
foreign countries. In the field of monocrystalline superhard
materials, China produced 11 billion carats of synthetic diamond in
2011, accounting for 90% of the global output; the market shares were
mainly mastered by ZhongNan Diamond, Huanghe Whirlwind and Zhengzhou
Sino-crystal Diamond. As for composite superhard materials, the
global medium & high-end composite superhard materials are mainly
produced by DI, E.S and US Synthetic. Chinese polycrystalline superhard
material market valued about RMB9 billion, and the main enterprises
include Huanghe Whirlwind, SF Diamond, Zhengzhou New Asia Superhard
Material Composite, and Henan Yalong Diamond Tools. Superhard
material tool manufacturing enterprises are throughout the world. Saint
Gobain, Tyrolit and other well-known manufacturers are the first-class
enterprises. In China, Kingdream, Monte-Bianco Diamond Applications and
Bosun Tools have large scale. The report covers the following aspects: Diamond output, output distribution, corporate competition pattern in China;
Scale and competition in the global and Chinese composite superhard material markets;
scale and competition patterns in cutter PDC, oilfield PDC, mining PDC, and wire drawing die blank segments;
Overview of Chinese superhard material tool market and major companies;
Production and operation of 8 global superhard material and product
manufacturing enterprises (including DI, E.S, Saint Gobain) and 13
Chinese enterprises (including ZhongNan Diamond, Huanghe Whirlwind,
Bosun Tools).
ZhongNan Diamond has the synthetic diamond
capacity of 6 billion carats / year, its output accounts for 44.5% of
China’s total, and it is China's largest diamond manufacturer. In recent
years, ZhongNan Diamond has expanded downstream PDC products based on
its own diamond micro-powder. SF Diamond is China's largest
polycrystalline diamond enterprise. In the future, it will focus on
cutter PDC and oil drill bit PDC. SF Diamond can produce 50.8mm cutter
PDC in large scale. At the same time, it is the world's third largest
polycrystalline diamond wire drawing die blank manufacturer. The
diamond tools produced by Bosun Tools are mainly applied to
construction, building materials processing and decoration, especially
they have competitive advantages in ceramic processing. Bosun Tools has
subsidiaries in the United States, Canada and Brazil. In 2011, the
company invested RMB239 million in building a production base in
Thailand for the production of diamond saw blades; it is expected that
the capacity will be realized by the end of 2012.
1.行业概况 1.1定义 1.2产业链
2.单晶超硬材料 2.1金刚石 2.1.1 产量 2.1.2 竞争格局 2.2立方氮化硼
3.复合超硬材料 3.1 市场概况 3.1.1 全球 3.1.2 中国 3.2 刀具用复合片 3.2.1 市场规模 3.2.2 主要企业 3.3 石油用复合片 3.3.1 市场规模 3.3.2 主要企业 3.4 矿山用复合片 3.4.1 市场规模 3.4.2 主要企业 3.5 拉丝模坯 3.5.1 市场规模 3.5.2 主要企业
4. 超硬材料工具 4.1市场规模 4.2 主要企业
5.全球主要公司 5.1 Diamond Innovations 5.2 Element Six 5.2.1 企业简介 5.2.2 企业经营 5.2.3 研发能力 5.2.4 在华业务 5.3 US Synthetic 5.3.1 企业简介 5.3.2 企业经营 5.4住友电工 5.4.1企业简介 5.4.2 企业经营 5.4.3 超硬材料业务 5.4.4 在华发展 5.5韩国日进 5.6 Saint Gobain 5.6.1 企业简介 5.6.2 超硬工具业务 5.6.3 在华发展 5.7 Husqvarna 5.7.1 企业简介 5.7.2 企业经营 5.7.3在华发展 5.8 Tyrolit 5.8.1 企业简介 5.8.2在华发展
6.中国主要公司 6.1中南钻石 6.1.1 企业简介 6.1.2 发展动态 6.2豫金刚石 6.2.1 企业简介 6.2.2 整体经营 6.2.3 营收构成 6.2.4 毛利率 6.2.5 研发及投资 6.2.6 产能 6.2.7 下游拓展 6.3黄河旋风 6.3.1 企业简介 6.3.2 整体经营 6.3.3 营收构成 6.3.4 毛利率 6.3.5 项目建设 6.4四方达 6.4.1 企业简介 6.4.2 整体经营 6.4.3 营收构成 6.4.4 毛利率 6.4.5 研发及投资 6.4.6 客户及供应商 6.4.7 预测与展望 6.5安泰科技 6.5.1 企业简介 6.5.2 企业经营 6.5.3 北京安泰钢研超硬材料制品有限责任公司 6.6郑州新亚复合超硬材料有限公司 6.6.1 企业简介 6.6.2 企业经营 6.7河南亚龙金刚石制品有限公司 6.8深圳海明润实业有限公司 6.9郑州磨料磨具磨削研究所 6.10博深工具 6.10.1 企业简介 6.10.2 整体经营 6.10.3 营收构成 6.10.4 毛利率 6.10.5项目建设 6.11奔朗新材料 6.11.1 企业简介 6.11.2 企业经营 6.12江钻股份 6.12.1 企业简介 6.12.2 整体经营 6.12.3 营收构成 6.12.4对外收购 6.13 广东新劲刚超硬材料有限公司
1. Overview
1.1 Definition
1.2 Industry Chain
2. Monocrystalline Superhard Materials
2.1 Diamond
2.1.1 Output
2.1.2 Competition Pattern
2.2 CBN
3. Composite Superhard Materials
3.1 Market Overview
3.1.1 Global
3.1.2 China
3.2 Cutter PDC
3.2.1 Market Scale
3.2.2 Key Enterprises
3.3 Oilfield PDC
3.3.1 Market Scale
3.3.2 Key Enterprises
3.4 Mining PDC
3.4.1 Market Scale
3.4.2 Key Enterprises
3.5 Wire Drawing Die Blank
3.5.1 Market Scale
3.5.2 Key Enterprises
4. Superhard Material Tools
4.1 Market Scale
4.2 Key Enterprises
5. Key Enterprises in the World
5.1 Diamond Innovations
5.2 Element Six
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.2.3 R&D
5.2.4 Business in China
5.3 US Synthetic
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.4 Sumitomo Electric
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.4.3 Superhard Material Business
5.4.4 Business in China
5.6 Saint Gobain
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Superhard Material Tool Business
5.6.3 Business in China
5.7 Husqvarna
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Operation
5.7.3 Business in China
5.8 Tyrolit
5.8.1 Profile
5.8.2 Business in China
6. Key Enterprises in China
6.1 ZhongNan Diamond
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Development
6.2 Zhengzhou Sino-crystal Diamond Co., Ltd.
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Revenue Structure
6.2.4 Gross Margin
6.2.5 R&D and Investment
6.2.6 Capacity
6.2.7 Downstream Expansion
6.3 Huanghe Whirlwind
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Revenue Structure
6.3.4 Gross Margin
6.3.5 Projects
6.4 SF Diamond
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Revenue Structure
6.4.4 Gross Margin
6.4.5 R&D and Investment
6.4.6 Clients & Suppliers
6.4.7 Forecast and Outlook
6.5 Advanced Technology and Materials Co., Ltd.
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 Beijing AT & M Gangyan Superhard Materials & Products Co., Ltd.
6.6 Zhengzhou New Asia Superhard Material Composite Co., Ltd.
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Operation
6.7 Henan Yalong Diamond Tools Co., Ltd.
6.8 Shenzhen Haimingrun Industrial Co., Ltd.
6.9 Zhengzhou Research Institute for Abrasives & Grinding
6.10 Bosun Tools
6.10.1 Profile
6.10.2 Operation
6.10.3 Revenue Structure
6.10.4 Gross Margin
6.10.5 Projects
6.11 Monte-Bianco Diamond Applications Co., Ltd.
6.11.1 Profile
6.11.2 Operation
6.12 Kingdream Public Limited Company
6.12.1 Profile
6.12.2 Operation
6.12.3 Revenue Structure
6.12.4 Acquisition
6.13 King-Strong Tools and Moulds Co., Ltd.
图:超硬材料产业链 图:2001-2011年中国人造金刚石产量及增速 图:2010年中国人造金刚石产量分布 表:复合超硬材料分类 表:全球主要复合超硬材料生产企业 表:中国主要复合超硬材料生产企业 图:PCD刀具在各领域的市场分布 图:PCBN刀具在各领域的市场分布 图:2006-2012年中国刀具用复合片市场规模 图:全球刀具用复合片主要生产企业市场份额 表:石油用复合片主要企业市场份额 图:2011年进口石油用PDC产品市场份额 图:2009-2012年全球矿山用复合片市场容量 图:2008-2012年中国拉丝模坯市场容量 图:2008-2012年全球拉丝模坯市场容量 表:拉丝模坯市场主要企业市场份额 表:超硬材料工具分类 表:2010-2013年超硬材料工具市场规模 表:中国主要超硬材料制品生产企业和主导产品 表:元素六在中国的超硬材料子公司 图:2009-2011年DOVER公司ENERGY业务收入 图:2007-2011财年住友电工销售额及营业利润 图:住友电工超硬合金株式会社全球分布 图:2009-2012年圣戈班营业收入及净利润 图:圣戈班在中国的销售额 表:圣戈班在中国的生产工厂及主要产品 图:2004-2012年HUSQVARNA营业收入及营业利润 图:2007-2011年HUSQVARNA分地区收入 表:TYROLIT 集团简介 图:2008-2012年豫金刚石营业收入及净利润 表:2008-2011年豫金刚石分地区收入 图:2008-2011年豫金刚石毛利率 图:2009-2011年豫金刚石研发支出及占营收比重 表:豫金刚石下游拓展项目 图:2008-2012年黄河旋风营业收入及净利润 表:2009-2011年黄河旋风分产品收入 图:2008-2011年黄河旋风分地区收入 表:2009-2011年黄河旋风分产品毛利率 图:2008-2012年四方达营业收入及净利润 图:2008-2011年四方达分产品收入 图:2008-2011年四方达分产品收入占比 图:2008-2011年四方达分地区收入 图:2008-2011年四方达分地区收入占比 图:2007-2011年四方达分产品毛利率 图:2007-2011年四方达研发支出及占营收比例 表:2012年四方达建设项目 图:2007-2011年四方达前五名客户贡献收入及占比 表:2011年四方达前五名客户名称、贡献收入及收入占比 图:2007-2011年四方达前五名供应商采购金额及占比 表:2011年四方达前五名供应商名称、采购金额及占比 图:2009-2014E四方达营业收入 图:2008-2012年安泰科技营业收入及净利润 表:2008-2011年安泰科技分产品收入 图:2008-2011年安泰科技分地区收入 图:2009-2011年北京安泰钢研超硬材料制品有限责任公司营业收入及净利润 图:2004-2011年郑州新亚营业收入 表:2008-2009年深圳海明润资产总额、营业收入及利润总额 图:2008-2012年博深工具营业收入及净利润 表:2008-2011年博深工具分产品收入 表:2008-2011年博深工具分地区收入 表:2010-2011年博深工具分产品毛利率 表:博深工具泰国项目建设产能 图:2009-2011年奔朗新材料营业收入及净利润 表:2009-2011年奔朗新材料分产品收入 图:2009-2011年奔朗新材料分地区收入 图:2008-2012年江钻股份营业收入及净利润 表:2009-2011年江钻股份分产品收入 表:2009-2011年江钻股份分产品毛利率
Superhard Material Industry Chain Output and YoY Growth Rate of Synthetic Diamond in China, 2001-2011 Distribution of Synthetic Diamond Output in China, 2010 Classification of Composite Superhard Materials Key Composite Superhard Material Manufacturers in the World Key Composite Superhard Material Manufacturers in China Market Distribution of PCD Cutting Tools in Various Fields Market Distribution of PCBN Cutting Tools in Various Fields Chinese Cutter PDC Market Size, 2006-2012 Market Share of Cutter PDC Manufacturers in the World Market Share of Oilfield PDC Manufacturers Market Share of Imported Oilfield PDC Products, 2011 Global Mining PDC Market Capacity, 2009-2012 Chinese Wire Drawing Die Blank Market Capacity, 2008-2012 Global Wire Drawing Die Blank Market Capacity, 2008-2012 Market Share of Major Companies in Wire Drawing Die Blank Market Classification of Superhard Material Tools Superhard Material Tool Market Size, 2010-2013 Key Superhard Material Manufactures and Their Main Products in China Superhard Material Subsidiaries of E.S in China DOVER’s Energy Revenue, 2009-2011 Sales and Operating Income of Sumitomo Electric, FY2007-FY2011 Global Distribution of Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal Revenue and Net Income of Saint Gobain, 2009-2012 Sales of Saint Gobain in China,2002-2010 Factories and Main Products of Saint Gobain in China Revenue and Operating Income of Husqvarna, 2004-2012 Revenue of Husqvarna by Region, 2007-2011 Profile of TYROLIT Group Revenue and Net Income of Zhengzhou Sino-crystal Diamond, 2008-2012 Revenue of Zhengzhou Sino-crystal Diamond by Region, 2008-2011 Gross Margin of Zhengzhou Sino-crystal Diamond by Product, 2008-2011 R&D Expense and Proportion in Revenue of Zhengzhou Sino-crystal Diamond, 2009-2011 Downstream Expansion Projects of Zhengzhou Sino-crystal Diamond Revenue and Net Income of Huanghe Whirlwind, 2008-2012 Revenue of Huanghe Whirlwind by Product, 2009-2011 Revenue of Huanghe Whirlwind by Region, 2008-2011 Gross Margin of Huanghe Whirlwind by Product, 2009-2011 Revenue and Net Income of SF Diamond, 2008-2012 Revenue of SF Diamond by Product, 2008-2011 Revenue Breakdown of SF Diamond by Product, 2008-2011 Revenue of SF Diamond by Region, 2008-2011 Revenue Breakdown of SF Diamond by Region, 2008-2011 Gross Margin of SF Diamond by Product, 2007-2011 R&D Expense and Proportion in Revenue of SF Diamond, 2007-2011 Projects of SF Diamond, 2012 SF Diamond’s Top 5 Clients by Revenue and Proportion, 2007-2011 SF Diamond’s Top 5 Clients by Revenue and Proportion, 2011 SF Diamond’s Top 5 Suppliers by Procurement Value and Proportion, 2007-2011 SF Diamond’s Top 5 Suppliers by Procurement Value and Proportion, 2011 Revenue of SF Diamond, 2009-2014E Revenue and Net Income of Advanced Technology, 2008-2012 Revenue of Advanced Technology by Product, 2008-2011 Revenue of Advanced Technology by Region, 2008-2011 Revenue and Net Income of Beijing AT & M Gangyan Superhard Materials & Products, 2009-2011 Revenue of Zhengzhou New Asia, 2004-2011 Total Assets, Revenue and Total Profit of Shenzhen Haimingrun, 2008-2009 Revenue and Net Income of Bosun Tools, 2008-2012 Revenue of Bosun Tools by Product, 2008-2011 Revenue of Bosun Tools by Region, 2008-2011 Gross Margin of Bosun Tools by Product, 2010-2011 Capacity of Thailand Project of Bosun Tools ,2012-2014 Revenue and Net Income of Monte-Bianco, 2009-2011 Revenue of Monte-Bianco by Product, 2009-2011 Revenue of Monte-Bianco by Region, 2009-2011 Revenue and Net Income of Kingdream, 2008-2012 Revenue of Kingdream by Product, 2009-2011 Gross Margin of Kingdream by Product, 2009-2011
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