2012-2015年全球及中国钛酸锂行业研究报告 |
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页数:50 |
图表数:53 |
中文电子版:5000元 |
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英文纸版:1450美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:1650美元 |
发布日期:2012-09 |
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钛酸锂电池因具有高安全性、寿命长和快速充电等优点被认定为汽车锂电池首选,预计未来全球钛酸锂需求量将出现爆发式增长。根据全球各大钛酸锂电池生产企业的发展规划,预计到2015年,全球钛酸锂需求量将达16000吨。在此背景下,美、日、中等国企业纷纷投资,提前布局以抢占全球市场份额,其中中国企业表现尤为抢眼。 中国钛酸锂产业起步晚于美国和日本,但发展迅猛。目前,中国钛酸锂生产企业数量及钛酸锂产能已经远超美日两国,成为全球最大的钛酸锂生产国。中国钛酸锂产业的快速发展得益于国家政策扶持及配套产业的建立。就目前碳酸锂电池来看,中国银通集团、天康集团等企业均已制定了大规模的钛酸锂电池产能扩建计划,这些计划将为未来中国钛酸锂市场需求增长提供充足动力。预计到2015年中国钛酸锂需求量将达1.25万吨。
本报告除介绍全球及中国钛酸锂行业发展情况外,还重点介绍了ALTI、Toshiba及 Titan Kogyo等3家国外企业以及银通集团、兴能新材、天骄科技和贝特瑞纳米科技有限公司等6家中国企业的钛酸锂业务。 ALTI公司是全球最早掌握钛酸锂负极材料核心科技的公司,公司于2005年即成功开发出以钛酸锂负极材料的锂电池,之后该类电池成功应用到美国电动大巴公司Proterra的电动车上。该公司2010年被中国银通集团收购51%股份,目前在河北武安兴建了全球最大的钛酸锂生产基地,2012年公司钛酸锂产能达3000吨/年。 Toshiba公司是日本最早开发钛酸锂及钛酸锂电池的企业,其在2008年已经实现钛酸锂电池的批量生产,公司的钛酸锂电池已经成功应用到三菱等公司的电动车上。 贝特瑞纳米科技有限公司是中国最早开发出钛酸锂负极材料的企业,2010年公司钛酸锂产能已达360吨/年,2011年公司搬迁后,钛酸锂产能得到进一步提升。目前,公司钛酸锂负极材料产能达到1000吨/年。
Depending on high safety, long service life, fast charging and other strong points, lithium titanate battery is identified as the first choice of automotive lithium battery, and the global lithium titanate demand will show explosive growth in future, and is expected to hit 16,500 tons in 2015 according to the development planning of the world’s major lithium titanate battery manufacturers. Against this backdrop, enterprises in the United States, Japan, China and other countries have invested successively and arranged ahead of schedule to seize global market share, of which, the performance of Chinese enterprises is particularly eye-catching. Benefiting from the support of national policies and the establishment of supporting industries, lithium titanate industry in China, despite a late start, has witnessed swift development. Currently, China has outdistanced the United States and Japan in the number of manufacturers and production capacity, thus becoming the world’s largest lithium titanate producer. As for the lithium titanate battery for the time being, enterprises including Yintong Group and Anhui Tiankang Group have drawn up plans for large-scale lithium titanate battery capacity expansion, which will provide adequate power for future demand growth in the Chinese lithium titanate market. China’s demand for lithium titanate is expected to reach 12,500 tons in 2015.
Demand for Lithium Titanate in China, 2010-2015 (Unit: ton) 
In addition to an introduction of the development of global and China lithium titanate industry, this report also focuses on the lithium titanate business of three foreign enterprises including ALTI, Toshiba and Titan Kogyo as well as six Chinese enterprises such as Yintong Group, Sichuan Xingneng New Materials, Shenzhen Tianjiao Technology and BTR Nano Technology. As the world’s first company to master the core technology of lithium titanate cathode materials, in 2005 ALTI successfully developed the lithium battery with lithium titanate as cathode materials, which was later applied to the electric cars of a U.S. electric bus company called Proterra. In 2010, Yintong Group acquired a 51% equity stake in ALTI. For now, ALTI has founded the world’s largest lithium titanate production base in Wu’an, Hebei Province, with capacity up to 3,000 tons per year in 2012. Being the first enterprise that develops lithium titanate and lithium titanate battery in Japan, Toshiba Corporation has already achieved mass production of lithium titanate batteries in 2008 and applied them to electric vehicles of Mitsubishi and other companies with success. BTR Nano Technology is China’s first developer of lithium titanate cathode materials, in 2010 its lithium titanate production capacity attained to 360 tons per year, which has been further enhanced since the company’s relocation in 2011, and is currently up to 1,000 tons per year.
第一章 钛酸锂概述 1.1产品介绍 1.2应用领域 1.3 产业链
第二章 全球钛酸锂行业发展现状 2.1 发展历程 2.2 产业环境 2.2.1负极材料供应情况 2.2.2负极材料需求情况 2.2.3负极材料企业竞争情况 2.2.4存在的问题 2.3 供给情况 2.4 需求情况 2.5市场竞争情况 2.6美国 2.7日本 本章小结
第三章 中国钛酸锂行业发展现状 3.1发展环境 3.1.1政策环境 3.1.2技术环境 3.1.3产业环境 3.2供应情况 3.3需求情况 3.3.1影响因素 3.3.2需求量 3.4市场竞争格局 本章小结
第四章 中国钛酸锂电池行业发展情况 4.1发展环境 4.1.1产业环境 4.1.2技术环境 4.2生产情况 4.3需求情况 4.3.1需求量 4.3.2需求结构 4.4市场格局 本章小结
第五章 全球重点钛酸锂生产企业 5.1 ALTI 5.1.1公司介绍 5.1.2经营情况 5.1.3钛酸锂业务 5.2 Toshiba 5.2.1公司介绍 5.2.2经营情况 5.2.3钛酸锂业务 5.3 Titan Kogyo 5.3.1公司介绍 5.3.2钛酸锂项目 5.4银通集团(Zhuhai Ying Tong Group) 5.4.1公司介绍 5.4.2钛酸锂业务 5.5兴能新材(Sichuan Xingneng New Materials Co.,Ltd) 5.5.1公司介绍 5.5.2钛酸锂业务 5.6贝特瑞(BTR Nano Technology Co., Ltd) 5.6.1公司介绍 5.6.2钛酸锂业务 5.7天骄科技(Shenzhen Tianjiao Technology Co.,Ltd) 5.7.1公司介绍 5.7.2经营情况 5.7.3产能扩张情况 5.7.4钛酸锂业务 5.8强能锂电(Hebei Strong Power Li-ion Battery Technology Co.,Ltd) 5.8.1公司介绍 5.8.2钛酸锂业务 5.9威力能源(Anhui Veili New sources Corporation) 5.9.1公司介绍 5.9.2钛酸锂业务 本章小结
1. Overview of Lithium Titanate 1.1 Profile 1.2 Application 1.3 Industry Chain
2. Development Status of Global Lithium Titanate Industry 2.1 Development History 2.2 Industry Environment 2.2.1 Supply of Cathode Materials 2.2.2 Demand for Cathode Materials 2.2.3 Competition among Cathode Material Enterprises 2.2.4 Problems 2.3 Supply 2.4 Demand 2.5 Market Competition 2.6 United States 2.7 Japan Summary
3. Development Status of China Lithium Titanate Industry 3.1 Development Environment 3.1.1 Policy Environment 3.1.2 Technological Environment 3.1.3 Industry Environment 3.2 Supply 3.3 Demand 3.3.1 Influencing Factors 3.3.2 Quantity Demanded 3.4 Market Competition Summary
4. Development of China Lithium Titanate Battery Industry 4.1 Development Environment 4.1.1 Industry Environment 4.1.2 Technological Environment 4.2 Production 4.3 Demand 4.3.1 Quantity Demanded 4.3.2 Demand Structure 4.4 Market Structure Summary
5. Key Enterprises Worldwide 5.1 ALTI 5.1.1 Profile 5.1.2 Operation 5.1.3 Lithium Titanate Business 5.2 Toshiba 5.2.1 Profile 5.2.2 Operation 5.2.3 Lithium Titanate Business 5.3 Titan Kogyo 5.3.1 Profile 5.3.2 Lithium Titanate Projects 5.4 Yintong Group 5.4.1 Profile 5.4.2 Lithium Titanate Business 5.5 Sichuan Xingneng New Materials Co., Ltd. 5.5.1 Profile 5.5.2 Lithium Titanate Business 5.6 BTR Nano Technology Co., Ltd. 5.6.1 Profile 5.6.2 Lithium Titanate Business 5.7 Shenzhen Tianjiao Technology Co., Ltd. 5.7.1 Profile 5.7.2 Operation 5.7.3 Capacity Expansion 5.7.4 Lithium Titanate Business 5.8 Hebei Strong-power Li-ion Battery Technology Co., Ltd. 5.8.1 Profile 5.8.2 Lithium Titanate Business 5.9 An Hui Veili New Energy Sources Corporation 5.9.1 Profile 5.9.2 Lithium Titanate Business Summary
图:钛酸锂锂离子转移前后晶体结构 图:钛酸锂电池及石墨负极锂电池结构 表:钛酸锂负极材料性能特点 图:钛酸锂产业链 图:不同负极材料性能比较 图:2006-2015年全球负极材料产量(单位:吨) 表:2006-2015年全球负极材料产品结构(单位:吨) 图:2006-2015年全球负极材料需求量(单位:吨) 表:2011年全球天然石墨生产企业市场份额 表:2011年全球人造石墨生产企业市场份额 图:2010-2015年全球钛酸锂产能(单位:吨/年) 图:2010-2015年全球钛酸锂需求量(单位:吨/年) 表:2012年全球主要钛酸锂生产企业产能及市场份额 表:2012年美国钛酸锂电池主要供应商及客户 表:2012年日本钛酸锂电池主要供应商及客户 表:2010-2015年全球钛酸锂产能及需求量 表:2009-2012年中国钛酸锂行业相关政策 图:溶胶-凝胶法合成纳米钛酸锂工艺 表:2012年中国锂电池负极材料生产企业公司背景及产能 图:2010-2015年中国钛酸锂产能(单位:吨/年) 图:2011-2020年中国新能源车产量(单位:千辆) 图:2010-2015年中国钛酸锂需求量(单位:吨) 表:2012年中国钛酸锂重点生产企业产能及市场份额 表:2010-2015年中国钛酸锂产能及需求量 表:2006-2015年中国锂电池产量及锂电产业市场规模 表:钛酸锂电池与传统锂电池性能比较 表:2010-2015年中国钛酸锂电池产能及产量 图:2011年11月-2012年5月中国锂电池需求结构 图:2010-2015中国钛酸锂电池需求量 表:2011-2015中国钛酸锂电池需求结构(分领域) 图:2012年中国钛酸锂电池重点生产企业产能 表:2010-2015年中国钛酸锂电池产量及需求量 表:2006-2015年ALTI营业收入及净利润(单位:千美元) 表:2012-2016年ALTI钛酸锂项目 图:2007-2015财年Toshiba营业收入及净利润(单位:十亿日元) 图:Toshiba钛酸锂电池特性 表:2008-2015财年Toshiba产能及销售收入 图:2010-2014年Titan Kogyo钛酸锂产能(单位:吨/年) 表:2012年银通集团下属公司及业务 图:2011-2020年银通集团钛酸锂产能(单位:吨/年) 表:2011-2020年银通集团锂电相关产品产能 表:2012年兴能新材下属企业及业务 表:兴能新材钛酸锂相关专利 图:2012-2015年兴能新材钛酸锂产能 图:贝瑞特钛酸锂负极材料生产工艺 表:贝瑞特钛酸锂负极材料性能指标 图:2010-2012年贝特瑞钛酸锂产能(单位:吨/年) 图:2008-2015年天骄科技营业收入及净利润(单位:百万元) 表:2010-2012年天骄科技公司下属企业及产能 图:2010-2012年天骄科技钛酸锂产能(单位:吨/年) 表:天骄科技钛酸锂产品性能指标 表:2012年强能锂电各类产品产能 表:安徽威力能源新材料有限公司钛酸锂性能指标 表:2012年全球钛酸锂重点生产企业产能
Crystal Structure of Lithium Titanate before/after Lithium-ion Transfers Lithium Titanate Battery Structure vs. Graphite Cathode Lithium Battery Structure Performance Characteristics of Lithium Titanate Cathode Materials Lithium Titanate Industry Chain Performance Comparison of Different Cathode Materials Global Cathode Material Output, 2006-2015 Global Cathode Material Product Structure, 2006-2015 Global Demand for Cathode Materials, 2006-2015 Market Share of Global Natural Graphite Manufacturers, 2011 Market Share of Global Artificial Graphite Manufacturers, 2011 Global Lithium Titanate Capacity, 2010-2015 Global Demand for Lithium Titanate, 2010-2015 Capacity and Market Share of the World’s Major Lithium Titanate Manufacturers, 2012 Main Suppliers and Customers of Lithium Titanate Battery in USA, 2012 Main Suppliers and Customers of Lithium Titanate Battery in Japan, 2012 Global Lithium Titanate Capacity and Demand, 2010-2015 Relevant Policies of China Lithium Titanate Industry, 2009-2012 Sol-gel Synthesis Nano Lithium Titanate Process Background and Capacity of Chinese Lithium Battery Cathode Materials Manufacturers, 2012 Lithium Titanate Capacity in China, 2010-2015 New Energy Vehicle Output in China, 2011-2020 Demand for Lithium Titanate in China, 2010-2015 Capacity and Market Share of Key Lithium Titanate Manufacturers in China, 2012 Lithium Titanate Capacity and Demand in China, 2010-2015 Lithium Battery Output and Market Scale in China, 2006-2015 Performance Comparison between Lithium Titanate Battery and Traditional Lithium Battery Lithium Titanate Battery Capacity and Output in China, 2010-2015 Demand Structure for Lithium Battery in China, Nov. 2011-May 2012 Demand for Lithium Titanate Battery in China, 2010-2015 Demand Structure for Lithium Titanate Battery in China (by Field), 2011-2015 Capacity of Key Lithium Titanate Battery Manufacturers in China, 2012 Lithium Titanate Battery Output and Demand in China, 2010-2015 Revenue and Net Income of ALTI, 2006-2015 Lithium Titanate Projects of ALTI, 2012-2016 Revenue and Net Income of Toshiba, FY2007-FY2015 Lithium Titanate Battery Characteristics of Toshiba Capacity and Sales of Toshiba, FY2008-FY2015 Lithium Titanate Capacity of Titan Kogyo, 2010-2014 Subsidiaries and Businesses of Yintong Group, 2012 Lithium Titanate Capacity of Yintong Group, 2011-2020 Lithium Battery-Related Product Capacity of Yintong Group, 2011-2020 Subsidiaries and Businesses of Sichuan Xingneng New Materials, 2012 Lithium Titanate-Related Patents of Sichuan Xingneng New Materials Lithium Titanate Capacity of Sichuan Xingneng New Materials, 2012-2015 Lithium Titanate Cathode Materials Production Process of BTR Nano Technology Lithium Titanate Cathode Materials Performance Index of BTR Nano Technology Lithium Titanate Capacity of BTR Nano Technology, 2010-2012 Revenue and Net Income of Shenzhen Tianjiao Technology, 2008-2015 Subsidiaries and Capacity of Shenzhen Tianjiao Technology, 2010-2012 Lithium Titanate Capacity of Shenzhen Tianjiao Technology, 2010-2012 Lithium Titanate Product Performance Index of Shenzhen Tianjiao Technology Capacity Breakdown of Hebei Strong-power Li-ion Battery Technology by Product, 2012 Lithium Titanate Performance Index of An Hui Veili New Energy Sources Corporation Capacity of Global Key Lithium Titanate Manufacturers, 2012
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