2012年全球及中国永磁磁体行业研究报告 |
字数:2.1万 |
页数:107 |
图表数:120 |
中文电子版:7500元 |
中文纸版:3750元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:8000元 |
英文电子版:2100美元 |
英文纸版:2200美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:2400美元 |
发布日期:2012-11 |
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1、稀土产业概况 2、铁氧体永磁体市场 3、NdFeB磁体产业 4、NdFeB磁体市场 5、13家主要永磁体厂家研究
永磁磁体主要分铁氧体和稀土磁体两大类。稀土类又以NdFeB为主。2011年稀土价格经历了剧烈波动, NdFeB也随其大幅度波动,2011年1月NdFeB均价为106元/公斤,7月暴涨到615元/公斤,12月又暴跌到215元/公斤。2012年3季度均价为173元/公斤。 2011年过山车式变动的稀土价格令部分钕铁硼应用产品退出市场。以核磁共振成像设备为例,一台设备价格在300万~400万元左右,去年稀土价格疯涨了七八倍之后,原本100万元的材料费用变成了200多万元,只好不用钕铁硼了,采用超导材料代替。 风力发电设备也是如此,当每吨材料成本从60万~70万元涨至150万元之后,风力发电设备也只能被迫弃用性能优异的钕铁硼,转而拾起电转磁的老办法。钕铁硼退出后,就很难再进入市场了,因为企业产品有一定生命周期,不会轻易再改变设计。 2011年的疯狂涨价,让钕铁硼下游企业提前采购了部分钕铁硼,2012年钕铁硼行业面临前所未有的困境。雪上加霜的是,钕铁硼的下游市场几乎都出现了衰退,尤其是风力发电,作为全球第一大风力发电国家中国2012年风力发电新增装机容量下降了10%。 粘结(Bonded)钕铁硼最核心的市场HDD(硬盘)和ODD(光驱)都前景暗淡。热门的电子产品如平板电脑全部都不使用HDD和ODD,而平板电脑又侵蚀着传统PC的市场。传统PC是HDD和ODD的主要市场,该市场可能持续下滑。 2011年HDD出货量大约620652千个,而2012年前3季度HDD出货量仅442320千个,预计全年只有582310千个,下滑6.2%。预计2015年下滑到536820千个,相比2011年下滑14%。而ODD在2011年出货量大约495百万个,预计2015年下滑到425百万个。 其他如变频空调、E-Bike、Loudspeakers领域都面临下滑,这些领域对价格都比较敏感。在这些领域铁氧体一样可以胜任,成本却低不少。 不过钕铁硼在汽车市场的应用很好,特别是EPS。预计2012年全球EPS电机出货量达到33.9百万台,2014年可达42.6百万台,增幅达25.7%。EPS已经从高级车向低端车延伸,市场前景极佳。不过EPS电机大多由日本厂家生产,日本厂家会优先采购本国的磁体。 2011年的钕铁硼高价刺激了众多中国厂家进入此领域。 2012年大约90%的NdFeB磁体产自中国。2012年中期,仅天津、山西、浙江、包头的钕铁硼厂家产能就已经超过30万吨,而实际需求不足10万吨,产能严重过剩。虽然有人认为高端钕铁硼的产能不过剩,但是高端钕铁硼下游最主力的市场是HDD和ODD,其市场长期不看好。
2011-2013年全球主要NdFeB厂家收入 单位:百万美元

Global and China Permanent Magnet Industry Report, 2012 of ResearchInChina chiefly covers the followings:1. Overview of the rare earth industry 2. The market of ferrite permanent magnet 3. The industry of NdFeB magnet 4. Market analysis of NdFeB magnet 5. The study of 13 main permanent magnet enterprises Permanent magnet is mainly divided into two categories, that is, ferrite and rare earth magnet. Rare earth magnet mainly includes NdFeB. Due to the acute fluctuation of rare earth prices in 2011, NdFeB price correspondingly experienced wide fluctuations. The average price of NdFeB was RMB 106 / kg in January 2011, then rose sharply to RMB 615 / kg in July, but slumped to RMB 215 / kg in December. The average price in the third quarter of 2012 was RMB 173 / kg. In 2011, some NdFeB-applied products exited the market due to drastic volatility of rare earth prices. Taking nuclear magnetic resonance imaging equipment as an example, the unit price of equipment is about RMB 3-4 million, but with the skyrocketing of the rare earth prices by 7-8 times, the material costs increased from originally RMB 1 million to above RMB 2 million, correspondingly, manufacturers have to replace NdFeB with superconductor. Same happens to wind power generation equipment. When the cost of material increased from RMB 600,000~700,000 / ton to RMB 1.5 million / ton, wind power generation equipment manufacturers have to abandon the excellent NdFeB, and pick up the old method of transforming electricity to magnet. Once quitted, it is very difficult for NdFeB to get into the market again, because a product has a certain life cycle, and changing design is not easy. The price hike in 2011 made downstream enterprises purchase part of NdFeB in advance. In 2012, the NdFeB industry is meeting with unprecedented dilemma. What is worse, nearly the whole downstream market of NdFeB is on the decline, especially wind power. As the world's largest wind power country, China has seen its newly-added installed capacity drop by 10% in 2012. The market prospects of HDD and ODD, which are the most important application fields of bonded NdFeB, look gloomy. Popular electronic products, such as tablet PC which is gradually occupying traditional PC market, don’t use HDD and ODD. Traditional PC is HDD and ODD's main market, and the market may decline continually. HDD shipment was about 620.652 million in 2011, but was only 442.32 million in the first three quarters of 2012, and is predicted to be only 582.31 million in 2012, down 6.2% year-on-year. The HDD shipment is estimated to decline to 536.82 million in 2015, down 14% compared with 2011. The ODD shipment was about 495 million in 2011, and it is expected to decline to 425 million in 2015. Other areas, such as frequency conversion air conditioner, e-bike and loudspeaker, are facing decline too. These areas are more sensitive to price, ferrite is competent in these areas too, and the cost is much lower. But NdFeB is applied widely in automobile market, especially EPS. It is estimated global EPS motor shipment will reach 33.9 million in 2012, and run up to 42.6 million in 2014, up 25.7%. The application scope of EPS is stretching from high-end to low-end vehicles, so the market prospect is very good. But most EPS motors are produced by Japanese companies, who will purchase local magnet with priority. The high price of NdFeB in 2011 propelled numerous Chinese companies involve in this industry. About 90% NdFeB magnet was produced in China in 2012. The production capacity of Tianjin, Shanxi, Zhejiang, and Baotou had exceeded 300,000 tons in mid 2012, while the actual demand was less than 100,000 tons, so the production capacity was seriously excessive. Although some people believe that high-end NdFeB production capacity is not surplus, the most important application market of high-end NdFeB is HDD and ODD, whose market prospects don’t look good in the long run.
第一章、稀土产业概况 1.1、稀土简介 1.2、稀土应用 1.3、稀土供应 1.4、中国稀土出口
第二章、 永磁市场 2.1、稀土永磁产业介绍 2.2、永磁铁氧体简介 2.3、永磁铁氧体中国市场 2.4、电声行业永磁体市场规模 2.5、NDFEB上游原材料价格走势 2.6、稀土永磁供应链 2.7、中国NDFEB永磁产业 2.8、钕铁硼厂家排名
第三章、NDFEB市场 3.1、NDFEB市场分布 3.2、电梯 3.3、手机市场 3.3.1、全球手机产业 3.4、手机震动电机 3.5、VCM音圈马达 3.5.1、音圈马达简介 3.5.2、音圈马达产业与市场 3.6、微型电声 3.6.1、微型电声行业排名 3.6.2、手机电声各项产品市场占有率 3.6.3、手机电声器件厂家与手机厂家配套关系比例 3.6.4、笔记本电脑扬声器 3.7、风电市场 3.8、变频空调 3.9、电动助力转向电机 3.10、EPS电机产业 3.11、XEV车用电机 3.11.1、HEV、PHEV、EV简介 3.11.2、HEV、PHEV、EV市场 3.11.3、XEV车用电机市场 3.12、HDD市场 3.13、硬盘产业 3.14、光盘驱动器 3.15、电动自行车 3.16、其他
第四章、永磁磁体厂家研究 4.1、日立金属 4.2、大同制钢 4.2.1、大同电子(泰国)有限公司 4.2.2、大同磁石(深圳)有限公司. 4.2.3、大同电工(苏州)有限公司 4.3、TDK 4.3.1、香港新科集团 4.4、成都银河磁体 4.5、北京中科三环 4.6、正海磁材 4.7、宁波韵升高科磁业 4.8、VACUUMSCHMELZE(OM GROUP) 4.9、信越化学 4.10、太原双塔刚玉 4.11、包钢稀土 4.12、江粉磁材 4.13、横店东磁
1. Overview of Rare Earth Industry 2. 1.1 Brief Introduction of Rare Earth 1.2 Rare Earth Application 1.3 Rare Earth Supply 1.4 Rare Earth Export of China
2. Permanent Magnet Market 2.1 Permanent Magnet Industry 2.2 Permanent Magnet Ferrite 2.3 Permanent Magnet Ferrite Market in China 2.4 Electroacoustic Permanent Magnet Market 2.5 Raw Material Price Trend of NdFeB 2.6 Supply Chain of Rare Earth Permanent Magnet 2.7 NdFeB Permanent Magnet Industry in China 2.8 Ranking of Major NdFeB Enterprises in China
3. NdFeB Market 3.1 Market Distribution 3.2 Elevator 3.3 Market of Mobile Phone 3.3.1 Global Mobile Phone Industry 3.4 Vibration Motor of Mobile Phone 3.5 Voice Coil Motor (VCM) 3.5.1 Profile of VCM 3.5.2 VCM Industry and Market 3.6 Micro Electroacoustic Devices 3.6.1 Ranking of Micro Electroacoustic Device Industry 3.6.2 Market Share of Mobile Phone Electroacoustic Devices 3.6.3 Supply Relationship between Electroacoustic Device Companies and Mobile Phone Vendors 3.6.4 Loudspeaker of Notebook 3.7 Wind Power Market 3.8 Frequency Conversion Air Conditioner 3.9 Electric Power Steering (EPS) Motor 3.10 EPS Motor Industry 3.11 XEV Motor 3.11.1 HEV, PHEV, EV 3.11.2 HEV, PHEV, EV Market 3.11.3 XEV Motor Market 3.12 HDD Market 3.13 HDD Industry 3.14 ODD Industry 3.15 E-Bike 3.16 Others
4. Major Permanent Magnet Companies 4.1 Hitachi Metals 4.2 Daido Steel 4.2.1 Daido Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 4.2.2 Daido Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 4.2.3 Daido Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. 4.3 TDK 4.3.1 SAE Magnetics (H.K.) Ltd. 4.4 Chengdu Galaxy Magnets Co., Ltd. 4.5 Beijing Zhong Ke San Huan Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. 4.6 Yantai Zhenghai Magnetic Material Co., Ltd. 4.7 Ningbo Yunsheng High-tech Magnetics Co., Ltd. 4.8 Vacuumschmelze (OM Group) 4.9 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 4.10 Taiyuan Twin-Tower Aluminum Oxide Co., Ltd. 4.11 Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-Earth (Group) Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. 4.12 JPMF Guangdong Co., Ltd. 4.13 Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics Co., Ltd.
2010年美国与全球稀土需求下游应用分布 2015年美国与全球稀土需求下游应用分布 2000、2010年日本NdFeB下游应用分布 2010年全球稀土产量地域分布 2010年稀土储量地域分布 2011-2015年全球新增稀土产能 各稀土元素2015年新增产能预测值(吨/年) 2006-2012年中国稀土产量、出口量 2006-2012年日本进口稀土地域分布 稀土永磁材料的发展历程 2006-2012年永磁铁氧体中国市场规模 2006-2012年汽车行业永磁铁氧体中国市场规模 2006-2012年计算机行业永磁铁氧体中国市场规模 2006-2012年 家电行业永磁铁氧体中国市场规模 2006-2012年玩具行业永磁铁氧体中国市场规模 2008-2011年我国电声器件行业生产总量及增长率分析 2006-2012年电声行业永磁铁氧体中国市场规模 2007年10月-2012年10月氧化钕价格走势 2007年10月-2012年10月金属钕价格走势 2009年1月-2012年10月NdFeB价格走势 稀土金属、合金、粉末供应链 NdFeB磁体供应链 SmCo磁体供应链 稀土永磁产业链 美国稀土永磁产业链 2007-2015年全球钕铁硼产量 2012年中国主要钕铁硼厂家产能 2012年各领域对NdFeB磁体需求量 2007-2014年全球手机出货量 2010-2012年3G/4G手机出货量地域分布 2010年1季度-2012年2季度全球主要手机厂家出货量 2012年2季度全球智能手机主要厂家市场占有率 2010-2011年全球主要手机厂家出货量 2010-2011年全球手机电机主要厂家市场占有率 手机电机产业供应关系 VCM直观图 VCM剖面图 2011-2015年AF手机所占比例 2011年全球VCM厂家收入市场占有率 微型电声行业排名 2010-2011年手机电声产值产品分布 2010-2011年全球手机用扬声器厂家市场占有率 2010-2011年全球手机受话器厂家市场占有率 2010-2011年手机全球免提听筒厂家市场占有率 2010-2011年全球蓝牙耳机厂家市场占有率 2010-2011年ECM麦克风主要厂家市场占有率 2010年手机麦克风主要厂家市场占有率 六大手机厂家微型扬声器配套供应商供应比例 六大手机厂家免提听筒配套供应商供应比例 六大手机厂家麦克风配套供应商供应比例 2010年笔记本电脑用扬声器主要厂家市场占有率 2011年全球风电新增装机容量国别分布 2011年全球风电累计装机容量国别分布 1996-2016年全球新增风电装机容量 2006-2014年中国变频空调销量 2008-2014空调行业对高性能钕铁硼永磁材料的需求 2009-2014年EPS电机出货量 2012年全球EPS电机主要厂家市场占有率 2006-2014年中国EPS电机产量 2012年典型HEV、PHEV、EV锂电池容量 丰田汽车混合动力车销量 2009-2020年全球HEV、EV、PHEV销量 2009-2020年北美HEV、EV、PHEV销量 2009-2020年欧洲HEV、EV、PHEV销量 2009-2020年日本HEV、EV、PHEV销量 2009-2020年中国HEV、EV、PHEV销量 2010-2016年xEV车用电机出货量 2010年1季度-2012年3季度每季度HDD出货量 2009-2015年HDD出货量 2011年全球硬盘出货量地域分布 2011年全球硬盘主要厂家出货量市场占有率 2012年3季度全球硬盘主要厂家市场占有率 2008-2013年光盘驱动器出货量 2012年全球光盘驱动器(ODD)主要厂家市场占有率 2009-2013年全球电动自行车销量预测 2009至2016年全球电动自行车年收入预测 欧洲不同类别电动助力车销售预测 日立金属组织结构 日立金属主要产品 2005-2013财年日立金属收入与营业利润率 2011-2012财年每季度收入业务分布 2005-2013财年大同制钢收入与营业利润 大同制钢组织结构 2009-2012财年大同制钢收入业务分布 2009-2012财年大同制钢营业利润业务分布 2012、2013财年H1大同制钢收入业务分布 2005-2013财年TDK收入与营业利润 2012年3季度TDK收入产品分布 2012年3季度TDK营业利润业务分布 2009-2012财年TDK收入下游应用分布 2011年2季度-2012年3季度TDK HDD业务每季度收入 2007-2013年银河磁体收入与营业利润率 2007-2012年银河磁体下游应用分布 2007-2011年银河磁体营业利润下游应用分布 2007-2008年银河磁体主要产品毛利率 2010-2012年银河磁体收入地域分布 2005-2012年中科三环收入与营业利润率 2010年3季度-2012年3季度每季度中科三环收入与毛利率 2011年中科三环收入下游应用 2010-2011年中科三环主要子公司财务数据 2008-2013年正海磁材收入与营业利润率 2008-2011年正海磁材收入客户分布 宁波韵升高科磁业组织结构 2006-2013年宁波韵升收入与营业利润率 2009-2012年宁波韵升收入产品分布 2005-2012年宁波韵升Nd-Fe-B收入与营业利润率 2011年宁波韵升Nd-Fe-B收入下游应用分布 2007-2013年 OM Group收入与EBITDA 2011年VAC收入业务分布 2011年VAC收入地域分布 Vacuumschmelze全球分布 2010年VAC收入下游分布 2011年VAC收入下游分布 信越化学组织结构 FY2013年H1信越化学收入与营业利润业务分布 2007-2013年太原双塔刚玉收入与营业利润 2007-2012年包钢稀土收入与营业利润 2008-2013年江粉磁材收入与营业利润 2008-2012H1江粉磁材收入产品分布 2007-2013年横店东磁收入与营业利润 2009-2012H1 横店东磁收入产品分布
Distribution of Rare Earth Demand in U.S. and World by Application, 2010 Distribution of Rare Earth Demand in U.S. and World by Application, 2015 Distribution of NdFeB in Japan by Application, 2000 & 2010 Global Rare Earth Output by Region, 2010 Global Rare Earth Reserves by Region, 2010 Global Newly-Added Rare Earth Capacity, 2011-2015 Newly-Added Rare Earth Capacity by Element, 2015E China Rare Earth Output and Export Volume, 2006-2012 Distribution of Imported Rare Earth in Japan by Region, 2006-2012 Development Course of Rare Earth Permanent Magnet China Market Scale of Ferrite, 2006-2012 China Market Scale of Ferrite in Automotive Industry, 2006-2012 China Market Scale of Ferrite in Computer Industry, 2006-2012 China Market Scale of Ferrite in Household Appliance Industry, 2006-2012 China Market Scale of Ferrite in Toy Industry, 2006-2012 Production Capacity and Growth Rate of China Electroacoustic Device Industry, 2008-2011 China Market Scale of Ferrite in Electroacoustic Industry, 2006-2012 Price of Neodymium Oxide, Oct. 2007-Oct. 2012 Price of Neodymium Metal, Oct. 2007-Oct. 2012 Price of NdFeB, Jan. 2009-Oct. 2012 Rare Earth Metal, Alloy, and Powder Supply Chain NdFeB Magnet Supply Chain SmCo Magnet Supply Chain Supply Chain of Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Supply Chain of Rare Earth Permanent Magnet in U.S.A. Global NdFeB Output, 2007-2015 China NdFeB Capacity by Enterprise, 2012 Demand for NdFeB Magnet, 2012 Global Mobile Phone Shipment, 2007-2014 3G/4G Mobile Phone Shipment by Region, 2010-2012 Shipment of Global Major Mobile Phone Vendors, Q1 2010-Q2 2012 Market Share of Global Major Smart Phone Vendors, Q2 2012 Shipment of Global Major Mobile Phone Vendors, 2010-2011 Market Share of Global Major Mobile Phone Motor Vendors, 2010-2011 Industrial Supply Relationship of Mobile Phone Motor Intuitive Illustration of VCM Profile Map of VCM AF Mobile Phone Proportion, 2011-2015 Market Share of Global VCM Companies by Revenue, 2011 Ranking of Micro Electroacoustic Device Industry Mobile Phone Electroacoustic Device Output Value by Product, 2010-2011 Market Share of Global Mobile Phone Loudspeaker Manufacturers, 2010-2011 Market Share of Global Mobile Phone Receiver Manufacturers, 2010-2011 Market Share of Global Hands-Free Earpiece Manufacturers, 2010-2011 Market Share of Global Bluetooth Headset Manufacturers, 2010-2011 Market Share of Major ECM Microphone Manufacturers, 2010-2011 Market Share of Major Mobile Phone Microphone Manufacturers, 2010 Supply Relationship between Six Mobile Phone Vendors and Their Micro Loudspeaker Providers Supply Relationship between Six Mobile Phone Vendors and Their Hands-Free Earpiece Providers Supply Relationship between Six Mobile Phone Vendors and Their Microphone Providers Market Share of Major Notebook Loudspeaker Manufacturers, 2010 Distribution of Global Newly-Added Wind Power Installed Capacity by Country, 2011 Distribution of Global Cumulative Wind Power Installed Capacity by Country, 2011 Global Newly-Added Installed Capacity of Wind Power, 1996-2016 Sales Volume of Frequency Conversion Air Conditioner in China, 2006-2014 Demand for High-performance NdFeB Permanent Magnet from Air Conditioner Industry, 2008-2014 Shipment of EPS Motor, 2009-2014 Market Share of Global Major EPS Motor Manufacturers, 2012 EPS Motor Output of China, 2006-2014 Typical HEV, PHEV, EV Lithium Battery Capacity, 2012 Sales Volume of Hybrid Vehicle of Toyota Global Sales Volume of HEV, EV, PHEV, 2009-2020 Sales Volume of HEV, EV, PHEV in North America, 2009-2020 Sales Volume of HEV, EV, PHEV in Europe, 2009-2020 Sales Volume of HEV, EV, PHEV in Japan, 2009-2020 Sales Volume of HEV, EV, PHEV in China, 2009-2020 Shipment of xEV Motor, 2010-2016 Quarterly HDD Shipment, Q1 2010-Q3 2012 HDD Shipment, 2009-2015 Global HDD Shipment by Region, 2011 Market Share of Global Major HDD Manufacturers by Shipment, 2011 Market Share of Global Major HDD Manufacturers, Q3 2012 ODD Shipment, 2008-2013 Market Share of Global Major ODD Manufacturers, 2012 Global Sales Volume of E-Bike, 2009-2013E Global Revenue of E-Bike, 2009-2016E Sales Prediction of Electric Assistant Vehicle in Europe by Type Organizational Structure of Hitachi Metals Main Products of Hitachi Metals Revenue and Operating Margin of Hitachi Metals, FY2005-FY2013 Quarterly Revenue of Hitachi Metals by Business, FY2011-FY2012 Revenue and Operating Income of Daido Steel, FY2005-FY2013 Organizational Structure of Daido Steel Revenue of Daido Steel by Business, FY2009-FY2012 Operating Income of Daido Steel by Business, FY2009-FY2012 Revenue of Daido Steel by Business, FY2012-FY2013H1 Revenue and Operating Income of TDK, FY2005-FY2013 Revenue of TDK by Product, Q3 2012 Operating Income of TDK by Business, Q3 2012 Revenue of TDK by Application, FY2009-FY2012 Quarterly Revenue of TDK HDD, Q2 2011-Q3 2012 Revenue and Operating Margin of Chengdu Galaxy Magnets, 2007-2013 Downstream Application of Chengdu Galaxy Magnets, 2007-2012 Operating Income of Chengdu Galaxy Magnets by Application, 2007-2011 Gross Margin of Chengdu Galaxy Magnets by Product, 2007-2008 Revenue of Chengdu Galaxy Magnets by Region, 2010-2012 Revenue and Operating Margin of Zhong Ke San Huan, 2005-2012 Revenue and Gross Margin of Zhong Ke San Huan, Q3 2010-Q3 2012 Revenue of Zhong Ke San Huan by Application, 2011 Financial Statement of Zhong Ke San Huan by Subsidiary, 2010-2011 Revenue and Operating Margin of Yantai Zhenghai Magnetic Material, 2008-2013 Revenue of Yantai Zhenghai Magnetic Material by Customer, 2008-2011 Organizational Structure of Ningbo Yunsheng High-Tech Magnetics Revenue and Operating Margin of Ningbo Yunsheng, 2006-2013 Revenue of Ningbo Yunsheng by Product, 2009-2012 NdFeB Revenue and Operating Margin of Ningbo Yunsheng, 2005-2012 NdFeB Revenue of Ningbo Yunsheng by Application, 2011 Revenue and EBITDA of OM Group, 2007-2013 VAC Revenue by Business, 2011 VAC Revenue by Region, 2011 Global Distribution of Vacuumschmelze VAC Revenue Downstream Distribution, 2010 VAC Revenue Downstream Distribution, 2011 Organization Structure of Shin-Etsu Chemical Revenue and Operating Income of Shin-Etsu Chemical, H1 FY2013 Revenue and Operating Income of Taiyuan Twin-Tower Aluminum Oxide, 2007-2013 Revenue and Operating Income of Baotou Steel Rare-Earth, 2007-2012 Revenue and Operating Income of JPMF Guangdong, 2008-2013 Revenue of JPMF Guangdong by Product, 2008-H1 2012 Revenue and Operating Income of Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics, 2007-2013 Revenue of Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics by Product, 2009-H1 2012
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