2013-2015年中国皮鞋行业研究报告 |
字数:4.5万 |
页数:132 |
图表数:140 |
中文电子版:8500元 |
中文纸版:4250元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:9000元 |
英文电子版:2300美元 |
英文纸版:2400美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:2600美元 |
发布日期:2014-01 |
附件:下载 |
2012-2013年,由于国内外经济增长均出现下降,皮鞋制造商和皮鞋零售商承受着较大的运营压力,皮鞋行业整体发展速度有所放缓。 从生产及消费来看 受经济增长速度放缓影响,中国消费者信心下滑,对皮鞋等非生活必需品的消费意愿下降。同时由于原材料价格上涨、汇率上升、人工成本上涨等因素影响,企业经营环境较差,企业主对未来的前景态度比较消极。2012-2013年中国皮鞋产量及消费量增速均出现下降,其中产量增速分别降至5.29%和7.45%,消费增速分别降至9.22%和8.42%,虽然情况好于2011年,但远低于2010年的繁荣时期。从目前来看,消费者和企业的信心均未出现实质好转,因此预计2014-2015年中国皮鞋的生产及消费增速将继续小幅度下降。 从出口情况来看 长期以来,中国皮鞋受到多个国家反倾销调查,在国外市场承受着高进口税率和反倾销税。2012年11月,奥康国际在反倾销案中获得胜诉,这对于中国皮鞋企业的出口信心起到一定的提振作用。预计未来两年中国皮鞋的出口量有望实现小幅度增长。 从产业集群来看 目前中国皮鞋生产仍然集中在福建、浙江、广东三个省份,2013年这三个省份占中国皮鞋总产量69.62%的比重。随着职工薪酬的不断上涨,以及劳动力资源的减少,这三个省份的皮鞋企业面临着较大的运营压力。与此同时,一些皮鞋厂商正在将生产基地向西部和中部一些劳动力资源丰富,同时薪酬水平较低的地区转移。预计未来两年,这三个省份占中国皮鞋总产量的比重将进一步下降,湖南、重庆、四川等地区的比重将相应上升。 从销售渠道来看 随着电子商务的不断完善和发展,中国网络购物的发展一直保持着快速增长的态势。2013年中国网络购物的市场规模估计在18242.4亿元人民币,同比增速高达40%。百丽、奥康、红蜻蜓、意尔康、木林森等多家大型皮鞋企业已经开展了电子商务业务,它们大多通过在天猫、京东等知名B2C网络平台上设立旗舰店或专营店开展网络销售业务。 在传统渠道上,各大企业仍将重心集中在专卖店扩建或改善。百丽国际以零售网点扩张为主要途径,2013上半年该集团在中国大陆地区净新增鞋类自营零售网点442家。奥康国际则采用大店策略,对现有经销网点进行改善,将多个旗下品牌放在同一家面积、人员等规模更大的店铺进行集中销售、分类管理。 水清木华研究中心《2013-2015年中国皮鞋行业研究报告》主要包括以下内容:- 全球及中国制鞋业产业格局、品牌格局、区域格局;
- 中国皮鞋制造商数量、毛利率、产量、消费量、出口量及预测;
- 中国男士皮鞋和女士皮鞋市场主要特点、主要品牌、产品售价、市场占有率等;
- 中国皮鞋主要生产区域的发展现状及预测;
- 中国皮鞋主要销售渠道、皮革供应情况等;
- 中国主要皮鞋制造商的产品品牌、收入情况、毛利率、销售网点分布、发展战略、业绩预测等内容。
Due to slowdown in economic growth both in China and beyond in
2012-2013, leather shoes manufacturers and leather shoes retailers
shouldered grave operation pressure in the wake of the slowdown in the
industry. Output & Consumption The economic
slowdown frustrates Chinese consumers who have weakening willingness to
buying non-necessities such as leather shoes. As such, adverse factors,
including price hike of raw materials, growing exchange rate and soaring
labor cost, bring with tough business environment for entrepreneurs
who, in turn, hold pessimistic attitude towards future development. In
2012-2013, both the output and consumption of China leather shoes
industry witnessed a decline, with the output growth rates down to 5.29%
and 7.45%, respectively, while the consumption growth rates down to
9.22% and 8.42%, a level well below the 2010 boom albeit its
outperforming the 2011 level. Thus far, the confidence of both consumers
and entrepreneurs has yet substantively changed for better. Given this,
it is expected that the growth rates for both the output and
consumption in China leather shoes industry will sustain slight decline
tendency between 2014 and 2015. Export Anti-dumping
investigations launched by many countries on made-in-China leather
shoes are very frequent for a long time, which forces Chinese industrial
players to bear higher import tariff and anti-dumping duty. In
Nov.2012, Zhejiang Aokang Shoes won a lawsuit in an anti-dumping case,
which cheered up Chinese leather shoes makers’ export confidence to some
extent. According to the estimate, the export volume of made-in-China
leather shoes will realize slight growth in upcoming two years. Industrial Cluster
production of leather shoes in China still concentrates in Fujian,
Zhejiang and Guangdong provinces, the combined output of which accounted
for 69.62% of China’s total in 2013. As a result of the growing wages
and decreasing labor resources, leather shoes enterprises in the three
provinces are encountered with higher operation pressure. In the
meanwhile, some leather shoes producers are transferring their
production bases to West and Central China where feature abundant labor
resources and lower pay. It is projected that the leather shoes output
of these three provinces will occupy a decreased proportion of the total
in China, and that the output in Hunan, Chongqing and Sichuan will see a
rise. Marketing Channel Along with the ceaseless
improvement and development of e-commerce, China online shopping
industry has long been maintaining booming development. In 2013, the
market size of China online shopping industry soared by 40% year-on-year
to roughly RMB1.82424 trillion. Many leading leather shoes enterprises
including Belle, Aokang, Red Dragonfly, Yearcon and Mulinsen have jumped
on e-commerce business by opening up flagship stores or franchised
stores through the platform of Tmall, JD and other well-known B2C
websites. Leading industrial players continue to give priority
to expansion or renovation of franchised stores. For instance, Belle
International is keen on expanding retail outlets, with the number of
self-run shoes retail outlets increasing by 442 on Chinese Mainland in
the first half of 2013. Another example is Zhejiang Aokang Shoes, which,
on the contrary, puts sub-brands together in a store with larger
coverage and more staff for sale or sort management. The report highlights:  Industrial Pattern, Brand Pattern, Regional Pattern of Global and China Shoemaking Industry;  Number, Gross Margin, Output, Consumption, Export Volume and Outlook of Chinese Leather Shoes Enterprises;  Market Characteristics, Main Brands, Prices, Market Occupancy of Men’s Leather Shoes and Women’s Leather Shoes Market;  Status Quo and Prediction of Main Leather Shoes Production Regions in China;  Main Marketing Channels of Made-in-China Leather Shoes, and Supply of Leather; 
Brands, Revenue, Gross Margin, Distribution of Sales Outlet, and
Development Strategy of Main Leather Shoes Manufacturers in China
第一章 皮鞋行业概述 1.1 皮鞋概述 1.1.1 产品界定 1.1.2 真皮标志 1.1.3 行业毛利率 1.2 全球皮鞋行业格局 1.2.1 产业格局 1.2.2 品牌格局 1.3 中国皮鞋行业格局 1.3.1 产业格局 1.3.2 品牌格局
第二章 中国皮鞋市场概况 2.1 生产量 2.2 消费情况 2.2.1 消费量 2.2.2 人均消费量 2.3 出口情况 2.4 细分市场 2.4.1 女鞋市场 2.4.2 男鞋市场
第三章 区域市场情况 3.1 区域格局 3.2 福建发展情况 3.3 浙江发展情况 3.4 广东发展情况
第四章 销售渠道 4.1 产品售价 4.2 品牌战略 4.3 销售渠道 4.4 网络销售 4.4.1 网络销售规模 4.4.2 网络销售品牌排名
第五章 皮革市场 5.1 皮革分类 5.2 行业现状 5.3 生产及进口 5.4 竞争格局 5.5 发展趋势
第六章 重点企业 6.1 百丽国际 6.1.1 公司简介 6.1.2 经营业绩 6.1.3 营收构成 6.1.4 毛利率 6.1.5 营销网络 6.1.6 新业务发展布局 6.2 达芙妮国际 6.2.1 公司简介 6.2.2 经营业绩 6.2.3 营收构成 6.2.4 毛利率 6.2.5 营销网络 6.3 奥康国际 6.3.1 公司简介 6.3.2 经营业绩 6.3.3 营收构成 6.3.4 毛利率 6.3.5 经营模式 6.3.6 生产模式 6.3.7 销售模式 6.3.8 品牌运营模式 6.3.9 发展策略 6.4 千百度 6.4.1 公司简介 6.4.2 经营业绩 6.4.3 营收构成 6.4.5 毛利率 6.4.6 营销网络 6.5 富贵鸟 6.5.1 公司简介 6.5.2 经营业绩 6.5.3 营收构成 6.5.4 毛利率 6.5.5 营销网络 6.5.6 品牌定位 6.5.7 战略目标 6.6 星期六 6.6.1 公司简介 6.6.2 经营业绩 6.6.3 营收构成 6.6.4 毛利率 6.6.5 营销网络 6.7 利信达集团 6.7.1 公司简介 6.7.2 经营业绩 6.7.3 营收构成 6.7.4 毛利率 6.7.5 营销网络 6.8 盈进集团 6.8.1 公司简介 6.8.2 经营业绩 6.8.3 营收构成 6.8.4 毛利率 6.8.5 营销网络 6.9 亨达股份 6.9.1 公司简介 6.9.2 营业收入 6.9.3 销售网络 6.10 意尔康 6.11 红蜻蜓 6.12 康奈集团 6.13 金猴集团 6.14 哈森商贸 6.15 蜘蛛王 6.16 森达
第七章 总结 7.1 皮鞋行业发展趋势 7.1.1 负面因素 7.1.2 驱动力 7.1.3 发展趋势总结 7.2 公司对比 7.2.1 营业收入 7.2.2 净利润 7.2.3 毛利率及净利率 7.2.4 零售门店数量
1. Leather Shoes Industry 1.1 Overview of Leather Shoes 1.1.1 Definition 1.1.2 Dermal Mark 1.1.3 Gross Margin 1.2 Global Pattern 1.2.1 Industry Pattern 1.2.2 Brand Pattern 1.3 China Pattern 1.3.1 Industry Pattern 1.3.2 Brand Pattern
2. China Leather Shoes Market 2.1 Output 2.2 Consumption 2.2.1 Total Consumption 2.2.2 Per Capita Consumption 2.3 Exports 2.4 Market Segment 2.4.1 Women’s Shoes Market 2.4.2 Men’s Shoes Market
3. Regional Market 3.1 Regional Pattern 3.2 Development in Fujian 3.3 Development in Zhejiang 3.4 Development in Guangdong
4. Marketing Channel 4.1 Product Price 4.2 Brand Strategy 4.3 Marketing Channel 4.4 Network Marketing 4.4.1 Network Marketing Scale 4.4.2 Network Marketing Brand Ranking
5. Leather Market 5.1 Classification of Leather 5.2 Industry Status 5.3 Output and Import 5.4 Competitive Landscape 5.5 Development Tendency
6. Key Enterprises 6.1 Belle International Holdings Limited 6.1.1 Profile 6.1.2 Business Performance 6.1.3 Revenue Structure 6.1.4 Gross Margin 6.1.5 Distribution Network 6.1.6 New Business Development Layout 6.2 DAPHNE International Holdings Limited 6.2.1 Profile 6.2.2 Business Performance 6.2.3 Revenue Structure 6.2.4 Gross Margin 6.2.5 Distribution Network 6.3 ZheJiang AoKang Shoes Co., Ltd. 6.3.1 Profile 6.3.2 Business Performance 6.3.3 Revenue Structure 6.3.4 Gross Margin 6.3.5 Business Model 6.3.6 Production Model 6.3.7 Sales Model 6.3.8 Brand Operation Mode 6.3.9 Development Strategy 6.4 C. banner International Holdings Limited 6.4.1 Profile 6.4.2 Business Performance 6.4.3 Revenue Structure 6.4.5 Gross Margin 6.4.6 Distribution Network 6.5 Fuguiniao Co., Ltd. 6.5.1 Profile 6.5.2 Business Performance 6.5.3 Revenue Structure 6.5.4 Gross Margin 6.5.5 Distribution Network 6.5.6 Brand Positioning 6.5.7 Strategic Target 6.6 Foshan Saturday Shoes Co.,Ltd. 6.6.1 Profile 6.6.2 Business Performance 6.6.3 Revenue Structure 6.6.4 Gross Margin 6.6.5 Distribution Network 6.7 Le Saunda Holdings Limited 6.7.1 Profile 6.7.2 Business Performance 6.7.3 Revenue Structure 6.7.4 Gross Margin 6.7.5 Distribution Network 6.8 Walker Group Holdings Ltd. 6.8.1 Profile 6.8.2 Business Performance 6.8.3 Revenue Structure 6.8.4 Gross Margin 6.8.5 Distribution Network 6.9 Qingdao Hengda Co., Ltd 6.9.1 Company Profile 6.9.2 Revenue 6.9.3 Distribution Network 6.10 YEARCON CO., LTD 6.11 Red Dragonfly Footwear Co., Ltd. 6.12 Kangnai Group Co. Ltd 6.13 Jinhou Group 6.14 Harson Trading (China) Co., Ltd. 6.15 Spider King Group Co., Ltd 6.16 Jiangsu Senda Group Co.,Ltd.
7. Summary 7.1 Leather Shoes Industry Development Trendency 7.1.1 Negative Factor 7.1.2 Positive Factor 7.1.3 Development Trendency Summary 7.2 Comparison of Listed Companies 7.2.1 Revenue 7.2.2 Net Income 7.2.3 Gross Margin and Net Profit Margin 7.2.4 Retail Stores
表:2012中国入选“真皮领先鞋王”的皮鞋品牌 图:2011-2013年中国规模以上皮鞋制造企业数量 图:2011-2013年中国规模以上皮鞋制造企业营业收入及毛利率 图:全球主要制鞋国家分布 表:全球主要鞋类产品生产国情况对比 图:全球制鞋业聚集地迁移历程 表:全球鞋类知名品牌 表:中国制鞋业三大聚集地区 表:中国鞋类产品市场定位及价格 图:2004-2015年中国皮鞋产量 图:2004-2015年中国皮鞋消费量及增速 图:2004-2015年中国皮鞋内销比例 图:2004-2015年中国人均皮鞋消费量 图:2004-2015年中国皮鞋出口数量 图:2004-2015年中国皮鞋出口量占总产量的比例 图:2004-2015年中国皮鞋出口平均单价 图:2012年中国主要皮鞋企业市场占有率 图:2012年中国鞋履市场结构 图:中国女鞋品牌无提示第一提及率排名 图:2012年中国女士皮鞋市场占有率 表:中国主要女士皮鞋品牌风格及定位 图:2012年中国男士皮鞋市场占有率 表:中国主要男鞋品牌介绍 图:2012-2013年中国皮鞋产量分布(分地区) 图:2004-2015年福建省皮鞋产量 图:2005-2013年福建省最低工资标准 图:2004-2015年浙江省皮鞋产量 图:2005-2013年浙江省最低工资标准 图:2004-2015年广东省皮鞋产量 图:2005-2013年广东省最低工资标准 图:2007、2012、2015年中国各档次皮鞋消费比重 表:中国知名鞋企业多品牌情况 图:2000、2006、2011、2013年中国鞋履零售渠道分布 图:2012-2013年中国网络购物各季度市场规模 图:2007-2015年中国网络购物市场规模 图:2012-2013年中国B2C在网络购物中的比重 图:2013年第三季度中国B2C平台市场占有率 图:2009-2013年天猫“双十一”交易额 表:2013年天猫“双十一”男鞋及女鞋交易量 图:2013年天猫“双十一”女鞋品牌TOP10 图:2013年天猫“双十一”女鞋TOP10品牌平均售价及客单价 图:2013年天猫“双十一”男鞋品牌TOP10 图:2013年天猫“双十一”男鞋TOP10品牌平均售价及客单价 图:皮革分类 图:2013中国皮革景气指数 图:2013年中国皮革价格指数 图:2013年11月各类皮革产品价格涨幅 图:2010-2015年中国头层黄牛皮平均价格 图:2004-2015年中国生皮产量 图:2009-2015年中国生皮及蓝湿皮进口量 图:2009-2015年中国生皮及蓝湿皮进口平均单价 表:中国主要制革企业 图:2008-2015年百丽国际营业收入及同比增长 图:2008-2013年百丽国际净利润及同比增长 图:2008-2013年百丽国际营收构成(分产品) 图:2008-2013年百丽国际营收构成(分区域) 图:2008-2013年百丽国际毛利及同比增长 图:2008-2013年百丽国际毛利率 图:2008-2013年百丽国际在中国自营零售店数量 图:2013年上半年百丽国际中国大陆自营零售店分布(分省市) 图:2008-2015年达芙妮国际营业收入及同比增长 图:2008-2013年达芙妮国际净利润及同比增长 图:2008-2012年达芙妮国际营收构成(分业务) 图:2008-2013年达芙妮国际毛利及同比增长 图:2008-2013年达芙妮国际毛利率 图:2008-2013年达芙妮国际零售门店数量 表:2008-2013年达芙妮国际核心品牌门店分布(分城市级别) 图:2008-2015年奥康国际营业收入及同比增长 图:2008-2013年奥康国际净利润及同比增长 图:2009-2013年奥康国际营收构成(分产品) 图:2009-2013年奥康国际营收构成(分区域) 图:2009-2013年奥康国际毛利率(分产品) 表:2009-2013年奥康国际毛利率(分区域) 图:2008-2013年奥康国际直营店及加盟店数量 图:2011年奥康国际在中国销售门店分布(分省市) 图:2012年奥康国际在全球销售网络分布 表:奥康国际五大品牌定位及销售渠道 图:2008-2015年千百度营业收入及同比增长 图:2008-2013年千百度净利润及同比增长 图:2008-2012年千百度营收构成(分区域) 图:2008-2013年千百度毛利及同比增长 图:2008-2013年千百度毛利率 图:2010-2013年千百度直营店及加盟店数量 表:2013上半年千百度各品牌产品门店区域分布 表:富贵鸟生产基地及研发中心 图:2010-2015年富贵鸟营业收入及同比增长 图:2010-2015年富贵鸟净利润及同比增长 图:2010-2013年富贵鸟营收构成(分产品) 表:2010-2013年富贵鸟营收构成(分品牌) 表:2010-2013年富贵鸟营收构成(分销售渠道) 表:2010-2013年富贵鸟营收构成(分区域) 图:2010-2013年富贵鸟毛利及同比增长 图:2010-2013年富贵鸟毛利率 图:2010-2013年富贵鸟零售门店数量(分渠道) 图:2010-2013年富贵鸟零售门店数量(分产品) 表:2010-2013年富贵鸟零售门店数量及经销商数量(分区域) 表:富贵鸟三大品牌定位 图:2008-2015年星期六营业收入及同比增长 图:2008-2013年星期六净利润及同比增长 表:2008-2013年星期六营收构成(分产品) 表:2008-2013年星期六营收构成(分区域) 表:2009-2013年星期六毛利率(分产品) 表:2009-2013年星期六毛利率(分区域) 图:2008-2013年星期六零售门店数量及同比增长 图:2008-2014财年利信达集团营业收入及同比增长 图:2008-2014财年利信达集团净利润及同比增长 图:2009-2014财年利信达集团营收构成(分产品) 图:2008-2014财年利信达集团营收构成(分区域) 图:2008-2014财年利信达集团毛利及同比增长 图:2008-2014财年利信达集团毛利率 图:2008-2014财年利信达集团零售门店数量及同比增长 表:2011-2014财年利信达集团自营及特许经营零售门店数量(分区域) 图:2008-2015财年盈进集团营业收入及同比增长 图:2008-2014财年盈进集团净利润及同比增长 表:2008-2014财年盈进集团营收构成(分区域) 图:2008-2014财年盈进集团毛利及同比增长 图:2008-2014财年盈进集团毛利率 图:2008-2014财年盈进集团零售门店数量及同比增长 表:亨达股份各品牌产品定位 表:2008-2011年亨达股份营业收入及净利润 表:2008-2011年亨达股份分业务营业收入 表:2008-2011年亨达股份分地区营业收入 表:2011年上半年亨达股份门店分布 表:2011年上半年亨达股份各品牌自营店数量 表:2011年上半年亨达股份各品牌自营店区域分布 图:2008-2015年中国皮鞋生产及消费增长速度 图:2008-2015年中国皮鞋出口增速 图:2008-2015年福建、浙江、广东三省占皮鞋总产量的比重 图:2008-2015年中国网络购物市场规模及增速 表:2008-2013年中国皮鞋行业上市公司营业收入对比 表:2009-2013年中国皮鞋行业上市公司营业收入增速对比 表:2008-2013年中国皮鞋行业上市公司净利润对比 表:2009-2013年中国皮鞋行业上市公司净利润增速对比 表:2008-2013年皮鞋行业上市公司毛利率对比 表:2008-2013年皮鞋行业上市公司净利率对比 表:2008-2013年皮鞋行业上市公司零售门店数量对比
Leather Shoes Brands Being Selected as the “Chinese Leading Dermis Shoes King”, 2012 Number of Chinese Leather Shoes Makers above Designated Scale, 2011-2013 Revenue and Gross Margin of Chinese Leather Shoes Makers above Designated Scale, 2011-2013 Distribution of the World’s Leading Footwear Producing Countries Comparison among the World’s Major Footwear Producing Countries Migration Process of Global Footwear Clusters Famous Footwear Brands Worldwide Three Major Footwear Clusters in China Market Positioning and Price of Chinese Footwear Products Leathers Shoes Output in China, 2004-2015 Leather Shoes Consumption and Growth Rate in China, 2004-2015 Leather Shoes Sales in Domestic Market of China, 2004-2015 (%) Per Capita Consumption of Leather Shoes in China, 2004-2015 Leather Shoes Export Volume in China, 2004-2015 Leather Shoes Export Volume of China in Total Output, 2004-2015 Average Export Unit Price of Leather Shoes in China, 2004-2015 Market Occupancy of Leading Leather Shoes Enterprises in China, 2012 China Footwear Market Structure, 2012 Chinese Women's Shoes Brand Awareness –No.1 Brand Awareness without Hint Market Occupancy of Women’s Leather Shoes in China, 2012 Style and Positioning of Main Women’s Leather Shoes Brands in China Market Occupancy of Men’S Leather Shoes in China, 2012 Main Men’s Shoes Brands in China Leather Shoes Output in China by Region, 2012-2013 Leather Shoes Output in Fujian, 2004-2015 Minimum Wage Standard in Fujian, 2005-2013 Leather Shoes Output in Zhejiang, 2004-2015 Minimum Wage Standard in Zhejiang, 2005-2013 Leather Shoes Output in Guangdong, 2004-2015 Minimum Wage Standard in Guangdong, 2005-2013 Leather Shoes Consumption in China by Grade, 2007/2012/2015 Multi-brand Situation of Well-known Footwear Enterprises in China Retail Channel Distribution of Footwear in China, 2000, 2006, 2011 and 2013 China Online Shopping Market Size by Quarter, 2012-2013 China Online Shopping Market Size, 2007-2015 Proportion of B2C in Online Shopping Market in China, 2012-2013 Market Occupancy of China B2C Platform in China, 2013Q3 Turnover of Tmall on Nov.11, 2009-2013 Transaction Volume of Men’s and Women’s Shoes on Tmall on Nov.11, 2013 TOP10 Women’s Shoes Brands of Tmall on Nov.11, 2013 Average Selling Price and Per Customer Transaction of Top 10 Women’s Shoes Brands on Tmall on Nov.11, 2013 TOP10 Men’s Shoes Brands of Tmall on Nov.11, 2013 Average Selling Price and Per Customer Transaction of Top 10 Men’s Shoes Brands on Tmall on Nov.11, 2013 Classification of Leather Business Index of China Leather Market, 2013 Price Index of China Leather Market, 2013 Rise in Price of Leather Products by Variety, Nov.2013 Average Price of First-Layer Cow Leather in China, 2010-2015 China Raw Hide Output, 2004-2015 Import Volume of Raw Hide and Wet Blue Leather in China, 2009-2015 Average Import Unit Price of Raw Hide and Wet Blue Leather in China, 2009-2015 Major Leather-making Enterprises in China Revenue and YoY Growth Rate of Belle International, 2008-2015 Net Income and YoY Growth Rate of Belle International, 2008-2015 Revenue Structure of Belle International by Product, 2008-2013 Revenue Structure of Belle International by Region, 2008-2013 Gross Margin and YoY Growth Rate of Belle International, 2008-2013 Gross Margin of Belle International, 2008-2013 Number of Self-Run Retail Outlets under Belle International in China, 2008-2013 Distribution of Self-Run Retail Outlets under Belle International on Chinese Mainland by Province/Municipality, 2013H1 Revenue and YoY Growth Rate of Daphne International, 2008-2015 Net Income and YoY Growth Rate of Daphne International, 2008-2015 Revenue Structure of Daphne International by Business, 2008-2012 Gross Margin and YoY Growth Rate of Daphne International, 2008-2013 Gross Margin of Daphne International, 2008-2013 Number of Retail Outlets of Daphne International in China, 2008-2013 Distribution of Outlets with Core Brands under Daphne International by Layer of Cities, 2008-2013 Revenue and YoY Growth Rate of Zhejiang Aokang Shoes, 2008-2015 Net Income and YoY Growth Rate of Zhejiang Aokang Shoes, 2008-2015 Revenue Structure of Zhejiang Aokang Shoes by Product, 2009-2013 Revenue Structure of Zhejiang Aokang Shoes by Region, 2009-2013 Gross Margin of Zhejiang Aokang Shoes by Product, 2009-2013 Gross Margin of Zhejiang Aokang Shoes by Region, 2009-2013 Number of Direct-Sale Stores and Franchised Stores of Zhejiang Aokang Shoes, 2008-2013 Number of Sales Outlets under Zhejiang Aokang Shoes in China by Province/Municipality, 2011 Global Distribution of Sales Network of Zhejiang Aokang Shoes, 2012 Orientation and Marketing Channels of Five Leading Brands under Zhejiang Aokang Shoes Revenue and YoY Growth Rate of C.Banner, 2008-2015 Net Income and YoY Growth Rate of C.Banner, 2008-2015 Revenue Structure of C.Banner by Region, 2008-2012 Net Income and YoY Growth Rate of C.Banner, 2008-2013 Gross Margin of C.Banner, 2008-2013 Number of Direct-Sale Stores and Franchised Stores of C.Banner, 2010-2013 Distribution of Outlets of C.Banner by Region, 2013H1 Production Bases and R&D Centers of Fuguiniao Revenue and YoY Growth Rate of Fuguiniao, 2010-2015 Net Income and YoY Growth Rate of Fuguiniao, 2010-2015 Revenue Structure of Fuguiniao by Product, 2010-2013 Revenue Structure of Fuguiniao by Brand, 2010-2013 Revenue Structure of Fuguiniao by Marketing Channel, 2010-2013 Revenue Structure of Fuguiniao by Marketing Region, 2010-2013 Gross Margin and YoY Growth Rate of Fuguiniao, 2010-2013 Gross Margin of Fuguiniao, 2010-2013 Number of Retail Outlets of Fuguiniao by Channel, 2010-2013 Number of Retail Outlets of Fuguiniao by Product, 2010-2013 Number of Retail Outlets and Distributers of Fuguiniao by Region, 2010-2013 Positioning of Three Leading Brands under Fuguiniao Revenue and YoY Growth Rate of SATURDAY SHOES, 2008-2015 Net Income and YoY Growth Rate of SATURDAY SHOES, 2008-2015 Revenue Structure of SATURDAY SHOES by Product, 2008-2013 Revenue Structure of SATURDAY SHOES by Region, 2008-2013 Gross Margin of SATURDAY SHOES by Product, 2009-2013 Gross Margin of SATURDAY SHOES by Region, 2009-2013 Number of Retail Outlets of SATURDAY SHOES and YoY Growth Rate, 2008-2013 Revenue and YoY Growth Rate of Le Saunda, FY2008-FY2014 Net Income and YoY Growth Rate of Le Saunda, FY2008-FY2014 Revenue Structure of Le Saunda by Product, FY2009-FY2014 Revenue Structure of Le Saunda by Region, FY2008-FY2014 Gross Margin and YoY Growth Rate of Le Saunda, FY2008-FY2014 Gross Margin of Le Saunda, FY2008-FY2014 Number of Retail Outlets Le Saunda and YoY Growth Rate, FY2008-FY2014 Number of Self-Run and Franchised Stores under Le Saunda by Region, FY2011-FY2014 Revenue and YoY Growth Rate of WALKER GROUP, FY2008-FY2015 Net Income and YoY Growth Rate of WALKER GROUP, FY2008-FY2014 Revenue Structure of WALKER GROUP by Region, FY2008-FY2014 Gross Profit and YoY Growth Rate of WALKER GROUP, FY2008-FY2014 Gross Margin of WALKER GROUP, FY2008-FY2014 Number of Retail Outlets of WALKER GROUP and YoY Growth, FY2008-FY2014 Product Positioning of HengDa by Brands Revenue and Net Income of HengDa, 2008-2011 Revenue Breakdown of HengDa by Business, 2008-2011 Revenue Breakdown of HengDa by Region, 2008-2011 Store Distribution of HengDa, H1 2011 Self-operated Store Quantity of HengDa by Brands, H1 2011 Self-operated Store Distribution of HengDa by Brands, H1 2011 Growth Rates for Output and Consumption of Made-In-China Leather Shoes, 2008-2015 Growth Rate for Export of Made-In-China Leather Shoes, 2008-2015 Proportion of Leather Shoes Output of Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangdong in China’s Total, 2008-2015 China Online Shopping Market Size and Growth Rate, 2008-2015 Revenue of Listed Industrial Players in China, 2008-2013 Growth Rate for Revenue of Listed Industrial Players in China, 2009-2013 Net Income of Listed Industrial Players in China, 2008-2013 Growth Rate for Net Income of Listed Industrial Players in China, 2009-2013 Gross Margin of Listed Industrial Players in China, 2008-2013 Net Income of Listed Industrial Players in China, 2008-2013 Number of Retail Outlets under Listed Industrial Players in China, 2008-2013
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