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截至2013年底,中国共有幼儿园198,553所,比2012年增加17,302所,同比增长9.5%2003-2009年,中国幼儿园每年平均增长3,637所,2010-2013年中国幼儿园每年年均增长16,044所。2013年,中国幼儿园招生人数为19,700,271人,比2012年增加581,117人,同比增长3.0% 同期,中国幼儿园在校生人数为38,946,903人,比2012年增加2,089,279人,同比增长5.7%2013年,中国学前三年毛入园率(3-5岁学龄儿童在园的比例)达到67.5%,比2012年增加3个百分点,比2009年增加16.6个百分点。


从民办幼儿园来看,近年来,中国民办幼儿园发展速度快于公办幼儿园。截至2013年底,中国民办幼儿园数量为133,451所,比2012年增加8,813所,同比增长7.1%,民办幼儿园数量在全国幼儿园总数中占比67.2%2013年,中国民办幼儿园招生及在校生人数分别为9,079,575人、19,902,536 人,分别在全国幼儿园招生及在校生人数中占比46.1%51.1%











20120114.gif  中国教育行业发展分析(包括各类学校数量、招生人数、在校生人数、教育资金投入、教育消费支出等)

20120114.gif       中国幼儿园行业发展环境分析(主要包括幼儿园概况、相关政策、教育经费等)

20120114.gif  幼儿园教学模式(包括杜威活动教育、高瞻课程教学、蒙台梭利教学、瑞吉欧方案教学、华德福(Waldorf)教学、森林幼儿园等模式)

20120114.gif  幼儿园行业发展情况(包括全国、各区域及各省市幼儿园数量、幼儿园班级数量、招生人数、在校生人数、教职工人数、生师比、生职比、竞争格局、发展趋势等)

20120114.gif  民办幼儿园发展情况(包括市场现状、相关政策、幼儿园数量、幼儿园班级数量、招生人数、在校生人数、教职工人数、生师比、生职比、各省市幼儿园发展情况、收费等)

20120114.gif  北京、上海、天津、重庆等地幼儿园发展情况(包括整体幼儿园及民办幼儿园发展情况)

20120114.gif    10家学前教育机构分析(包括简介、教育理念、课程设置、幼儿园区域分布、收



As of the end of 2013, China had a total of 198,553 kindergartens, rising 17,302, or 9.5% from 2012. The number of kindergartens there saw annual average expansion of 3,637 during 2003-2009 and 16,044 during 2010-2013. In the year 2013, the country’s new entrants to kindergarten amounted to 19,700,271, an increase of 581,117 or 3.0% over the last year; enrollments of kindergartens grew by 2,089,279 or 5.7% from 2012 to 38,946,903; gross enrollment rate of 3-year preschool education i.e. the proportion of school-age children (3-5 years old) in kindergartens attained 67.5%, up 3 percentage points from 2012 and 16.6 percentage points against 2009.

In China, private kindergartens developed faster than public ones in recent years. By the end of 2013, there were 133,451 private kindergartens, a jump of 8,813 or 7.1% from 2012, accounting for 67.2% of the total number of kindergartens nationwide. 9,079,575 new entrants and 19,902,536 enrollments were recorded by private kindergartens in 2013, making up 46.1% and 51.1% of that of kindergartens all over the country.

By province or municipality, due to differences in factors like economy, population, society and culture, a fairly large gap exists as concerns the development level of preschool education. By the end of 2013, top 5 provinces that had the largest number of kindergartens were Shandong, Henan, Guangdong, Hunan and Sichuan with 18,528, 14,485, 13,793, 12,236 and 11,759 kindergartens, accounting for 9.3%, 7.3%, 6.9%, 6.2% and 5.9% of the country’s total, respectively. However, seen from the gross enrollment rate of 3-year preschool education, the top five in 2013 were Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian and Guangdong – mainly economically developed eastern regions.


With respect to education institution, private preschool education institutions in China include Etonkids, Golden Kids International School, Kid Castle, R.Y.B, Golden Cradle, etc, of which Etonkids and Golden Kids International School brand themselves as high-end providers. As far as business model is concerned, Etonkids adopts the model of direct operation, and Golden Kids International School employs a combined model of direct operation and holding venture. Striving for quality of education, the number of these two companies’ kindergartens is less than 50 each, with them mainly distributed in first-tire cities.

China’s preschool education industry will maintain a momentum of rapid growth. The problem of “kindergarten crunch” and expensive access to kindergarten won’t be fully solved in the short run, yet central government and governments at all levels will strongly support the development of preschool education, and counties will carry out a new round of “three year (2014-2016) action plan”. From the prospective of population, gross enrollment rate of 3-year preschool education was 67.5% in 2013, with remaining 32.5% of school-age children still being unable to attend kindergarten. Meanwhile, with a gradual opening of a two-child per family policy, every year will see an addition of 2 million infants over the next five years. Seen from consumption environment, due to improvement in income level of Chinese residents, parents will invest more in children's education and pursue high-quality preschool education.

China Preschool Education (Kindergarten) Industry Report, 2014 by ResearchInChina focuses on the following:
20120114.gifDevelopment of China education industry (including number of various schools, new entrants and enrollments, education funding and spending, etc.);
20120114.gifDevelopment environment of China kindergarten industry (including overview, relevant policies, educational appropriations, etc.);
20120114.gifTeaching models of kindergarten e.g. John Dewey‘s Activity Education, HighScope Curriculum, Montessori Education, Reggio Emilia Approach, Waldorf Education and Forest Kindergarten;
20120114.gifDevelopment of kindergarten industry (containing number of kindergarten schools, kindergarten classes, new entrants, enrollments and faculty, student-teacher ratio, student-faculty ratio, competitive landscape and development trend on a national, regional, provincial or municipal level);
20120114.gifDevelopment of private kindergarten (including market status, relevant policies, number of kindergarten schools, kindergarten classes, new entrants, enrollments and faculty, student-teacher ratio, student-faculty ratio, development of kindergartens in provinces/municipalities, charge, etc.);
20120114.gifDevelopment of kindergartens in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, etc. (embracing overall conditions and development of private kindergartens);
20120114.gif10 preschool education institutions (covering profile, educational philosophy, curriculum, regional distribution of kindergartens, charge, main kindergartens).

第一章 中国教育行业发展分析

1.1 各类学校及学生对比

1.1.1 学校数量

1.1.2 学生数量

1.2 教育资金投入

1.3 教育消费支出


第二章 中国幼儿园行业发展环境

2.1 学前教育

2.2 幼儿园教育概况

2.2.1 定义

2.2.2 分类

2.3 行业政策

2.3.1 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(20102020年)》

2.3.2 国务院关于当前发展学前教育的若干意见“国十条”

2.3.3 幼儿园收费管理暂行办法

2.3.4 “十二五”中国幼儿园发展主要要点



2.3.7 2013年教育部工作重点之学前教育

2.3.8 外资进入学前教育领域政策

2.4 教育经费

2.4.1 概况

2.4.2 中央政府对学前教育的专项投入

2.4.3 地方政府对学前教育的财政投入


第三章 幼儿园教学模式

3.1 教学模式概况

3.2 杜威活动教学模式

3.2.1 教学思想

3.2.2 教学目标

3.2.3 操作程序

3.2.4 师生角色

3.2.5 教学策略

3.3 高瞻课程教学模式

3.3.1 教学思想

3.3.2 教学目标

3.3.3 教学内容

3.3.4 教学条件

3.4 蒙台梭利(Montessori)教学模式

3.5 瑞吉欧方案教学模式

3.6 华德福(Waldorf)教学模式

3.7 森林幼儿园模式


第四章 中国幼儿园行业发展情况

4.1 全国幼儿园

4.1.1 幼儿园数量

4.1.2 招生人数

4.1.3 在校生人数

4.2 幼儿园(分设立机构)

4.2.1 幼儿园数量

4.2.2 招生人数

4.2.3 在校生人数

4.3 幼儿园(分区域)

4.3.1 幼儿园数量

4.3.2 招生人数

4.3.3 在校生人数

4.4 幼儿园分省市

4.4.1 幼儿园数量

4.4.2 在校生人数

4.4.3 每个幼儿园平均在校生人数

4.4.4 学前三年毛入园率

4.5 教职工

4.5.1 教职工人数

4.5.2 教职工构成

4.5.3 生师比及生职比

4.6 竞争格局

4.6.1 幼儿园竞争

4.6.2 区域竞争

4.7 发展趋势


第五章 中国民办幼儿园发展情况

5.1 市场现状及相关政策

5.1.1 市场现状

5.1.2 相关政策

5.2 行业运行情况

5.2.1 幼儿园数量

5.2.2 幼儿园班级数

5.2.3 招生人数

5.2.4 在校生人数

5.2.5 教职工

5.2.6 生师比及生职比

5.3 幼儿园分省市

5.4 幼儿园收费

5.4.1 概况

5.4.2 公办幼儿园收费

5.4.3 普惠性民办园收费


第六章 北京市幼儿园发展情况

6.1 相关政策

6.1.1 北京市中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)

6.1.2 北京市“十二五”时期教育改革和发展规划

6.2 幼儿园及班级数量


6.2.2 班级数量

6.3 学生人数

6.3.1 招生人数

6.3.2 在校生人数

6.4 教职工、生师比、生职比

6.4.1 教职工人数

6.4.2 生师比及生职比

6.5 幼儿园分区县

6.6 民办幼儿园

6.6.1 幼儿园数量

6.6.2 学生数量

6.6.3 教职工数量

6.7 Top 20幼儿园


第七章 上海市幼儿园发展情况

7.1 相关政策及教育经费

7.1.1 上海市中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(20102020年)

7.1.2 上海市基础教育改革和发展“十二五”规划

7.1.3 教育经费

7.2 幼儿园数量

7.2.1 全市幼儿园

7.2.2 幼儿园分区县

7.3 学生人数

7.3.1 招生人数

7.3.2 在校生人数

7.4 教职工、生师比、生职比

7.4.1 教职工人数

7.4.2 生师比及生职比

7.5 建筑面积

7.5.1 全市幼儿园


7.6 民办幼儿园

7.6.1 幼儿园数量

7.6.2 学生数量

7.6.3 教职工数量

7.7 Top20幼儿园


第八章 天津市幼儿园发展情况

8.1 相关政策



8.2 幼儿园数量

8.3 学生人数

8.3.1 招生人数

8.3.2 在校生人数

8.4 教职工、生师比、生职比

8.4.1 教职工人数

8.4.2 生师比、生职比

8.5 民办幼儿园

8.5.1 幼儿园数量

8.5.2 幼儿园分区县

8.6 Top12 幼儿园


第九章 重庆市幼儿园发展情况

9.1 相关政策

9.1.1 重庆市中长期城乡教育改革和发展规划纲要(20102020

9.1.2 重庆市教育事业“十二五”规划

9.2 幼儿园数量

9.3 学生人数

9.3.1 招生人数

9.3.2 在校生人数



9.4.2 生师比、生职比

9.5 民办幼儿园

9.5.1 幼儿园数量

9.5.2 学生数量

9.6 Top15幼儿园


第十章 中国主要学前教育机构

10.1 伊顿教育集团

10.1.1 简介

10.1.2 教育理念及教育项目

10.1.3 幼儿园区域分布

10.1.4 师资配置

10.1.5 收费情况(以北京为例)



10.2.2 教育理念

10.2.3 主要幼儿园

10.2.4 收费情况

10.3 红黄蓝

10.3.1 简介

10.3.2 教育理念与课程设置

10.3.3 盈利模式

10.3.4 幼儿园区域分布

10.4 吉的堡教育集团

10.4.1 简介

10.4.2 经营模式

10.4.3 幼儿园区域分布

10.5 金色摇篮

10.5.1 简介

10.5.2 幼儿园区域分布

10.5.3 课程设置

10.6 明天幼稚集团

10.6.1 简介

10.6.2 幼儿园区域分布

10.6.3 收费

10.7 东方剑桥集团

10.7.1 简介

10.7.2 幼儿园区域分布

10.7.3 教育特色

10.8 小哈佛教育集团

10.8.1 简介

10.8.2 合作企业

10.8.3 主要幼儿园

10.9 金苹果学前教育集团

10.9.1 简介

10.9.2 主要幼儿园


10.10.1 简介

10.10.2 收购18所幼儿园

10.10.3 万婴教育机构

10.10.4 爱莉斯小哈佛幼儿园


1. Development of China Education Industry
1.1 Comparison of Schools/Students
1.1.1 Number of Schools
1.1.2 Number of Students
1.2 Education Funding
1.3 Education Spending


2. Development Environment of China Kindergarten Industry
2.1 Preschool Education
2.2 Kindergarten Education
2.2.1 Definition
2.2.2 Classification
2.3 Policies
2.3.1 National Plan for Long- and Medium-Term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020)
2.3.2 Several Opinions of the State Council on Current Development of Preschool Education
2.3.3 Interim Procedures on Kindergarten Charge Management
2.3.4 Key Points of China’s Twelfth Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) for Kindergarten
2.3.5 Implementation Opinions on Encouraging and Guiding the Private Capital to Enter into the Education Sector and Promoting the Sound Development of Private Education
2.3.6 Twelfth Five-Year Plan for the Development of National Education
2.3.7 Priorities of Ministry of Education for 2013 – Preschool Education
2.3.8 Entry of Foreign Capital into Preschool Education
2.4 Educational Appropriations
2.4.1 Overview
2.4.2 Central Government Investment in Preschool Education
2.4.3 Local Government Investment in Preschool Education


3. Teaching Models of Kindergarten
3.1 Overview
3.2 John Dewey's Activity Education
3.2.1 Teaching Idea
3.2.2 Teaching Goal
3.2.3 Operating Procedure
3.2.4 Roles of Teachers and Students
3.2.5 Teaching Strategy
3.3 HighScope Curriculum
3.3.1 Teaching Idea
3.3.2 Teaching Goal
3.3.3 Teaching Content
3.3.4 Teaching Conditions
3.4 Montessori Education
3.5 Reggio Emilia Approach
3.6 Waldorf Education
3.7 Forest Kindergarten


4. Development of China Kindergarten Industry
4.1 Kindergartens Nationwide
4.1.1 Number of Kindergartens
4.1.2 New Entrants
4.1.3 Enrollments
4.2 Kindergartens by Institution
4.2.1 Number of Kindergartens
4.2.2 New Entrants
4.2.3 Enrollments
4.3 Kindergartens by Region
4.3.1 Number of Kindergartens
4.3.2 New Entrants
4.3.3 Enrollments
4.4 Kindergarten by Province/Municipality
4.4.1 Number of Kindergartens
4.4.2 Enrollments
4.4.3 Average Enrollments of Each Kindergarten
4.4.4 Gross Enrollment Rate of 3-Year Preschool Education
4.5 Faculty
4.5.1 Number of Faculty
4.5.2 Structure of Faculty
4.5.3 Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio
4.6 Competitive Landscape
4.6.1 Kindergarten Competition
4.6.2 Regional Competition
4.7 Development Trend


5. Development of Private Kindergarten in China
5.1 Market Status and Policies
5.1.1 Market Status
5.1.2 Policies
5.2 Industry Operation
5.2.1 Number of Kindergartens
5.2.2 Number of Kindergarten Classes
5.2.3 New Entrants
5.2.4 Enrollments
5.2.5 Faculty
5.2.6 Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio
5.3 Kindergartens by Province/Municipality
5.4 Charge of Kindergarten
5.4.1 Overview
5.4.2 Charge of Public Kindergartens
5.4.3 Charge of Inclusive Private Kindergartens


6. Development of Kindergarten in Beijing
6.1 Policies
6.1.1 Beijing’s Plan for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020)
6.1.2 Beijing’s Plan for Education Reform and Development during 12th Five-Year Plan Period
6.2 Number of Kindergartens and Classes
6.2.1 Kindergartens
6.2.2 Classes
6.3 Number of Students
6.3.1 New Entrants
6.3.2 Enrollments
6.4 Faculty, Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio
6.4.1 Number of Faculty
6.4.2 Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio
6.5 Kindergartens by District/County
6.6 Private Kindergarten
6.6.1 Number of Kindergartens
6.6.2 Number of Students
6.6.3 Number of Faculty
6.7 Top 20 Kindergartens


7. Development of Kindergarten in Shanghai
7.1 Policies and Education Appropriations
7.1.1 Shanghai’s Plan for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020)
7.1.2 Shanghai’s Plan for Elementary Education Reform and Development during 12th Five-Year Plan Period
7.1.3 Education Appropriations
7.2 Number of Kindergartens
7.2.1 Kindergartens all over the City
7.2.2 Kindergartens by District/County
7.3 Number of Students
7.3.1 New Entrants
7.3.2 Enrollments
7.4 Faculty, Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio
7.4.1 Number of Faculty
7.4.2 Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio
7.5 Floor Space
7.5.1 Kindergartens all over the City
7.5.2 Kindergartens by District/County
7.6 Private Kindergarten
7.6.1 Number of Kindergartens
7.6.2 Number of Students
7.6.3 Number of Faculty
7.7 Top20 Kindergartens


8. Development of Kindergarten in Tianjin
8.1 Policies
8.1.1 Tianjin’s Plan for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020)
8.1.2 Tianjin’s Plan for Education Cause Development during 12th Five-Year Plan Period
8.2 Number of Kindergartens
8.3 Number of Students
8.3.1 New Entrants
8.3.2 Enrollments
8.4 Faculty, Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio
8.4.1 Number of Faculty
8.4.2 Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio
8.5 Private Kindergarten
8.5.1 Number of Kindergartens
8.5.2 Kindergartens by District/County
8.6 Top12 Kindergartens


9. Development of Kindergarten in Chongqing
9.1 Policies
9.1.1 Chongqing’s Plan for Medium and Long-term Rural and Urban Education Reform and Development (2010-2020)
9.1.2 Chongqing’s Plan for Education Cause during 12th Five-Year Plan Period
9.2 Number of Kindergartens
9.3 Number of Students
9.3.1 New Entrants
9.3.2 Enrollments
9.4 Faculty, Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio
9.4.1 Faculty
9.4.2 Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio
9.5 Private Kindergarten
9.5.1 Number of Kindergartens
9.5.2 Number of Students
9.6 Top15 Kindergartens


10. Major Preschool Education Institutions in China
10.1 Etonkids Educational Group
10.1.1 Profile
10.1.2 Methodology and Academic Programs
10.1.3 Regional Distribution of Kindergartens
10.1.4 Teacher Allocation
10.1.5 Charge (Taking Beijing as an Example)
10.2 Golden Kids International School
10.2.1 Profile
10.2.2 Educational Philosophy
10.2.3 Main Kindergartens
10.2.4 Charge
10.3 R.Y.B Education Institution
10.3.1 Profile
10.3.2 Educational Philosophy and Curriculum
10.3.3 Profit Model
10.3.4 Regional Distribution of Kindergartens
10.4 Kid Castle Educational Institute
10.4.1 Profile
10.4.2 Business Model
10.4.3 Regional Distribution of Kindergartens
10.5 Golden Cradle
10.5.1 Profile
10.5.2 Regional Distribution of Kindergartens
10.5.3 Curriculum
10.6 Beijing Tomorrow Kindergarten Group
10.6.1 Profile
10.6.2 Regional Distribution of Kindergartens
10.6.3 Charge
10.7 Oriental Cambridge Education Group
10.7.1 Profile
10.7.2 Regional Distribution of Kindergartens
10.7.3 Education Characteristics
10.8 LHK Education Group
10.8.1 Profile
10.8.2 Cooperative Companies
10.8.3 Main Kindergartens
10.9 Golden Apple Preschool Education Group
10.9.1 Profile
10.9.2 Main Kindergartens
10.10 New Oriental Kindergarten of Stars
10.10.1 Profile
10.10.2 Acquisition of 18 Kindergartens
10.10.3 Wanying Education Institution
10.10.4 Happy Alice Education

Courses of R.Y.B Kindergarten and Early Years Center

Number of Schools in China by Type, 2008-2013
Number of New Entrants in China by School Type, 2008-2013
Student Enrollments in China by School Type, 2008-2013
Total Investment and YoY Growth of Educational Funds in China, 2003-2013
YoY Growth of Fiscal Educational Funds in China, 2003-2013
Speeding on Education and % of Total Public Spending in China by Province/Municipality, 2011-2012
Urban Fixed-asset Investment and YoY Growth in China’s Education Industry, 2003-2013
Per Capita Annual Consumer Spending of Urban Residents on Education, 2003-2013
Main Modes, Core Elements, and Representative Enterprises of Preschool Education
China's Development Goal of Preschool Education, 2009-2020
China’s Fiscal Education Spending to Nursery Schools and YoY Growth, 2003-2013
Proportion of China’s Education Spending to Kindergartens in Total Fiscal Education Speeding, 2003-2013
Structure of Teaching Model
Number and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in China, 2003-2013
Number of Classes and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in China, 2003-2013
Average Number of Classes of Each Kindergarten in China, 2003-2013
Number of New Entrants and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in China, 2003-2013
Number of New Entrants of Kindergartens in China by Age, 2005-2012
Enrollments and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in China, 2003-2013
Enrollments of Kindergartens in China by Age, 2005-2012
Average Enrollments of Each Kindergarten in China, 2003-2013
Gross Enrollment Rate of 3-Year Preschool Education in China, 2003-2013
Number of Kindergartens in China by Institution, 2005-2013
Number of Classes of Kindergartens in China by Institution, 2005-2013
Average Number of Classes of Each Kindergarten in China by Institution, 2005-2013
Number of New Entrants of Kindergartens in China by Institution, 2005-2013
Enrollments of Kindergartens in China by Institution, 2005-2013
Average Enrollments of Each Kindergarten in China by Institution, 2005-2013
Number of Kindergartens in China by Region, 2003-2013
Number of Classes of Kindergartens in China by Region, 2003-2013
Average Number of Classes of Each Kindergarten in China by Region, 2003-2013
Number of New Entrants of Kindergartens in China by Region, 2003-2013
Enrollments of Kindergartens in China by Region, 2003-2013
Average Enrollments of Each Kindergarten in China by Region, 2003-2013
Number of Kindergartens in China by Province/Municipality as of the end of 2013
Enrollments of Kindergartens in China by Province/Municipality, 2013
Average Enrollments of Each Kindergarten in China by Province/Municipality, 2013
Gross Enrollment Rate of 3-Year Preschool Education in China by Province/Municipality, 2013 vs 2010
Faculty Number and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in China, 2003-2013
Average Faculty Number of Each Kindergarten in China, 2003-2013
Faculty Structure of Kindergartens in China by Type, 2003-2013
Average Faculty Structure of Each Kindergarten in China by Type, 2003-2013
Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio of Kindergartens in China, 2003-2013
China’s Top 50 Kindergartens and Their Nature, 2013
Regional Distribution of Top 500 Kindergartens in China by Province/Municipality, 2013
Classification of Private Kindergarten
Polices on Private Kindergartens in China, 2003-2014
Proportion of Private Kindergartens in China’s Total by Region, 2003-2013
Number of Classes and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in China, 2003-2013
Number of Classes of Private Kindergartens in China by Region, 2003-2013
Proportion of Classes of Private Kindergartens in China’s Total by Region, 2003-2013
Average Number of Classes of Each Private Kindergarten in China by Region, 2003-2013
Number of New Entrants of and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in China, 2005-2013
Number of New Entrants of Private Kindergartens in China by Region, 2005-2013
Proportion of New Entrants from Private Kindergartens in China’s Total Kindergartens by Region, 2005-2013
Enrollments and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in China, 2005-2013
Enrollments of Private Kindergartens in China by Region, 2005-2013
Average Enrollments of Each Private Kindergarten in China, 2005-2013
Faculty Number and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in China, 2003-2013
Faculty Structure of Private Kindergartens in China by Type, 2003-2013
Faculty Structure of Each Private Kindergarten in China by Type, 2003-2013
Faculty Number of Private Kindergartens in China by Region, 2003-2013
Average Faculty Number of Each Private Kindergarten in China by Region, 2003-2013
Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio of Private Kindergartens in China, 2003-2013
Number of Private Kindergartens in China by Province/Municipality as of the End of 2013
Proportion of Private Kindergartens in Total Kindergartens in All Chinese Provinces/Municipalities, 2013 vs 2010
Charges of Public Kindergartens in Some Chinese Cities
Charges of Inclusive Private Kindergartens in Some Chinese Cities
Number and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Beijing, 2003-2013
Number of Kindergartens in Beijing by Region, 2013
Number of Classes and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Beijing, 2003-2013
Number of Classes and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Beijing by Region, 2013
Average Class Number of Each Kindergarten in Beijing, 2003-2013
Number of New Entrants and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Beijing, 2003-2013
Enrollments and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Beijing, 2003-2013
Enrollments of Kindergartens in Beijing by Region, 2013
Enrollments of Each Kindergarten in Beijing, 2003-2013
Enrollments of Each Class of Kindergartens in Beijing, 2003-2013
Faculty Number and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Beijing, 2003-2013
Number and YoY Growth of Full-time Teachers in Kindergartens in Beijing, 2003-2013
Faculty Structure of Kindergartens in Beijing by Region, 2013
Faculty Structure of Kindergartens in Beijing by Type, 2013
Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio of Kindergartens in Beijing, 2003-2013
Number of Kindergartens and Full-time Teachers and Enrollments in Beijing by District/County, 2012-2013
Number and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in Beijing, 2005-2013
Proportion of Private Kindergartens in Beijing’s Total, 2005-2013
Number of New Entrants and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in Beijing, 2009-2013
Enrollments and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in Beijing, 2009-2013
Proportion of New Entrants and Enrollments from Private Kindergartens in Beijing’s Total, 2009-2013
Average Enrollments of Each Private Kindergarten in Beijing, 2009-2013
Faculty Number and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in Beijing, 2009-2013
Number and YoY Growth of Full-time Teachers of Private Kindergartens in Beijing, 2009-2013
Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio of Private Kindergartens in Beijing, 2009-2013
Beijing’s Top 20 Kindergartens and Their Nature, 2013
Number and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Number of Kindergartens in Shanghai by District/County, 2010-2013
Number of New Entrants and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Number of New Entrants of Kindergartens in Shanghai by District/County, 2010-2013
Enrollments and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Enrollments of Kindergartens in Shanghai by District/County, 2010-2013
Average Enrollments of Each Kindergarten in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Faculty Number and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Number of Full-time Teachers and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Faculty Number of Kindergartens in Shanghai by District/County, 2010-2013
Number of Full-time Teachers of Kindergartens in Shanghai by District/County, 2010-2013
Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio of Kindergartens in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio of Kindergartens in Shanghai by District/County, 2010-2013
Floor Area of All Kindergartens and Each Kindergarten in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Floor Area of All Kindergartens and Each Kindergarten in Shanghai by District/County, 2010-2013
Number and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Proportion of Private Kindergartens in Shanghai’s Total, 2003-2013
Number of New Entrants and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Enrollments and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Proportion of New Entrants and Enrollments from Private Kindergartens in Shanghai’s Total, 2003-2013
Average Enrollments of Each Private Kindergarten in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Number of Full-time and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Student-Teacher Ratio of Private Kindergartens in Shanghai, 2003-2013
Shanghai’s Top 20 Kindergartens and Their Nature, 2013
Number and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Tianjin, 2006-2013
Number of New Entrants and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Tianjin, 2006-2013
Enrollments and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Tianjin, 2006-2013
Average Enrollments of Each Kindergarten in Tianjin, 2006-2013
Faculty Number and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Tianjin, 2006-2013
Number of Full-time Teachers and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Tianjin, 2006-2013
Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio of Kindergartens in Tianjin, 2006-2013
Number and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in Tianjin, 2006-2013
Proportion of Private Kindergartens in Tianjin’s Total, 2006-2013
Private Kindergartens with Enrollment Qualification in Tianjin by District/County, 2014
Ranking of Tianjin’s Top 12 Kindergartens and Their Nature, 2013
Quantitative Development Goal of Kindergartens in Chongqing, 2009-2020
Number and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Chongqing, 2003-2013
Number of New Entrants and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Chongqing, 2003-2013
Enrollments and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Chongqing, 2003-2013
Average Enrollments of Each Kindergarten in Chongqing, 2003-2013
Enrollment Rate of 3-Year Preschool Education in Chongqing, 2005-2013
Faculty Number and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Chongqing, 2003-2013
Number of Full-time Teachers and YoY Growth of Kindergartens in Chongqing, 2003-2013
Student-Teacher Ratio and Student-Faculty Ratio of Kindergartens in Chongqing, 2003-2013
Number and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in Chongqing, 2003-2013
Proportion of Private Kindergartens in Chongqing’s Total, 2003-2013
Enrollments and YoY Growth of Private Kindergartens in Chongqing, 2003-2013
Proportion of Enrollments for Private Kindergartens in Chongqing's Total, 2003-2013
Average Enrollments of Each Private Kindergarten in Chongqing, 2003-2013
Chongqing’s Top 15 Kindergartens and Their Nature, 2013
Number of Etonkids Kindergartens by City as of Nov. 2014
Etonkids Kindergartens Selected into 2013 China’s Top 500 Kindergartens
Curriculum Examples of Golden Kids Kindergarten
Golden Kids Kindergartens Selected into 2013 China’s Top 500 Kindergartens
Courses of R.Y.B Kindergarten and Early Years Center
Number of R.Y.B Kindergartens by Province/Municipality as of Nov. 2014
R.Y.B Kindergartens Selected into 2013 China’s Top 500 Kindergartens
Number of Kid Castle Kindergartens by City as of Nov. 2014
Kid Castle Kindergartens Selected into 2013 China’s Top 500 Kindergartens
Profile of Directly-run Kindergartens of Golden Cradle
Number of Franchised Kindergartens of Golden Cradle by Province/Municipality as of Nov. 2014
Golden Cradle Kindergartens Selected into 2013 China’s Top 500 Kindergartens
Introduction to Main Curriculum Areas of Golden Cradle
Number of Franchised Kindergartens of Beijing Tomorrow Kindergarten Group by Province/Municipality as of Nov. 2014
Kindergartens of Beijing Tomorrow Kindergarten Group Selected into 2013 China’s Top 500 Kindergartens
Charge of Beijing Tomorrow Kindergarten Group (Taking Youtayuan Campus as an Example)
Number of Kindergartens of Oriental Cambridge by Province/Municipality as of Nov. 2014
LHK Kindergartens Selected into 2013 China’s Top 500 Kindergartens
Golden Apple Kindergartens Selected into China’s Top 500 Kindergartens
Wanying Education Kindergartens Selected into 2013 China’s Top 500 Kindergartens

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