2007-2008年典当行业研究报告 |
字数:1.2万 |
页数:40 |
图表数:20 |
中文电子版:3500元 |
中文纸版:1750元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:4000元 |
英文电子版:1000美元 |
英文纸版:900美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:1300美元 |
发布日期:2008-01 |
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图 1997-2007上半年典当行数量变化趋势(单位:家)

图 2006-2007年对企业、居民提供当今变化趋势(单位:万笔)

图 2006-2007年北京典当金额、典当余额变化趋势(单位:亿元RMB)

China pawn industry is in the process of developing in a fast and healthy way. Since the implementation of “Measures on Administration of Pawn Industry” in April of 2005, the transactions of pawn totaled CNY80 billion in 2005 and it reached CNY96 billion in 2006. By the end of June of 2007, the total assets of the pawn industry have reached CNY86.20 billion, up 12.7% year on year.
Changing Trend of the Number of Pawnshops, 1997-H1 2007
Source: ResearchInChina
From the perspective of business, medium- and small-sized enterprises and private companies are the target clients of the pawn industry. In the first half of 2007, the pawn industry provided 38,000 transactions for the medium and small-sized enterprises, up 18% year on year, with the value of pawnages reaching CNY22.2 billion, and provided 99,000 transactions for the residents, up 8% year on year, with the value standing at CNY19.9 billion.
Transactions Provided for Enterprises & Residents, 2006-2007 (unit: 10,000)
 Source: ResearchInChina
Taking Beijing as an example, in the first half of 2007, the combined value of 75 pawnshops totaled CNY1.86 billion, up 50.4% year on year and the accumulated balance of the 75 pawnshops reached CNY850 million, up 66.4% year on year, among which, CNY76.48 million went to the interest and the comprehensive expenses and CNY141 million was for tax payment. And the combined profits after tax were CNY12.13 million in the 75 pawnshops with a total 800 employees.
Value of pawnages and Balance of Pawnshops in Beijing, 2006-2007 (unit: CNY 100 million)
 Source: ResearchInChina
Due to a tighter monetary policy to be carried out by the government in 2008, the medium- and small-sized enterprises will be further inclined to pawnbrokers for fundraising. With the launch of more innovations in pawn business and gradual relaxation of state policies, pawn industry will play a bigger role in solving the financing problems for medium- and small-sized enterprises. However, while focusing on the expansion of business, pawn industry should raise the self-awareness of risk control and tighten the control over risks in the process of operation, circulation and assessment.
第一章 2007年中国典当行业发展概况分析 1.1典当介绍 1.1.1典当基本概念 1.1.2典当类型 1.1.3典当主要业务 1.1.4典当作用 1.1.5典当和高利贷的区别 1.1.6典当和银行贷款的区别 1.2 典当行业概况 1.2.1 典当行业正处于发展期 1.2.2典当对象以中小企业为主 1.2.3 典当行业地区差异比较大 1.3 经济环境分析 1.3.1央行十一次提高准备金率 1.3.2间接融资仍是主力 1.4 国家政策分析 1.5典当发展趋势 1.5.1政策逐步放宽 1.5.2 典当业务适合市场发展 1.5.3典当业迈向集约化
第二章 中国典当行业业务分析 2.1民品典当 2.1.1经营范围 2.1.2业务流程 2.2房产业务 2.2.1经营范围 2.2.2业务流程 2.3机动车辆业务 2.3.1经营范围 2.3.2业务流程 2.4权利质押 2.4.1定义及范围 2.4.2业务流程 2.4.3发展情况 2.5典当风险 2.5.1经营风险 2.5.2流通风险 2.5.3价位风险 2.5.4内部的评估风险和处置风险 2.5.5秩序混乱风险
第三章 典当行业区域竞争格局 3.1北京典当发展情况 3.1.1经营状况 3.2上海典当发展情况 3.2.1经营状况 3.2.2主要问题 3.3浙江典当发展情况 3.3.1经营状况 3.3.2典当特点 3.4武汉典当发展情况 3.4.1业务及数量分析 3.4.2武汉典当财务分析 3.4.3从业人员分析 3.5呼和浩特典当发展情况 3.5.1典当业务 3.5.2经营状况 3.5.3主要问题 3.6乌鲁木齐典当发展情况 3.6.1典当行数量发展迅速 3.6.2典当行的业务量不断增加 3.7四川典当发展情况 3.7.1经营规模小 3.7.2发展迅速 3.7.3主要问题 3.8吉林典当发展情况 3.8.1经营情况 3.8.2主要问题
第四章 中国主要典当企业运营介绍 4.1华夏典当 4.1.1公司介绍 4.1.2主要业务 4.2宝瑞通典当 4.2.1公司简介 4.2.2主要业务 4.2.3经营情况 4.3东方典当 4.3.1公司介绍 4.3.2业务范围 4.3.3经营状况 4.4宁波大红鹰 4.4.1公司简介 4.4.2经营状况 4.5金腾典当 4.6瑞源亨典当 4.7兴科典当 4.8金通典当 4.9华盛典当 4.10华泰典当
第五章 总结 5.1宏观经济 5.2业务分析 5.3机会分析 5.3风险分析
Chapter I: Overview of China’s Pawn Industry Development in 2007 1.1 Introduction of pawn 1.1.1 Definition 1.1.2 Categories 1.1.3 Primary business 1.1.4 Functions 1.1.5 Differences between pawn and usury 1.1.6 Differences between pawn and loans 1.2 Status in pawn industry 1.2.1 Pawn industry in the process of development 1.2.2 Pawn industry takes medium- and small-sized enterprises as key clients 1.2.3 Big regional disparities in pawn industry 1.3 Analysis of economic environment 1.3.1 Eleven times’ lifting of the reserve requirement ratio by central bank 1.3.2 Indirect financing is still the main force 1.4 State policy 1.5 Development trend of pawn industry 1.5.1 Gradual relaxation of policies 1.5.2 Pawn business adapts to market development 1.5.3 Pawnbroking transforms towards an intensive pattern
Chapter II: Analysis of Pawn Business in China Pawn Industry 2.1 Pawn of civilian goods 2.1.1 Scope of business 2.1.2 Operation flow 2.2. Pawn of house property 2.2.1 Scope of business 2.2.2 Operation flow 2.3 Pawn of motor vehicles 2.3.1 Scope of Business 2.3.2 Operation flow 2.4 Rights pledge 2.4.1 Definition and scope 2.4.2 Operation flow 2.4.3 Development 2.5 Risks in pawn industry 2.5.1 Operation risk 2.5.2 Circulation risk 2.5.3 Price risk 2.5.4 Inner risk assessment and risk of disposal 2.5.5 Disorder risk
Chapter III: Regional Competitive Structure in Pawn Industry 3.1 Development of pawn industry in Beijing 3.1.1 Operation 3.2 Development of pawn industry in Shanghai 3.2.1 Operation 3.2.2 Main problems 3.3 Development of pawn industry in Zhejiang 3.3.1Operation 3.3.2 Features of pawn 3.4 Development of pawn industry in Wuhan 3.4.1 Analysis of pawn business 3.4.2 Financial analysis of pawn industry in Wuhan 3.4.3 Analysis of practitioners 3.5 Development of pawn industry in Hohhot 3.5.1 Pawn business 3.5.2 Operation 3.5.3 Main problems 3.6 Development of pawn industry in Urumqi 3.6.1 The number of pawnshops increases rapidly 3.6.2 Volume of pawn business increases 3.7 Development of pawn industry in Sichuan 3.7.1 Small operation scale 3.7.2 Rapid development 3.7.3 Main problems 3.8 Development of pawn industry in Jilin 3.8.1 Operation 3.8.2 Main problems
4 Operation of Key Pawn Companies in China 4.1 Beijing Huaxia Pawnshop Co., Ltd. 4.1.1Company profile 4.1.2 Primary business 4.2 Bao Rui Tong Pawn Shop 4.2.1Company profile 4.2.2 Primary business 4.2.3 Operation 4.3 Oriental Pawn Co., Ltd. 4.3.1 Company profile 4.3.2 Scope of business 4.3.3 Operation 4.4 Ningbo Dahongying Industry & Investment Co., Ltd. 4.4.1 Company profile 4.4.2 Operation 4.5 Jiangsu Jinteng Pawn Co., Ltd. 4.6 Beijing Ruiyuan Pawn Co., Ltd, 4.7 Shenyang Xinke Pawn Co., Ltd. 4.8 Shenyang Jintong Pawn Co., Ltd. 4.9 Anhui Huasheng Pawn Co., Ltd. 4.10 Wuhan Huatai Pawn Co., Ltd.
5 Summary 5.1 Macro-economy 5.2 Business 5.3 Opportunities 5.3 Risks
图2006- 2007年典当行业销售额同比增长速度 图1997-2007上半年 典当行数量变化趋势 图2006-2007年对企业、居民提供当今变化趋势 图1998-2006年直接融资、间接融资对比 图2007年上半年典当行业动产质押、房地产抵押、财产权利类占比 图 典当操作流程图 图 民品典当流程 图 房产典当流程 图 汽车典当流程 图 股票典当流程 图 2006-2007年证券质押典当融资业务月收益率 图2006-2007年北京典当金额、典当余额变化趋势 图2007年上半年北京动产质押、房地产抵押占比 图2001-2007年上海市典当金额变化趋势 图2004-2007年浙江省典当金额变化趋势 图2004-2007年武汉市典当金额变化趋势 图2005-2006年乌鲁木齐市向中小企业发放当今变化趋势 图2006年四川典当行注册资本区间占比变化趋势 图 东方典当组织结构
表 央行历年准备金率调整情况
YOY growth of sales in pawn industry, 2006-2007 Changing trend of the number of pawnshops, 1997-H1 2007 Changing trend of monetary amount provided for enterprises and residents in pawn business, 2006-2007 Comparison between direct financing and indirect financing, 1998-2006 Proportions of chattel mortgage, real estate mortgage and rights pledge, 1H 2007 Operational process of pawn Pawn of civilian goods Pawn of house property Pawn of automobiles Pawn of stocks Monthly yield of financing by pledge of shares as collateral security in 2006-2007 Value of pawnages and balance of pawnshops in Beijing, 2006-2007 Proportions of chattel mortgage and real estate mortgage in Beijing, 1H 2007 Changing trend of value of pawnages in Shanghai, 2001-2007 Changing trend of value of pawnages in Zhejiang, 2001-2007 Changing trend of value of pawnages in Wuhan, 2001-2007 Changing trend of transactions provided for medium and small-sized enterprises in Urumqi, 2005-2006 Changing trend of interval ratio of registered capital of pawn industry in Sichuan, 2006 Organization structure of Oriental Pawn Co., Ltd. Annual adjustment to reserve requirement ratio by China’s central bank
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