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中文电子版:5000元 中文纸版:2500元 中文(电子+纸)版:5500元
英文电子版:1500美元 英文纸版:1400美元 英文(电子+纸)版:1800美元
编号:FY098 发布日期:2009-02 附件:下载





In the year of 1985, China produced 2.50 million tons milk and 2.89 million tons milk kinds; while in the year of 2007, china produced 35.25 million tons milk and 36.33 million tons milk kinds, with the compound annual growth rate of 12.78% and 12.19% respectively. Moreover, China produced 18.60 million tons milk in the first half of 2008, up 12.1% compared to the first half of 2007.

China’s Milk Output and Milk Kinds Output, 1985-2007

Source: National Bureau of Statistics

The growth of pasteurized milk consumption is much higher than the consumption of autoclaved milk; acidophilus milk consumption is till having the fastest growth, and its average annual growth rate exceeded 23% during 2001 to 2006. Infant milk powder consumption and milk powder consumption of middle-aged and old consumers are achieving fast progress. However, Chinese consumers still don’t like the taste of cheese. 

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, China per capita milk consumption will reach 25 kilograms, the total milk & milk kinds output in china is expected to reach 42.50 million tons by year of 2030. Calculating by CNY21.16 million to produce 10,000 tons milk, the capital demand of China milk industry will surpass CNY13 billion by the year of 2030, of which 75%, 15%, 5% and another 5% will be respectively for breeding, processing, distribution and others such as machinery, service and personnel training etc.

第一章 中国牛奶产业发展状况 
1.1 中国牛奶产业发展情况概述 
1.1.1 增长迅速产量高 
1.1.2 消费集中在大中城市 
1.1.3 人均产量处于较低水平 
1.1.4 奶制品企业不断发展 
1.2 乳制品发展环境分析 
1.2.1 经济环境 
1.2.2 人口环境 
1.2.3 政策环境 

第二章 中国牛奶行业奶源分析 
2.1 中国原料奶生产存在的问题 
2.1.1 奶牛平均单产水平低 
2.1.2 原料奶质量问题突出 
2.1.3 农户组织性弱 
2.1.4 奶牛饲料结构不合理 
2.1.5 新技术推广应用缓慢 
2.2 中国奶源地分析 
2.1.1 内蒙古 
2.1.2 黑龙江 
2.1.3 河北 
2.1.4 新疆 
2.3 原奶供给分析 
2.3.1 奶牛饲养成本分析 
2.3.2 原奶供给量分析 
2.3.3 原料奶价格分析 
2.4 进口乳制品分析 

第三章 牛奶加工行业分析 
3.1 中国牛奶市场构成 
3.2 液态奶细分市场分析 
3.2.1 巴氏杀菌奶 
3.2.2 超高温灭菌奶/UHT奶 
3.2.3 酸奶 
3.2.4 含乳饮料 
3.3 固态奶细分市场分析 
3.3.1 奶粉 
3.3.2 奶酪 

第四章 重点公司分析 
4.1 伊利股份 
4.1.1 公司概况 
4.1.2 公司财务情况 
4.1.3 公司战略 
4.2 蒙牛乳业 
4.2.1 公司概况 
4.2.2 公司财务情况 
4.2.3 公司战略 
4.3 光明乳业 
4.3.1 公司概况 
4.3.2 公司财务情况 
4.3.3 公司战略 
4.4 三元股份 
4.4.1 公司概况 
4.4.2 公司财务情况 
4.4.3 公司战略 
4.5 新希望集团 
4.5.1 公司概况 
4.5.2 公司战略 
4.6 娃哈哈集团 
4.6.1 公司概况 
4.6.2 公司财务情况 
4.6.3 公司战略 
4.7 太子奶集团 
4.7.1 公司概况 
4.7.2 公司战略 
4.8 浙江李子园 
4.8.1 公司概况 
4.8.2 公司战略 
4.9 完达山 
4.9.1 公司概况 
4.9.2 公司战略 
4.10 济南佳宝 
4.10.1 公司概况 
4.10.2 公司战略 
4.11 南京奶业 
4.11.1 公司概况 
4.11.2 公司战略 
4.12 山东得益 
4.12.1 公司概况 
4.12.2 公司战略 

第五章 中国牛奶行业发展趋势 
5.1 中国牛奶行业发展趋势 
5.1.1 市场细分趋势更加明显 
5.1.2 市场份额将高度集中 
5.1.3 企业运作重心逐渐下移 
5.1.4 市场竞争重点转向高端 
5.1.5 竞争模式升级为品牌竞争 
5.1.6 低端市场价格竞争依然激烈 
5.2 中国牛奶行业投资机会和风险 
5.2.1 投资机会 
5.2.2 投资风险 

1. Overview of China Milk Market 
1.1 Overview
1.1.1 Rapid Growth and High Output
1.1.2 Consumption Concentrates in Large and Medium-sized Cities
1.1.3 Low Per Capita Output
1.1.4 Sustained Development of Milk Producers
1.2 Development Environment  of Milk Market
1.2.1 Economic 
1.2.2 Population 
1.2.3 Policy  

2. Raw Milk Source Analysis
2.1Manufacturing Problems of Raw Milk
2.1.1 Low yield per Cattle
2.1.2 Quality Problems
2.1.3 Weak Farmers’ Sense of Organization
2.1.4 Unreasonable Feed Structure  
2.1.5 Slow New Technology Applications  
2.2 Regional Distributions  
2.1.1 Inner Mongolia  
2.1.2 Heilongjiang 
2.1.3 Hebei  
2.1.4 Xinjiang 
2.3 Raw Milk Supply
2.3.1 Cattle-breeding Cost 
2.3.2 Supply of Raw Milk
2.3.3 Price of Raw Milk
2.4 Imported Dairy Products 

3. Milk Processing Analysis
3.1Milk Market Structure
3.2 Market Segmentations of Liquid Milk
3.2.1 Pasteurized Milk 
3.2.2 Autoclaved Milk /UHTMilk 
3.2.3 acidophilus Milk 
3.2.4 Milk Beverage 
3.3 Solid Milk
3.3.1 Milk Powder 
3.3.2 Cheese 

4. Key Players Analysis
4.1 Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd 
4.1.1 Company Profile 
4.1.2 Performance 
4.1.3 Development Strategy 
4.2 Mengniu Dairy Industry Co., Ltd 
4.2.1 Company Profile 
4.2.2 Performance 
4.2.3 Development Strategy 
4.3 Bright Diary Food Co., Ltd 
4.3.1 Company Profile 
4.3.2 Performance 
4.3.3 Development Strategy 
4.4 Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co., Ltd 
4.6 Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co. Ltd 
4.7 Hunan Taizinai Group Co., Ltd. 
4.8 Zhejiang Liziyuan Milk Food Co., Ltd 
4.9 Heilongjiang Wondersun Dairy Co., Ltd 
4.10 Jinan Jiabao Dairy Co., Ltd 
4.11 Nanjing Dairy Group Co., Ltd 
4.12 Shandong Deyi Dairy Industry Co., Ltd 

5. Future Prospect of China Milk Market
5.1 Development Trend 
5.1.1 The Market Tends to be More Segmented
5.1.2 Market Concentration Tends to be Higher 
5.1.3 Competition Focus on High-end Products
5.1.4 Brand Competition Tends to be More Fierce
5.1.4 Still Hard Price Competition in Low-end Market
5.2 Investment Opportunity and Risk 
5.2.1 Opportunity 
5.2.2 Risk

图: 2008年伊利股份主营构成(分产品)
图:伊利股份管理费用趋势表 (单位:万元)
图: 2008年光明乳业主营构成(分产品)
图: 2008年三元股份主营构成(分地区)


China’s Milk Output and Milk Kinds Output, 1985-2007
The Global Proportion of China’s Milk Output, 1979-2005
Annual Per Capita Revenue of China’s Urban and Rural Resident, 2000-2007
China’s Milk Consumption of China Urban and Rural Residents, 1992-2007
China’s Per Capita Milk Consumption, 1978-2007
China’s Quantity of Cattle on Hand, 1978-2007
Purchase Price of Raw Milk in China, 2007
China’s Milk Import Volume and Import Value, 1995-2007
China’s Milk Powder Import and YoY Growth, 2004-2008
China’s Milk Powder Export Price and YoY Growth, 2004-2008
Varieties of Milk Products
China’s Regional Raw Milk Consumption Structure
China’s Milk Consumption Structure and Growth, 2002-2006
China’s Liquid Milk Consumption Structure
China’s Urban Per Capita Consumption of acidophilus Milk, 2001-2006
China’s Sales Revenue and YoY Growth of Milk Beverage and Vegetable Protein Beverage, 2003-2008
Milk Powder Consumption in China, 1987-2008
Market Share Distribution of Milk Powder Manufacturers in China, 2006
Revenue and Profit of Yili Group, 2001-2008
Product Structure of Yili Group, 2008
Administrative Expenses of Yili Group
Revenue and Profit of Mengniu Group, 2004-2008
Revenue and Profit of Bright Diary Food Co., Ltd, 2001-2008
Product Structure of Bright Diary Food Co., Ltd, 2008
Revenue and Profit of Sanyuan Food, 2001-2008
Regional Business Structure of Sanyuan Food, 2008
Revenue and Profit of Wahaha, 2004-2008
Investment Structure of China Milk Market, 2007-2030e
Laws and Regulation about Milk Market in China, 2008
Key Regions’ Milk Output in China and Their Overall Proportions
China Imported Milk Products Volume, 1995-2007
Cost of 250 ml Milk with Different Packages
Sales Revenue of Milk Powder in China, 2001-2008

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