2009-2010年中国城市商业银行研究报告 |
字数:4.0万 |
页数:120 |
图表数:110 |
中文电子版:6500元 |
中文纸版:3250元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:7000元 |
英文电子版:2300美元 |
英文纸版:2200美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:2600美元 |
发布日期:2010-07 |
附件:下载 |
图:2004-2010年中国城市商业银行资产规模  来源:银监会;整理:水清木华研究中心
资产范围 |
代表性银行 |
未来发展方向 |
第一梯队 |
大于1000亿元 |
北京银行、上海银行、江苏银行、平安银行、宁波银行、徽商银行等 |
2、成为区域性银行 |
第二梯队 |
100-1000 |
包商银行、齐鲁银行、九江银行、宁夏银行、广西北部湾银行等 |
2、成为社区银行 |
第三梯队 |
小于100亿元 |
2、被兼并或破产 | 整理:水清木华研究中心
During 2003-2009, along with the compliance of corporate governance, large-scale introduction of foreign capital, trans-regional development, mergers and acquisitions, and entry of strategic investors, the total assets of Chinese city commercial banks have been increased to RMB5.68 trillion in 2009 from the RMB1.46 trillion in 2004, with an annual average compound growth rate up to 31.2%. As of Q1 2010, the total assets of Chinese city commercial banks amounted to RMB5.99 trillion, up 33.5% over the same period last year.
Assets of China City Commercial Banks, 2004-2010  Source: China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC); ResearchInChina
Up till the end of 2009, there were more than 140 city commercial banks in China, of which, 14 banks, including Ping An Bank, Bank of Shanghai and Shengjing Bank, each possessed assets exceeding RMB100 billion, over 70 banks each had total assets of RMB10-100 billion, and more than 50 banks each held total assets of less than RMB10 billion. City commercial banks might encounter a “tripolar” future, namely, becoming national banks, becoming regional banks or community banks, being merged or going bankrupt.
Development Orientation of City Commercial Banks by Size of Assets
 Source: ResearchInChina
From small to large, local to nationwide, China city commercial banks have gradually expanded their assets and business scope, and will play a more important role in the economic development while highlighting the following characteristics in their operations: 1) giving priority to SMEs; 2) pursuing differentiated development; 3) promoting intermediary businesses based on financial management services; 4) continuing the penetration into county-level economies and setting up more rural banks.
Casting light on the current development, operation and financial index of over 60 city commercial banks in China, this report can serve as an important reference for grasping the development trend of Chinese city commercial banks.
第一章 中国城市商业银行业发展背景与发展历程 1.1 中国城市商业银行发展背景与发展历程 1.2 中国城市商业银行主要政策汇总和总结 1.2.1城商行政策汇总 1.2.2城商行政策总结
第二章 中国城市商业银行发展状况 2.1城商行总体发展状况 2.1.1资产规模 2.1.2信贷资产质量 2.1.3资本充足率 2.1.4盈利能力 2.2城商行在发展中呈现的特点 2.2.1服务于中小企业定位更加明确 2.2.2差异化发展格局形成 2.2.3以理财为突破口 大力发展中间业务 2.2.4向县域经济渗透 2.3 2009年中国城市商业银行动态 2.3.1 更名情况 2.3.2 跨区域经营情况 2.3.3 重组情况 2.3.4 上市情况
第三章 泛珠三角经济区城市商业银行综合竞争力分析 3.1 平安银行 3.1.1 银行简介 3.1.2 财务指标 3.1.3 发展动态 3.2 东莞银行 3.2.1银行简介 3.2.2经营情况及发展动态 3.3 福建海峡银行 3.3.1 银行概况 3.3.2 经营情况及发展动态 3.4 广州银行 3.5 柳州市商业银行 3.5.1银行概况 3.5.2主要财务指标 3.5.3 发展动态 3.6 湛江市商业银行 3.6.1银行概况 3.6.2财务指标 3.6.3发展动态 3.7 广西北部湾银行 3.7.1 银行概况 3.7.2 经营业绩 3.7.3发展动态 3.8 桂林市商业银行 3.8.1 银行概况 3.8.2 主要财务指标 3.8.3 来发展动态
第四章 长三角经济区城市商业银行综合竞争力分析 4.1 上海银行 4.1.1 银行概况 4.1.2 经营情况 4.1.3 发展动态 4.2 杭州银行 4.2.1银行概况 4.2.2主要财务指标 4.2.3 发展动态 4.3 南京银行 4.3.1 银行概况 4.3.2 经营情况 4.3.3 发展动态 4.4 宁波银行 4.4.1银行概况 4.4.2 主要财务指标 4.4.3 发展动态 4.5 温州银行 4.6 南昌银行 4.7 湖州市商业银行 4.8 江苏银行 4.8.1 银行概况 4.8.2 财务指标 4.8.3 发展动态 4.9 台州市商业银行 4.9.1 经营情况 4.9.2发展动态 4.10 徽商银行 4.10.1 银行概况 4.10.2 主要财务指标 4.10.3 发展动态 4.11 浙江稠州商业银行 4.12 九江银行 4.12.1 经营情况 4.12.2 发展动态 4.13 浙江泰隆商业银行 4.13.1银行概况 4.13.2 经营情况 4.14 赣州银行 4.14.1 银行概况 4.14.2 主要财务指标
第五章 东北经济区城市商业银行综合竞争力分析 5.1 大连银行 5.1.1银行概况 5.1.2经营情况 5.2 哈尔滨银行 5.2.1 银行概况及经营情况 5.2.2 发展动态 5.3 吉林银行 5.4 河北银行 4.4.1 银行概况及经营情况 5.4.2发展动态 5.5 营口银行 5.5.1银行概况 5.5.2主要财务指标 5.5.3 发展动态 5.6 攀枝花市商业银行 5.7 盛京银行 5.7.1 银行概况 5.7.2 主要财务数据
第六章 西部经济区城市商业银行综合竞争力分析 6.1 西安市商业银行 6.2 南充市商业银行 6.2.1 银行概况及经营情况 6.2.2发展动态 6.3 贵阳市商业银行 6.4 乌鲁木齐市商业银行 6.5 宁夏银行 6.5.1 银行简介 6.5.2 主要财务指标 6.5.3 发展动态 6.6包商银行 6.6.1 包商银行 6.6.2 主要财务指标 6.6.3 发展动态 6.7 成都银行 6.7.1 银行概况 6.7.2 主要财务指标 6.7.3发展动态 6.8 重庆银行 6.8.1银行概况 6.8.2主要财务指标 6.8.3 发展动态 6.9 兰州银行 6.10 宜昌市商业银行 6.11 富滇银行 6.11.1银行概况 6.11.2经营情况 6.12 昆仑银行 6.13 绵阳市商业银行
第七章 环渤海经济区城市商业银行综合竞争力分析 7.1 天津银行 7.1.1 银行概述 7.1.2 主要财务指标 7.2 北京银行 7.2.1 银行概述 7.2.2 经营情况 7.2.3.北京银行特色服务 7.3 齐鲁银行 7.3.1 银行概况 7.3.2经营情况及2010年经营目标 7.4 日照银行 7.4.1 银行概况 7.4.2 银行2009年经营情况 7.5 齐商银行 7.5.1 银行概况 7.5.2 银行2009年经营情况 7.6 廊坊银行 7.7 烟台银行 7.7.1 银行概况 7.7.2 主要财务指标 7.8 临商银行 7.9 承德市商业银行 7.10 威海市商业银行 7.10.1银行概况 7.10.2主要财务指标 7.11 济宁银行 7.12 沧州银行 7.13 青岛银行 7.13.1银行概况 7.13.2主要财务指标 7.14 德州银行 7.15 东营市商业银行 7.16 莱商银行 7.16.1银行概况 7.16.2主要财务指标
第八章 中部经济区城市商业银行综合竞争力分析 8.1 长沙银行 8.1.1 银行概况 8.1.2主要财务指标 8.2 汉口银行 8.2.1 银行概况 8.2.2 主要财务指标 8.3 晋城市商业银行 8.3.1 银行概况 8.3.2 主要财务指标 8.4 郑州银行 8.4.1 银行概况 8.4.2 主要财务指标 8.5 德阳市商业银行 8.5.1银行概况 8.5.2主要财务指标 8.6 大同市商业银行 8.7 洛阳银行 8.7.1 银行概况 8.7.2 主要财务指标
1. Development Background and History of China City Commercial Banks 1.1 Development Background and History 1.2 City Commercial Bank Policies of China 1.2.1 Policies 1.2.2 Summary
2. Development of China City Commercial Banks 2.1 Overview 2.1.1 Size of Assets 2.1.2 Quality of Credit Assets 2.1.3 Capital Adequacy Ratio 2.1.4 Profitability 2.2 Development Characteristics 2.2.1 More Explicit Orientation of Serving SMEs 2.2.2 Differentiated Development Pattern Shaped 2.2.3 Vigorous Development of Intermediary Business based on Financial Management Services 2.2.4 Economic Penetration towards Counties 2.3 Development in 2009 2.3.1 Renaming 2.3.2 Trans-regional Operation 2.3.3 Restructuring 2.3.4 Listing
3. Comprehensive Competitiveness of City Commercial Banks in Pan-Pearl River Delta 3.1 Ping An Bank 3.1.1 Profile 3.1.2 Financial Index 3.1.3 Development 3.2 Bank of Dongguan 3.2.1 Profile 3.2.2 Operation and Development 3.3 Fujian Haixia Bank 3.3.1 Overview 3.3.2 Operation and Development 3.4 Bank of Guangzhou 3.5 Liuzhou City Commercial Bank 3.5.1 Overview 3.5.2 Major Financial Index 3.5.3 Development 3.6 Zhanjiang Commercial Bank 3.6.1 Overview 3.6.2 Financial Index 3.6.3 Development 3.7 Guangxi Beibu Gulf Bank 3.7.1 Overview 3.7.2 Business Performance 3.7.3 Development 3.8 Guilin City Commercial Bank 3.8.1 Overview 3.8.2 Major Financial Index 3.8.3 Development
4. Comprehensive Competitiveness of City Commercial Banks in Yangtze River Delta 4.1 Bank of Shanghai 4.1.1 Overview 4.1.2 Operation 4.1.3 Development 4.2 Bank of Hangzhou 4.2.1 Overview 4.2.2 Major Financial Index 4.2.3 Development 4.3 Bank of Nanjing 4.3.1 Overview 4.3.2 Operation 4.3.3 Development 4.4 Bank of Ningbo 4.4.1 Overview 4.4.2 Major Financial Index 4.4.3 Development 4.5 Bank of Wenzhou 4.6 Bank of Nanchang 4.7 Huzhou City Commercial Bank 4.8 Bank of Jiangsu 4.8.1 Overview 4.8.2 Financial Index 4.8.3 Development 4.9 Taizhou Commercial Bank 4.9.1 Operation 4.9.2 Development 4.10 Huishang Bank 4.10.1 Overview 4.10.2 Major Financial Index 4.10.3 Development 4.11 Zhejiang Chouzhou Commercial Bank 4.12 Bank of Jiujiang 4.12.1 Operation 4.12.2 Development 4.13 Zhejiang Tailong Commercial Bank 4.13.1 Overview 4.13.2 Operation 4.14 Bank of Ganzhou 4.14.1Overview 4.14.2 Major Financial Index
5. Comprehensive Competitiveness of City Commercial Banks in Northeast Economic Zone 5.1 Bank of Dalian 5.1.1 Overview 5.1.2 Operation 5.2 Harbin Bank 5.2.1 Overview & Operation 5.2.2 Development 5.3 Bank of Jilin 5.4 Bank of Hebei 5.4.1 Overview & Operation 5.4.2 Development 5.5 Bank of Yingkou 5.5.1 Overview 5.5.2 Major Financial Index 5.5.3 Development 5.6 Panzhihua City Commercial Bank 5.7 Shengjing Bank 5.7.1 Overview 5.7.2 Major Financial Data
6. Comprehensive Competitiveness of City Commercial Banks in Western China Economic Zone 6.1 Xi’an City Commercial Bank 6.2 Nanchong City Commercial Bank 6.2.1 Overview & Operation 6.2.2 Development 6.3 Guiyang City Commercial Bank 6.4 Urumqi City Commercial Bank 6.5 Bank of Ningxia 6.5.1 Profile 6.5.2 Major Financial Index 6.5.3 Development 6.6 Baoshang Bank 6.6.1 Profile 6.6.2 Major Financial Index 6.6.3 Development 6.7 Bank of Chengdu 6.7.1 Overview 6.7.2 Major Financial Index 6.7.3 Development 6.8 Bank of Chongqing 6.8.1 Overview 6.8.2 Major Financial Index 6.8.3 Development 6.9 Bank of Lanzhou 6.10 Yichang City Commercial Bank 6.11 Fudian Bank 6.11.1 Overview 6.11.2 Operation 6.12 Kunlun Bank 6.13 Mianyang City Commercial Bank
7. Comprehensive Competitiveness of City Commercial Banks in Pan-Bohai Sea Economic Zone 7.1 Bank of Tianjin 7.1.1 Overview 7.1.2 Major Financial Index 7.2 Bank of Beijing 7.2.1 Overview 7.2.2 Operation 7.2.3 Featured Services 7.3 Qilu Bank 7.3.1 Overview 7.3.2 Operation and 2010 Business Objectives 7.4 Bank of Rizhao 7.4.1 Overview 7.4.2 Operation in 2009 7.5 Qishang Bank 7.5.1 Overview 7.5.2 Operation in 2009 7.6 Bank of Langfang 7.7 Yantai Bank 7.7.1 Overview 7.7.2 Major Financial Index 7.8 Linshang Bank 7.9 Chengde City Commercial Bank 7.10 Weihai City Commercial Bank 7.10.1 Overview 7.10.2 Major Financial Index 7.11 Bank of Jining 7.12 Bank of Cangzhou 7.13 Bank of Qingdao 7.13.1 Overview 7.13.2 Major Financial Index 7.14 Dezhou Bank 7.15 Dongying City Commercial Bank 7.16 Laishang Bank 7.16.1 Overview 7.16.2 Major Financial Index
8. Comprehensive Competitiveness of City Commercial Banks in Central China Economic Zone 8.1 Bank of Changsha 8.1.1 Overview 8.1.2 Major Financial Index 8.2 Hankou Bank 8.2.1 Overview 8.2.2 Major Financial Index 8.3 Jincheng Commercial Bank 8.3.1 Overview 8.3.2 Major Financial Index 8.4 Bank of Zhengzhou 8.4.1 Overview 8.4.2 Major Financial Index 8.5 Deyang City Commercial Bank 8.5.1 Overview 8.5.2 Major Financial Index 8.6 Datong City Commercial Bank 8.7 Bank of Luoyang 8.7.1 Overview 8.7.2 Major Financial Index
表:2005-2008年中国城商行引进外资部分案例 表:2006-2008年中国城商行跨区发展情况 表:1995-2008年中国城商行更名情况 表:1995-2009年城商行相关政策 图:2003-2010年中国城市商业银行资产规模 图:2003-2010年中国城市商业银行不良贷款额和不良贷款率 图:2004-2009年中国城市商业银行资本充足率趋势 图:2003-2009年中国城市商业银行税后利润及增长率 表:2009年部分银行特色业务 表:2009年中国更名城市商业银行列表 表:总资产超过千亿元城商行分行设立情况 表:2009年中国城商行重组情况 表:部分中国城商行上市和上市准备情况 图:2007-2009年平安银行资产负债及损益 图:2007-2009年平安银行关键比率 表:2008-2009年东莞银行总资产和存贷款余额 图:2008-2009年广州银行总资产和存贷款余额 图:2007-2009年柳州市商业银行会计数据和财务指标 图:2007-2009年泉州市商业银行总资产和存贷款余额 表:2008-2009年广西北部湾银行经营成果 表:2007-2009年期末桂林市商业银行资产及负债 表:2007-2009年桂林市商业银行经营情况 表:2007-2009年桂林市商业银行财务指标监管指标 图:2007-2009年上海银行资产及负债情况 图:2007-2009年上海银行主营业务收入及利润 图:2007-2009年杭州银行存贷款总额 表:2007-2009年杭州银行收入及利润 表:2007-2009年杭州银行风险控制指标 表:2008-2009年广西北部湾银行资产及负债 表:2007-2009年南京银行总资产和存贷款余额 表:2007-2009年南京银行收入和利润 表:2007-2009年南京银行监管指标 表:2009-2010年宁波银行主要会计数据 表:2006-2009年宁波银行补充财务指标 表:2007-2009年温州银行主要会计和财务数据 表:2007-2009年温州银行主要监管指标 图:2007-2009年南昌银行主要财务数据 图:2007-2009年南昌银行监管指标 表:2007-2009年湖州市商业银行主要会计财务数据 表:2007-2009年湖州市商业银行主要监管指标 表:2007-2009年江苏银行总资产和存贷款余额 表:2007-2009年台州市商业银行资产及负债情况 表:2007-2009年台州市商业银行贷款和存款情况 表:2007-2009年台州市商业银行主要监管指标 表:2007-2009年徽商银行资产及盈利情况 图:2007-2009年徽商银行监管指标 图:2006-2009年浙江稠州商业银行总资产 表:2007-2009年九江银行财务指标 表:2008-2009年九江银行监管指标 表:2009-2010年九江银行发展动态 表:2007-2009年浙江泰隆商业银行主要会计财务数据 表:2007-2009年浙江泰隆商业银行补充财务数据 表:2007-2009年浙江泰隆商业银行主要监管指标 图:2007-2009年赣州银行总资产、存贷款余额 图:2007-2009年赣州银行不良贷款率和资本充足率 表:2007-2009年大连银行主要会计和财务指标 表:2007-2009年大连银行补充业务及财务数据 表:2007-2009年大连银行主要监管指标 图:2007-2009年哈尔滨银行总资产 表:2009年吉林银行相关会计数据和指标 表:2007-2009年河北银行总资产和存贷款余额 图:2007-2009年营口银行总资产 图:2007-2009年营口银行不良贷款率和资本充足率 图:2007-2009年攀枝花市商业银行总资产 表:2006-2009年盛京银行部分会计数据和财务指标 表:2007-2009年西安市商业银行主要会计和财务指标 表:2007-2009年西安市商业银行补充财务指标 图:2007-2009年南充市商业银行总资产和存贷款余额 图:2007-2009年南充市商业银行净利润 图:2007-2009年南充市商业银行不良贷款率和资本充足率 图:2007-2009年贵阳市商业银行总资产和存贷款余额 图:2007-2009年贵阳市商业银行财务指标 图:2007-2009年宁夏银行总资产和存贷款余额 图:2007-2009年宁夏银行不良贷款率和资本充足率 图:2007-2009年包商银行总资产和存贷款余额 图:2007-2009年包商银行不良贷款率 图:2007-2009年成都银行总资产和存贷款余额 表:2007-2009年重庆银行主要会计和财务指标 表:2007-2009年重庆银行主要监管指标 表:2007-2009年富滇银行资产及存贷款 表:2007-2009年富滇营业收入和利润 表:2007-2009年富滇银行资本充足率 表:2007-2009年富滇银行监管指标 表:2009年富滇银行机构扩展情况 表:2008-2009年天津银行主要会计数据和财务指标(1) 表:2008-2009年天津银行主要会计数据和财务指标(2) 表:2008-2009年天津银行补充财务指标 表:2007-2009年北京银行资产及负债情况 表:2007-2009年北京银行收入及利润 表:2007-2009年北京银行监管指标 表:2007-2009年齐鲁银行主要会计数据和财务指标 表:2009年年末齐鲁银行补充财务指标 表:2007-2009年日照银行主要会计数据和财务指标 表:2007-2009年日照银行监管指标 表:2009年齐商银行资产及盈利情况 表:2009年齐商银行不良贷款及风险控制指标 表:2009年廊坊银行财务数据和相关指标 表:2007-2009年烟台银行主要会计数据和财务指标 表:2006-2008年烟台银行补充财务数据 图:2007-2008年临商银行存贷款余额 图: 2009年承德市商业银行总资产和存贷款余额 图:2007-2009年威海市商业银行总资产和存贷款余额 图:2007-2009年沧州银行存贷款余额 图:2007-2009年青岛银行主要会计数据和财务指标 图:2007-2009年青岛银行补充财务数据 图:2007-2009年青岛银行监管指标 图:2008-2010年德州市商业银行总资产和存贷款余额 图:2007-2009年东营市商业银行主要会计数据和财务指标 图:2007-2009年东营市商业银行主要会计数据和财务指标 图:2007-2009年莱商银行总资产和存贷款总额 图:2007-2009年长沙银行总资产和存贷款余额 表:2007-2009年汉口银行总资产和存贷款余额 表:2008-2009年晋城市商业银行主要会计数据和财务指标 表:2008-2009年晋城市商业银行补充财务指标 图:2007-2009年郑州银行总资产和存贷款余额 图:2006-2009年郑州银行不良贷款率和资本充足率 图:2007-2009年德阳市商业银行总资产和存贷款余额 表:2007-2009年大同市商业银行总资产和存贷款余额 图:2008-2009年洛阳银行主要会计数据 图:2008-2009年洛阳银行监管指标
Introduction of Foreign Capital by China City Commercial Banks, 2005-2008 Trans-regional Development of China City Commercial Banks, 2006-2008 Renaming of China City Commercial Banks, 1995-2008 China City Commercial Bank Policies, 1995-2009 Assets of China City Commercial Banks, 2003-2010 Non-performing Loan Amount & Ratio of China City Commercial Banks, 2003-2010 Capital Adequacy Ratio of China City Commercial Banks, 2004-2009 Profit after Tax & Growth Rate of China City Commercial Banks, 2003-2009 Featured Services of Some Banks, 2009 List of Renamed City Commercial Banks in China, 2009 Branches of City Commercial Banks with Total Assets Exceeding RMB100 Billion Restructuring of China City Commercial Banks, 2009 Listing & Preparation for Listing of Some City Commercial Banks in China Assets and Liabilities & Profit and Loss of Ping An Bank, 2007-2009 Key Ratios of Ping An Bank, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Bank of Dongguan, 2008-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Bank of Guangzhou, 2008-2009 Accounting Data and Financial Index of Liuzhou City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Bank of Quanzhou, 2007-2009 Operating Results of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Bank, 2008-2009 Assets and Liabilities of Guilin City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Operation of Guilin City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Financial Index & Supervision Index of Guilin City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Assets and Liabilities of Bank of Shanghai, 2007-2009 Main Business Revenue and Profit of Bank of Shanghai, 2007-2009 Total Amount of Deposits & Loans of Bank of Hangzhou, 2007-2009 Revenue and Profit of Bank of Hangzhou, 2007-2009 Risk Management Index of Bank of Hangzhou, 2007-2009 Assets and Liabilities of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Bank, 2008-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Bank of Nanjing, 2007-2009 Revenue and Profit of Bank of Nanjing, 2007-2009 Supervision Index of Bank of Nanjing, 2007-2009 Major Accounting Data of Bank of Ningbo, 2009-2010 Supplemental Financial Index of Bank of Ningbo, 2006-2009 Major Accounting & Financial Data of Bank of Wenzhou, 2007-2009 Major Supervision Index of Bank of Wenzhou, 2007-2009 Major Financial Data of Bank of Nanchang, 2007-2009 Supervision Index of Bank of Nanchang, 2007-2009 Major Accounting & Financial Data of Huzhou City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Major Supervision Index of Huzhou City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Bank of Jiangsu, 2007-2009 Assets and Liabilities of Taizhou Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Loans & Deposits of Taizhou Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Major Supervision Index of Taizhou Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Assets and Profit of Huishang Bank, 2007-2009 Supervision Index of Huishang Bank, 2007-2009 Total Assets of Zhejiang Chouzhou Commercial Bank, 2006-2009 Financial Index of Bank of Jiujiang, 2007-2009 Supervision Index of Bank of Jiujiang, 2008-2009 Development of Bank of Jiujiang, 2009-2010 Major Accounting & Financial Data of Zhejiang Tailong Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Supplemental Financial Data of Zhejiang Tailong Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Major Supervision Index of Zhejiang Tailong Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Bank of Ganzhou, 2007-2009 Non-performing Loan Ratio and Capital Adequacy Ratio of Bank of Ganzhou, 2007-2009 Major Accounting & Financial Index of Bank of Dalian, 2007-2009 Supplementary Business and Financial Data of Bank of Dalian, 2007-2009 Major Supervision Index of Bank of Dalian, 2007-2009 Total Assets of Harbin Bank, 2007-2009 Relevant Accounting Data and Index of Bank of Jilin, 2009 Total Assets and Balance of Bank of Hebei, 2007-2009 Total Assets of Bank of Yingkou, 2007-2009 Non-performing Loan Ratio and Capital Adequacy Ratio of Bank of Yingkou, 2007-2009 Total Assets of Panzhihua City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Accounting Data and Financial Index of Shengjing Bank, 2006-2009 Major Accounting & Financial Index of Xi’an City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Supplemental Financial Index of Xi’an City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Nanchong City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Net Income of Nanchong City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Non-performing Loan Ratio and Capital Adequacy Ratio of Nanchong City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Guiyang City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Financial Index of Guiyang City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Bank of Ningxia, 2007-2009 Non-performing Loan Ratio and Capital Adequacy Ratio of Bank of Ningxia, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Baoshang Bank, 2007-2009 Non-performing Loan Ratio of Baoshang Bank, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Bank of Chengdu, 2007-2009 Major Accounting & Financial Index of Bank of Chongqing, 2007-2009 Major Supervision Index of Bank of Chongqing, 2007-2009 Assets and Deposits & Loans of Fudian Bank, 2007-2009 Operating Income and Profit of Fudian Bank, 2007-2009 Capital Adequacy Ratio of Fudian Bank, 2007-2009 Supervision Index of Fudian Bank, 2007-2009 Institution Expansion of Fudian Bank, 2009 Major Accounting Data & Financial Index of Bank of Tianjin, 2008-2009 (1) Major Accounting Data & Financial Index of Bank of Tianjin, 2008-2009 (2) Supplemental Financial Index of Bank of Tianjin, 2008-2009 Assets and Liabilities of Bank of Beijing, 2007-2009 Revenue and Profit of Bank of Beijing, 2007-2009 Supervision Index of Bank of Beijing, 2007-2009 Major Accounting Data & Financial Index of Qilu Bank, 2007-2009 Supplemental Financial Index of Qilu Bank, 2009 Year-end Major Accounting Data & Financial Index of Bank of Rizhao, 2007-2009 Supervision Index of Bank of Rizhao, 2007-2009 Assets and Profit of Qishang Bank, 2009 Non-performing Loan & Risk Management Index of Qishang Bank, 2009 Financial Data and Relevant Index of Bank of Langfang, 2009 Major Accounting Data & Financial Index of Yantai Bank, 2007-2009 Supplemental Financial Data of Yantai Bank, 2006-2008 Deposit & Loan Balance of Linshang Bank, 2007-2008 Total Assets and Balance of Chengde City Commercial Bank, 2009 Total Assets and Balance of Weihai City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Deposit & Loan Balance of Bank of Cangzhou, 2007-2009 Major Accounting Data & Financial Index of Bank of Qingdao, 2007-2009 Supplemental Financial Data of Bank of Qingdao, 2007-2009 Supervision Index of Bank of Qingdao, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Dezhou Bank, 2008-2010 Major Accounting Data & Financial Index of Dongying City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Laishang Bank, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Bank of Changsha, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Hankou Bank, 2007-2009 Major Accounting Data & Financial Index of Jincheng Commercial Bank, 2008-2009 Supplemental Financial Index of Jincheng Commercial Bank, 2008-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Bank of Zhengzhou, 2007-2009 Non-performing Loan Ratio and Capital Adequacy Ratio of Bank of Zhengzhou, 2006-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Deyang City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Total Assets and Balance of Datong City Commercial Bank, 2007-2009 Major Accounting Data of Bank of Luoyang, 2008-2009 Supervision Index of Bank of Luoyang, 2008-2009
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