2010-2011年中国广告行业研究报告 |
字数:3.1万 |
页数:78 |
图表数:77 |
中文电子版:7500元 |
中文纸版:3750元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:8000元 |
英文电子版:1800美元 |
英文纸版:1900美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:2100美元 |
发布日期:2011-07 |
附件:下载 |
中国经济的持续增长为广告的健康发展提供了有力保障。2010年中国广告市场总规模达到3437亿元,同比增长22.5%。受政策、广告主偏好等因素影响,各细分市场的增长幅度呈现较大差异。 图:2009-2010年中国广告行业六大媒体市场份额  来源:水清木华研究中心 从细分市场看,中国电视广告市场规模达到1331亿元,仍是中国最大的广告细分市场。不过电视广告市场的发展,正受到网络视频广告的强力挤压。众多电视台纷纷进入网络视频领域。 2010年中国互联网广告市场规模增长最快,达到387亿人民币,同比增长87%,其中,视频、搜索、社区是三大增长最快的板块。2010年中国网络视频广告规模达到21.7亿,同比增长157.1%,主要视频网站如优酷、土豆与乐视2010年广告营收同比分别增长153%、97.6%和82.4%。 2010年中国户外广告市场规模增速仅次于互联网,同比增长23%,达到504.3亿元,户外广告规模的快速增长主要是受益于公交、地铁及电梯间等网络化分布媒体的快速发展。北巴传媒主要经营公交广告业务,2010年公司广告收入同比增长29.7%。华视传媒拥有全国最大的公交地铁全覆盖的移动电视广告联播网,2011年4月,华视传媒继续巩固东北市场,续约获得沈阳区域公交移动电视未来3年独家广告经营权。 2010年中国广播电视和报刊广告市场规模增长较为稳定,分别同比增长15.2%和17.8%。但受互联网和户外广告市场的挤压,2010年中国广播电视及报刊广告占总体市场的比例,较2009年分别下降了3.3和1.2个百分点。 伴随着3G时代的来临,智能手机、平板电脑等智能终端的普及,无线广告的快速发展,将促进中国广告行业更加多元化。
The sustained economic growth ensures the healthy development of
advertising industry in China. The advertising market size of China
totaled RMB343.7 billion in 2010, up 22.5% from a year earlier. However,
influenced by related policies and advertisers’ preferences, each
market segment presented different growth rates. Market Shares of Top 6 Media in China’s Advertising Industry, 2009-2010  Source: ResearchInChina Concerning
market segments, TV advertising with the market size of RMB133.1
billion still remained the largest segmented market of advertising
industry. Yet, the development of TV advertising has been suppressed by
online video advertising, which allures many TV stations successively
into the online video market. In 2010, the market size of online
advertising kept the most rapid growth and reached RMB38.7 billion in
China, an 87% YoY rise. In particular, video, search engine, and
community were the top 3 advertising channels with the highest growth
rate. In this year, the market size of online video advertising hit
RMB 2.1billion, up 157.1% YoY; and the operating income of key video
websites including Youku, Tudou and Letv saw the YoY growth rates of
153%, 97.6% and 82.4%, respectively. The growth rate of outdoor
advertising was only second to that of online advertising market in
China in 2010, and it increased by 23% YoY to RMB50.43 billion. The
rapidly growing media distribution such as advertisement in the buses,
subways and elevator rooms accelerated the development of outdoor media.
Beijing Bashi Media is primarily focused upon advertising on public
transportation and its operating income of advertising business in 2010
rose 29.7% against the previous year. As for Vision China Media, it
boasts China’s largest mobile TV advertising broadcast network which
covers both buses and subways. In Apr. 2011, Vision China Media
continued to consolidate its business in Northeast China, acquiring a
3-year exclusive advertising right for the mobile TV on public
transportation in Shenyang city, Liaoning province, China. In
2010, the broadcast TV and print media advertising market kept steady
growth in China, up 15.2% and 17.8% YoY respectively. However, being
beaten by online advertising and outdoor advertising, the market shares
of broadcast TV and print media advertising in the total advertising
market dropped 3.3 and 1.2 percentage points, respectively With
the approach of 3G era, the prevalence of smart terminal such as smart
phone and tablet PC as well as rapid evolution of wireless advertising
market will promote the diversification of advertising industry in
第一章 中国广告业发展宏观环境 1.1 经济发展环境 1.2 政策法规环境
第二章 中国广告业发展概况 2.1 广告各细分市场规模 2.2.广告主变化
第三章 中国互联网广告市场分析 3.1互联网广告现状分析 3.2互联网广告细分市场发展趋势 3.2.1 搜索引擎 3.2.2 网上零售市场 3.2.3 视频广告 3.3互联网广告市场品牌广告主分析 3.4 新浪 3.4.1 公司简介 3.4.2 公司经营 3.5搜狐 3.5.1 公司简介 3.5.2 公司经营 3.6腾讯 3.6.1 公司简介 3.6.2 公司经营 3.7网易 3.7.1 公司简介 3.7.2 公司经营 3.8百度 3.8.1 公司简介 3.8.2 公司经营 3.9谷歌 3.9.1 公司简介 3.9.2 公司经营 3.10 优酷 3.11 酷6 3.12 土豆 3.12.1 公司简介 3.12.2 公司经营 3.13 乐视 3.13.1 公司简介 3.13.2 公司经营
第四章 中国报刊广告市场分析 4.1 发展概况及发展趋势 4.2 广告主变化 4.3 新华传媒 4.3.1 公司简介 4.3.2 公司经营 4.4 博瑞传播 4.4.1 公司简介 4.4.2 公司经营 4.4.3 广告业务 4.5 重庆报业 4.5.1 公司简介 4.5.2 四大报纸分析 4.6 中南传媒 4.6.1 公司简介 4.6.2 公司经营 4.6.3 广告业务 4.7 中文传媒 4.7.1 公司简介 4.7.2 公司经营
第五章 中国户外广告市场分析 5.1 发展概况及发展趋势 5.2 北巴传媒 5.2.1 公司简介 5.2.2 公司经营 5.2.3 广告业务 5.2.4 发展前景 5.3 华视传媒 5.3.1 公司简介 5.3.2 公司经营 5.3.3 公司动态 5.4 航美传媒 5.4.1 公司简介 5.4.2 公司经营 5.5 分众传媒 5.5.1 公司简介 5.5.2 公司经营 5.6 郁金香传媒 5.7 银广通传媒
第六章 中国电视广播广告市场分析 6.1 发展概况及发展趋势 6.2 中视传媒 6.2.1 公司简介 6.2.2 公司经营 6.2.3 广告业务 6.3 歌华有线 6.3.1 公司简介 6.3.2 公司经营 6.4 天威视讯 6.4.1 公司简介 6.4.2 公司经营 6.5远传广播
第七章 2010年无线广告市场分析 7.1 发展概况及趋势 7.2 手机媒体广告特点 7.3 无线广告SWOT分析 7.4 无线广告盈利分析 7.5 掌上灵通 7.5.1 公司简介 7.5.2 公司经营
1.Macro-environment of Advertising Industry in China
1.1 Economic Environment
1. Policies and Regulations
2. Overview of the Advertising Industry in China
2.1 Sizes of Market Segments
2.2 Advertisers
3. Online Advertising Market in China
3.1 Status Quo
3.2 Development Trend of Market Segments
3.2.1 Search Engine
3.2.2 Online Retailing
3.2.3 Video Ads
3.3 Advertisers
3.4 Sina
3.4.1 Profile
3.4.2 Operation
3.5 Sohu
3.5.1 Profile
3.5.2 Operation
3.6 Tencent
3.6.1 Profile
3.6.2 Operation
3.7 Netease
3.7.1 Profile
3.7.2 Operation
3.8 Baidu
3.8.1 Profile
3.8.2 Operation
3.9 Google
3.9.1 Profile
3.9.2 Operation
3.10 Youku
3.11 Ku6
3.12 Tudou
3.12.1 Profile
3.12.2 Operation
3.13 Letv
3.13.1 Profile
3.13.2 Operation
4 Newspaper and Periodical Advertising Market
4.1 Overview and Development Trend
4.2 Advertiser
4.3 Xinhua Media
4.3.1 Profile
4.3.2 Operation
4.4 B-Ray Media
4.4.1 Profile
4.4.2 Operation
4.4.3 Advertising Business
4.5 Chongqing Newspapering
4.5.1 Profile
4.5.2 Analysis of Four Major Newspapers
4.6 China South Publishing & Media Group
4.6.1 Profile
4.6.2 Operation
4.6.3 Advertising Business
4.7 Chinese Universe Publishing and Media
4.7.1 Profile
4.7.2 Operation
5 Outdoor Advertising Market in China
5.1 Overview and Development Trend
5.2 Beijing Bashi Media
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.2.3 Advertising Business
5.2.4 Development Prospect
5.3 Vision China Media
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.3.3 Dynamics
5.4 Air Media
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.5 Focus Media
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.6 Tulip Mega Media
5.7 Unibank Media
6 TV and Broadcast Advertising Market in China
6.1 Overview and Development Trend
6.2 CTV Media
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Advertising Business
6.3 Gehua CATV
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.4 Topway
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.5 Yuan Chuan Radio Advertising
7. Wireless Advertising Market in 2010
7.1 Overview and Development Trend
7.2 Characteristics of Mobile Phone Media Advertising
7.3 SWOT Analysis of Wireless Advertising
7.4 Profitability of Wireless Advertising
7.5 Linktone
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Operation
图:2006-2010年GDP及其增长率 图:2001-2010年我国固定资产投资状况分析 图:2003-2010广告市场总量增长率和GDP增长率对比 图:2009-2010年中国广告行业六大媒体市场规模及份额 表:2010年中国广告主行业广告市场花费前五名 表:2010年中国广告市场广告主花费前十名 图:2007-2010年中国互联网广告市场趋势 表:2010年谷歌及中国主要互联网媒体广告收入 图:2009-2010中国搜索引擎市场规模及同比增长 图:2010年中国搜索引擎市场营收份额 图:2003-2013E中国网上零售市场B2C和C2C交易规模占比 图:2009-2011Q1中国视频广告市场规模 图:2010年中国互联网广告市场十大广告主行业刊例费用同比增长比率 图:2009-2011Q1新浪广告收入及非广告收入 表:2009-2011Q1新浪广告及移动相关业务成本 图:2009-2010年搜狐总收入及广告收入统计 表:2011Q1搜狐按业务营业收入及同比变化 表:2011Q1搜狐按业务毛利率及同比变化 图:2009-2011Q1腾讯总收入与广告收入 图:2009-2010年网易营业收入及广告收入 表:2011Q1网易营业收入及广告收入 表:2011Q1网易主要业务毛利率 图:2006-2010年百度总营收 图:2008-2010年谷歌总收入及广告收入 表:2008-2011Q1谷歌(分业务)收入 图:2008-2010年谷歌(分地区)营业收入占比 图:2008-2011Q1年优酷广告收入及占比 图:2008年Q2-2010年Q4酷6的收入情况 图:2008-2010年土豆网营收构成 图:2010年土豆主营收入(分业务)构成 图:2008-2010年土豆网Top10客户营收及占总营收的比例 图:2008-2010年乐视广告收入及其他业务收入 表:2010年乐视分业务主营收入及毛利率 表:乐视和优酷综合对比 图:2007-2011Q1新华传媒营业收入及净利润 表:2010新华传媒主营业务分行业或产品统计 表:2010新华传媒主营业务分地区统计 图:2008-2011Q1博瑞传播营业收入及利润总额 图: 2010年博瑞传播营业收入结构(分产品) 图:2008-2010年博瑞传播广告业务营业收入及营业利润 图:2008-2010年博瑞传播广告业务毛利率 图:2008-2011Q1中南传媒营业收入及利润总额 图:2008-2010年中南传媒主营业务营业收入 图:2010年中南传媒报媒业务营业收入构成 表:2008-2010年中南传媒报媒广告业务营业收入及其占比、营业利润和毛利率 图:2008-2011Q1中文传媒营业收入及利润总额 图:2010年中文传媒营业收入构成(分行业) 图:2010年中文传媒毛利率(分行业) 图:2010年中文传媒营业收入构成(分产品) 图:2010年中文传媒毛利率(分产品) 表:不同类型户外广告特点 图:2009-2010H1中国户外电子屏主要细分市场份额 图:2008-2011Q1北巴传媒营业收入及利润总额 图:2010年北巴传媒营业收入结构(分行业) 表:2008-2010年北巴传媒广告业务营业收入、占比及毛利率 表:2009-2010年华视传媒总收入及毛利润 表:2011Q1年华视传媒总收入及毛利润 表:2009-2010年航美传媒总收入及毛利润 表:2010年航美传媒分业务收入及同比增长 表:2010Q1-2011Q1航美传媒总收入及毛利润 图:2010年四个季度分众传媒核心业务营业收入情况 图:2011Q1年分众传媒核心业务营业收入及同比增长 表:2010年郁金香在18个城市的LED屏幕个数统计 图:银广通传媒媒体网分布图 表:2010年地方电视广告收入排名前十 表:2010年地方电台广告收入排名前十 图:2008-2011Q1中视传媒营业收入及利润总额 图:2008-2010年中视传媒营业收入构成(分业务) 图:2008-2010年中视传媒主要业务区域营业收入 图:2008-2010年中视传媒广告业务营业收入、营业利润及毛利率 图:2008-2011Q1歌华有线营业收入及利润总额 图:2008-2011Q1天威视讯营业收入及利润总额 图:2008-2010年天威视讯有限电视服务毛利率 图:2006-2010年中国移动互联网细分市场规模 表:2009-2010年掌上灵通营业收入及毛利润 图:2009-2010年掌上灵通毛利率情况 表:2011Q1掌上灵通营业收入及毛利润
China’s GDP and Growth Rate, 2006-2010 Fixed Asset Investments in China, 2001-2010 Growth Rates of Advertising Market Volume and GDP in China, 2003-2010 Market Size and Market Share of Top 6 Media in China’s Advertising Industry, 2009-2010 Media Cost of Top 5 Advertisers Industry in China, 2010 Media Cost of Top 10 Advertisers in China, 2010 Market Trend of Online Advertising in China, 2007-2010 Advertising Revenue of Google and Key Internet Media in China, 2010 Market Size and YoY Growth Rate of Search Engine in China, 2009-2010 Shares of Search Engine Market in China by Revenue, 2010 Transaction Volume Proportion of B2C and C2C in China Online Retailing Market, 2003-2013E China Video Advertising Market Size, 2009-2011Q1 Growth Rate of Advertising Cost of Top 10 Internet Advertisers in China, 2010 Advertising Income and Non-advertising Income of Sina, 2009-2011Q1 Cost of Advertising and Mobile Related Business of Sina, 2009-2011Q1 Operating Income and Advertising Income of Sohu, 2009-2010 Operating Income and YoY Change of Sohu by Business,2011Q1 Gross Margin and YoY Change of Sohu by Business, 2011Q1 Total Revenue and Advertising Revenue of Tencent, 2009-2011Q1 Operating Income and Advertising Revenue of Netease, 2009-2010 Operating Income and Advertising Revenue of Netease, 2011Q1 Gross Margin of Key Business of Netease, 2011Q1 Total Revenue of Baidu, 2006-2010 Total Revenue and Advertisement Revenue of Baidu, 2008-2010 Revenue of Google by Business, 2008-2011Q1 Operating Income Structure of Google by Region, 2008-2010 Advertising Revenue Structure of Youku, 2008-2011Q1 Revenue of Ku6, 2008Q2-2010Q4 Operating Income of Tudou, 2008-2010 Operating Income of Toudu by Business, 2010 Operating Income and Proportions Generated by Tudou's Top 10 Clients, 2008-2010 Advertising Income and Non-advertising Income of Letv, 2008-2010 Operating Income and Gross Margin of Letv by Business, 2010 Comparison between Letv and Youku Operating Income and Net Income of Xinhua Media, 2007-2011Q1 Operating Income of Xinhua Media by Sector or Product, 2010 Operating Income of Xinhua Media by Region, 2010 Operating Income and Total Profit of B-Ray Media, 2008-2011Q1 Operating Income of B-Ray Media by Product, 2010 Operating Income and Operating Profit of Advertising Business of Chengdu B-Ray Media,2008-2010 Gross Margin of Advertising Business of B-Ray Media, 2008-2010 Operating Income and Total Profit of China South Publishing & Media Group, 2008-2011Q1 Operating Income of China South Publishing &Media Group by Business, 2008-2010 Operating Income of Newspaper Business of China South Publishing & Media Group, 2010 Operating Income and Proportion of Newspaper Advertising Business, Operating Profit and Gross Margin of China South Publishing & Media Group, 2008-2010 Operating Income and Total Profit of Chinese Universe Publishing and Media, 2008-2011Q1 Operating Income of Chinese Universe Publishing and Media by Sector, 2010 Gross Margin of Chinese Universe Publishing and Media by Sector, 2010 Operating Income of Chinese Universe Publishing and Media by Product, 2010 Gross Margin of Chinese Universe Publishing and Media by Product, 2010 Characteristic of Different Kinds of Outdoor Advertisement Segment Market Scale of Outdoor Electric Screen in China, 2009-2010H1 Operating Income and Total Profit of Beijing Bashi Media, 2008-2011Q1 Operating Income of Beijing Bashi Media by Sector, 2010 Operating Income, Percentage and Gross Margin of Advertising Business of Beijing Bashi Media by Business, 2008-2010 Total Revenue and Gross Profit of CTV Media, 2009-2010 Total Revenue and Gross Profit of CTV Media, 2011Q1 Total Revenue and Gross Profit of Air Media, 2009-2010 Revenue and YoY Growth of Air Media by Business, 2010 Total Revenue and Gross Profit of Air Media, 2010Q1-2011Q1 Operating Income of Core Businesses of Focus Media, Q1-Q4, 2010 Operating Income and YoY Growth of Core Businesses of Focus Media, 2011Q1 Number of Screens of Tulip Mega Media in 18 Cities, 2010 Media Network Distribution of Unibank Media Advertisement Revenue of Top 10 Local TV Stations, 2010 Advertisement Revenue of Top 10 Local Radio Stations, 2010 Operating Income and Total Profit of CTV Media,2008-2011Q1 Operating Income of CTV Media by Business, 2008-2010 Operating income of CTV Media's Major Business by Region, 2008-2010 Operating Income, Operating Profit and Gross Margin of Advertising Business of CTV Media Operating Income and Total Profit of Gehua CATV, 2008-2011Q1 Operating Income and Total Profit of Topway, 2008-2011Q1 Gross Margin of Cable TV Service of Topway, 2008-2010 Market Size of Mobile Internet Segments in China, 2006-2010 Operating Income and Gross Profit of Linktone, 2009-2010 Gross Margin of Linktone, 2009-2010 Operating Income and Gross Profit of Linktone, 2011Q1
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