2010-2012年全球及中国塑料包装行业研究报告 |
字数:3.1万 |
页数:87 |
图表数:96 |
中文电子版:8000元 |
中文纸版:4000元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:8500元 |
英文电子版:2200美元 |
英文纸版:2300美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:2500美元 |
发布日期:2012-01 |
附件:下载 |
2001-2010年全球塑料包装市场规模年复合增长率约为7.2%,是包装各细分行业中增长最快的。2011 年中国塑料包装行业的市场规模约为664亿美元,占全球塑料包装市场的31.2%。目前来看,塑料包装产量增长同需求增速相当,行业整体趋向供需平衡状态。 中国塑料包装行业主要有以下几个运行特点:◎ 行业集中度较低。2010年中国塑料软包装行业前5大企业市场份额仅占19.4%,其中占比最大的是永新股份,市场占有率为7.2%;化妆品塑料包装前5大企业市场份额占26%,其中占比最大的是通产丽星,市场占有率为8.6%。 ◎ 医药包装有望成为塑料包装新的增长点。从下游行业来看,塑料包装应用最为广泛的是食品饮料,日化用品和医药等消费品行业。2010年塑料包装下游食品行业占比在70%左右,日化用品占13%左右,医药行业占比9%左右,其他占比8%。在发达国家,医药包装占药品价值的30%,而中国尚不足10%,未来几年将是中国医药包装行业快速发展的时期。 ◎ 塑料丝、绳及编织品产量增速较快。塑料薄膜是所有塑料包装材料中产量最大的,但是塑料丝、绳及编织品是细分产品中产量增速最快的。如2005-2010年塑料丝、绳及编织品产量的平均增速达到了24.8%,而塑料薄膜和塑料包装箱及容器的增速分别为13.1%和13.5%。 图:2005-2012年塑料包装分产品产量增长率  来源:WIND;整理:水清木华研究中心 水清木华研究中心《2010-2012年全球及中国塑料包装行业研究报告》主要包括以下内容: - 全球及中国塑料包装发展现状,市场规模,竞争格局,供需状况;
- 中国塑料包装行业进出口,行业壁垒,发展前景及趋势等;
- 中国塑料包装上下游:重点研究了食品饮料塑料包装,药用塑料包装和化妆品塑料包装三个下游行业的现状和需求;
- 全球5家主要塑料包装企业和中国14家主要塑料包装企业的经营情况,项目规划,前景预测等。
In the global plastic packaging industry, the CAGR was roughly 7.2%
between 2001 and 2010, featuring the fastest growth in packaging
industry breakdown. For China, the market scale of plastic packaging
industry approximated USD66.4 billion in 2011, accounting for 31.2% of
the total worldwide. Currently, the growth in the output of plastic
packaging is in proportion to the growth of demand, with the overall
industry presenting a balanced supply-demand situation. Operating Features of China Plastic Packaging Industry◎Low Industrial Concentration:
the top five businesses in plastic flexible packaging industry
accounted for 19.4% market share in 2010. In particular, Huangshan Novel
Co., Ltd. was the champion, with the market share making up 7.2%. And
the top five businesses in cosmetic plastic packaging industry stood at
26% market share. In particular, Shenzhen Beautystar Company Limited
occupied a lion’s share of 8.6%. ◎Pharmaceutical Packaging Expecting to Become New Contributor for the Growth of Plastic Packaging Industry:
in terms of downstream sectors, plastic packaging witnesses the widest
application in consumer goods industries like foods & drinks, daily
chemical articles and pharmaceutical industries. In 2010, the
application of plastic packaging in downstream foodstuff industry, daily
chemical articles, pharmaceutical industry and others made up around
70%, 13%, 9%, and 8%, respectively. In developed countries,
pharmaceutical packaging occupies 30% of the value of the medicines,
while the figure in China is less than 10%. Hence, China pharmaceutical
packaging industry is expected to see skyrocketing development in
upcoming years. ◎Plastic Wire, Rope & Knitting Seeing Rapid Growth in Output: among
all the plastic packaging materials, the output of plastic film is the
highest, while the output of plastic wire, rope and woven products among
the subdivided products has seen the fastest growth. For example, the
average output growth of plastic wire, rope and woven products in
2005-2010 reached 24.8%, compared with 13.1% and 13.5% for plastic film
and plastic packaging container respectively. Growth in Output of Plastic Packaging by Product, 2005-2012  Source: WIND; ResearchInChina
The report highlights: Current development, market size, competition pattern, supply and demand of global and China plastic packaging industry;
Import & export, industry barrier, outlook and development trend of China plastic packaging industry;
plastic packaging upstream and downstream; focus on the status quo and
demand of the three downstream sectors including food & drinks
plastic packaging, pharmaceutical plastic packaging and cosmetic plastic
Operation, project planning, prospect concerning five global plastic packaging giants and 14 Chinese plastic packaging giants;
is noteworthy that plastic packaging downstream consumer goods
enterprises are very optimistic about the long-and medium-term
development of China’s consumer goods market and have increased their
investment in China. For instance, Unilever lavished over RMB12 billion
to set up a base in Hefei; PepsiCo is set to invest additional USD2.5
billion in China and to set up 10-12 new plants. Overall, The continuous
expansion of downstream consumer goods enterprises is bound to further
fuel the demand for plastic packaging.
前言 第一章 塑料包装行业概述 1.1 定义及分类 1.2 行业地位 1.3 产业链 1.4 行业特征
第二章 全球塑料包装行业发展概况 2.1 发展现状 2.2 市场规模 2.3 竞争格局 2.4 发展动态 2.4.1 厂商动态 2.4.2 塑料包装新材料 2.5 下游厂商特点
第三章 中国塑料包装行业发展概况 3.1 政策环境 3.2 供需情况 3.2.1 市场供给 3.2.2 市场需求 3.3 竞争格局 3.4 进出口 3.5 行业壁垒 3.6 发展前景及趋势 3.7 本章小结
第四章 塑料包装行业上下游分析 4.1 上游 4.2 下游 4.2.1食品饮料塑料包装 4.2.2药用塑料包装 4.2.3化妆品塑料包装
第五章 全球塑料包装企业分析 5.1 利乐 Tetra Pak 5.1.1 公司介绍 5.1.2 塑料包装业务 5.1.3 在华发展 5.2安姆科 5.2.1 公司介绍 5.2.2 塑料包装业务 5.2.3 在华发展 5.3 东洋制罐 5.3.1 公司简介 5.3.2 塑料包装业务 5.3.3 在华发展 5.4雷盛集团 5.4.1 公司简介 5.4.2 塑料包装业务 5.4.3 在华发展 5.5美国希悦尔 5.5.1 公司简介 5.5.2 塑料包装业务 5.5.3 在华发展 5.6 本章小结
第六章 中国塑料包装企业分析 6.1 双星新材 6.1.1 公司介绍 6.1.2 经营情况 6.1.3 项目规划 6.1.4 展望与预测 6.2国风塑业 6.2.1 公司介绍 6.2.2 经营情况 6.3浙江众成 6.3.1 公司介绍 6.3.2 经营情况 6.3.3 展望与预测 6.4佛塑科技 6.4.1 公司介绍 6.4.2 经营情况 6.4.3 展望与预测 6.5大东南 6.5.1 公司介绍 6.5.2 经营情况 6.5.3 展望与预测 6.6珠海中富 6.6.1 公司介绍 6.6.2 经营情况 6.7永新股份 6.7.1 公司介绍 6.7.2 经营情况 6.7.3 项目规划 6.7.4 展望与预测 6.8通产丽星 6.8.1 公司介绍 6.8.2 经营情况 6.8.3 展望与预测 6.9紫江企业 6.9.1 公司介绍 6.9.2 经营情况 6.9.3上海紫江彩印包装有限公司 6.10浙江欧亚薄膜材料有限公司 6.10.1 公司介绍 6.10.2 经营情况 6.11绍兴翔宇绿色包装有限公司 6.11.1 公司介绍 6.11.2 经营情况 6.12北京德宝商三包装印刷有限公司 6.12.1 公司介绍 6.12.2 经营情况 6.13中山环亚塑料包装有限公司 6.13.1 公司介绍 6.13.2 经营情况 6.14宏铭材料科技股份有限公司 6.14.1 公司介绍 6.14.2 经营情况 6.15 本章小结
1. Overview of Plastic Packaging Industry
1.1 Definition and Classification
1.2 Industry Position
1.3 Industry Chain
1.4 Industrial Characteristics
2. Development of Global Plastic Packaging Industry
2.1 Status Quo
2.2 Market Size
2.3 Competition Pattern
2.4 Dynamics
2.4.1 Manufacturers
2.4.2 New Plastic Packaging Materials
2.5 Downstream Manufacturers
3. Development of China Plastic Packaging Industry
3.1 Policy
3.2 Supply and Demand
3.2.1 Supply
3.2.2 Demand
3.3 Competition Pattern
3.4 Import & Export
3.5 Industry Barriers
3.6 Prospect and Trend
3.7 Summary
4. Upstream and Downstream of Plastic Packaging Industry
4.1 Upstream
4.2 Downstream
4.2.1 Food & Beverage Plastic Packaging
4.2.2 Pharmaceutical Plastic Packaging
4.2.3 Cosmetic Plastic Packaging
5. Global Plastic Packaging Enterprises
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Plastic Packaging Business
5.1.3 Development in China
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Plastic Packaging Business
5.2.3 Development in China
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Plastic Packaging Business
5.3.3 Development in China
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Plastic Packaging Business
5.4.3 Development in China
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Plastic Packaging Business
5.5.3 Development in China
5.6 Summary
6. Chinese Plastic Packaging Enterprises
6.1 Jiangsu Shuangxing Color Plastic New Materials Co., Ltd.
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Project Planning
6.1.4 Prospects & Forecast
6.2 Anhui Guofeng Plastic Industry Co., Ltd.
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.3 Zhejiang Zhongcheng Packing Materials Co., Ltd.
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Prospects & Forecast
6.4 FSPG Hi-Tech Co., Ltd.
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Prospects & Forecast
6.5 Zhejiang Great Southeast Co., Ltd.
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 Prospects & Forecast
6.6 Zhuhai Zhongfu Enterprise Co., Ltd.
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Operation
6.7 Huangshan Novel Co., Ltd.
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Operation
6.7.3 Project Planning
6.7.4 Prospects & Forecast
6.8 Shenzhen Beautystar Company Limited
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 Operation
6.8.3 Prospects & Forecast
6.9 Shanghai Zijiang Enterprise Group Co., Ltd.
6.9.1 Profile
6.9.2 Operation
6.9.3 Shanghai Zijiang Color Printed Packing Co., Ltd.
6.10 Zhejiang Euro-Asia Film Material Co., Ltd.
6.10.1 Profile
6.10.2 Operation
6.11 Shaoxing XiangYu Green Packing Co., Ltd.
6.11.1 Profile
6.11.2 Operation
6.12 VPS Propack Beijing Co., Ltd.
6.12.1 Profile
6.12.2 Operation
6.13 Zhongshan Huanya Plastic Package Co., Ltd.
6.13.1 Profile
6.13.2 Operation
6.14 Guangzhou HongMing Materials Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
6.14.1 Profile
6.14.2 Operation
6.15 Summary
图:2011年包装市场各子行业占比 图:塑料包装行业产业链 图:2000-2012年全球包装行业市场规模 图:2006-2015年美国软包装市场规模 表:2009-2010年全球包装行业主要公司情况 表:2010年欧美消费品制造业主要厂商及集中度 表:2005-2011年中国包装行业相关政策 图:2005-2012年中国塑料薄膜产量及同比增长 图:2005-2012年中国塑料包装箱及容器产量及同比增长 图:2005-2012年中国塑料丝、绳及编织品产量及同比增长 表:2008-2009年中国塑料包装行业主要产品产量 图:2005-2012年中国塑料薄膜销量及同比增长 表:2010年中国塑料软包装行业企业TOP5 表:2010年中国化妆品塑料包装行业企业TOP5 表:2010年中国塑料包装企业聚酯薄膜产能TOP8 图:2008-2012年中国塑料包装进口数量及金额 图:2008-2012年中国塑料包装出口数量及金额 图:2005-2012年中国塑料包装分产品产量增长率 图:2008-2012年中国塑料包装净出口量 图:2009-2011年聚酯切片价格与原油价格走势 图:2008-2011年聚酯薄膜价格与聚酯切片价格走势 图:2011年中国塑料包装下游构成 图:2005-2011年中国社会消费品零售总额及同比增长 表:2010年中国和发达国家主要消费品人均消费水平对比 图:2010年医药包装分材料占比 图:1990-2009年中国卫生总费用及其增长率 图:2007-2015年中国化妆品市场规模及增长 图:2007-2012 年中国化妆品塑料包装市场规模及增长 图:2008-2012年利乐公司净销售额 图:2010-2020年利乐公司营业收入分地区占比 图:2010-2020年发展中国家散装奶和包装奶占比 图:2007-2009年利乐包装(北京)有限公司主营业务收入和利润总额 图:Amcor公司运营结构图 图:2010-2011财年Amcor公司经营情况 图:2011财年Amcor公司销售收入分业务占比 图:2011财年Amcor公司销售收入分地区占比 图:2007-2009年安姆科软包装(北京)有限公司主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2011财年Toyo Seikan Group经营情况 图:2011财年Toyo Seikan Group分业务经营情况 图:2010财年Toyo Seikan Group分地区经营情况 图:2007-2009年重庆联合制罐有限公司主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2010年Rexam消费品包装材料分产品占比 图:2009-2010年Rexam塑料包装业务销售收入 图:2009-2010年Rexam分地区销售收入 图:2007-2009年雷盛塑料包装(深圳)有限公司主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2006-2010年美国希悦尔净销售额 图:2010年美国希悦尔净销售额分区域占比 图:2010年美国希悦尔净销售额分业务占比 图:2007-2009年希悦尔(佛山高明)包装主营业务收入和利润总额 表:2010年全球主要塑料包装企业销售收入和在华投资 图:2008-2011年双星新材主营业务收入和净利润 图:2008-2011年双星新材(分产品)主营业务收入占比 表:2008-2011年双星新材(分地区)主营业务收入及占比 表:2011年双星新材项目投资情况 表:双星新材8.7米幅宽聚酯薄膜生产线概况 表:2009-2013年双星新材分产品经营情况 图:2010-2013年双星新材主营业务收入和净利润 图:2007-2011年国风塑业主营业务收入及净利润 表:2008-2011年国风塑业(分产品)主营业务收入及占比 表:2008-2011年国风塑业(分地区)主营业务收入及占比 图:2007-2011年浙江众成主营业务收入及净利润 表:2008-2011年浙江众成(分产品)主营业务收入及占比 表:2008-2011年浙江众成(分地区)主营业务收入及占比 图:2010-2013年浙江众成主营业务收入和净利润 表:佛塑科技主要分公司情况 图:2007-2011年佛塑科技主营业务收入及净利润 表:2008-2011年佛塑科技(分产品)主营业务收入及占比 表:2008-2011年佛塑科技(分地区)主营业务收入及占比 图:2010-2013年佛塑科技主营业务收入和净利润 图:2007-2011年大东南主营业务收入及净利润 表:2008-2011年大东南(分产品)主营业务收入及占比 表:2008-2011年大东南(分地区)主营业务收入及占比 图:2010-2013年大东南主营业务收入和净利润 图:2007-2011年珠海中富主营业务收入及净利润 表:2008-2011年珠海中富(分产品)主营业务收入及占比 表:2008-2011年珠海中富(分地区)主营业务收入及占比 图:2007-2011年永新股份主营业务收入及净利润 表:2008-2011年永新股份(分产品)主营业务收入及占比 表:2008-2011年永新股份(分地区)主营业务收入及占比 表:2011年永新股份募投项目 图:2009-2013年永新股份分产品主营业务收入 图:2007-2011年通产丽星主营业务收入及净利润 表:2008-2011年通产丽星(分产品)主营业务收入及占比 表:2008-2011年通产丽星(分地区)主营业务收入及占比 图:2010-2013年通产丽星主营业务收入和净利润 图:2007-2011年紫江企业主营业务收入及净利润 表:2008-2011年紫江企业(分产品)主营业务收入及占比 表:2008-2011年紫江企业(分地区)主营业务收入及占比 图:2007-2009年上海紫江彩印包装主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年浙江欧亚薄膜材料有限公司主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年绍兴翔宇绿色包装有限公司主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年北京德宝商三包装印刷有限公司主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年中山环亚塑料包装有限公司主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年宏铭材料科技股份有限公司主营业务收入和利润总额 表:2010-2011年塑料包装行业九家上市公司经营情况 表:2009年塑料包装行业六家非上市公司经营情况
Market Share of Sub-sectors of Packaging Industry, 2011 Industry Chain of Plastic Packaging Market Size of Global Plastic Packaging Industry, 2000-2012 Market Size of American Flexible Packaging Industry, 2006-2015 Overview of Major Packaging Companies Worldwide, 2009-2010 Major Manufacturers and Concentration Ratio in European and American Consumer Goods Manufacturing Industry, 2010 Policy of China Packaging Industry, 2005-2011 Output and YoY of China Plastic Film, 2005-2012 Output and YoY of China Plastic Boxes and Containers, 2005-2012 Output and YoY of China Plastic Wire, Rope and Woven Goods, 2005-2012 Output of China Plastic Packaging Products, 2008-2009 Sales Volume and YoY of China Plastic film, 2005-2012 TOP5 China Plastic Packaging Enterprises, 2010 TOP5 China Cosmetic Plastic Packaging Enterprises, 2010 TOP8 Polyester Film Capacity of China Plastic Packaging Enterprises, 2010 Import Volume and Value of China Plastic Packaging, 2008-2012 Export Volume and Value of China Plastic Packaging, 2008-2012 Growth of China Plastic Packaging Output by Product, 2005-2012 Net Export Volume of China Plastic Packaging, 2008-2012 Prices of Polyester Chip and Crude Oil, 2009-2011 Prices of Polyester Chips and Polyester Film, 2008-2011 Downstream Structure of China Plastic Packaging, 2011 China Social Consumer Goods Retail Sales and YoY Growth, 2005-2011 Per Capita Consumption of Major Consumer Goods in China and Developed Countries, 2010 Proportion of Pharmaceutical Packaging Materials, 2010 China Total Health Expenditure and Its Growth Rate, 1990-2009 China Cosmetic Market Size and Growth, 2007-2015 China Cosmetic Plastic Packaging Market Size and Growth, 2007-2012 Net Sales of Tetra Park, 2008-2012 Operating Revenue Structure of Tetra Park (by Region), 2010-2020 Total white milk sold loose vs packed milk from 2010- 2020 in developing countries Operating Revenue and Total Profits of Tetra Park (Beijing), 2007-2009 Operational Structure of Amcor Operation of Amcor, FY2010-FY2011 Sales Revenue Structure of Amcor (by Business), FY2011 Sales Revenue Structure of Amcor (by Region), FY2011 Operating Revenue and Total Profits of Amcor (Beijing), 2007-2009 Operation of Toyo Seikan Group, FY2007-FY2011 Operation of Toyo Seikan Group (by Business), FY2011 Operation of Toyo Seikan Group (by Region), FY2010 Operating Revenue and Total Profits of Chongqing United Can, 2007-2009 Consumer Goods Packaging Materials Structure of Rexam (by Product), 2010 Sales of Rexam Plastic Packaging, 2009-2010 Sales of Rexam by Region, 2009-2010 Operating Revenue and Total Profits of Rexam (Shenzhen), 2007-2009 Net Sales of Sealed Air, 2006-2010 Net Sales Structure of Sealed Air (by Region), 2010 Net Sales Structure of Sealed Air (by Business), 2010 Operating Revenue and Total Profits of Sealed Air (Foshan Gaoming), 2007-2009 Sales and Investment in China of Global Leading Plastic Packaging Companies, 2010 Operating Revenue & Net Income of Jiangsu Shuangxing Color Plastic New Materials, 2008-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Jiangsu Shuangxing Color Plastic New Materials (by Product), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Jiangsu Shuangxing Color Plastic New Materials (by Region), 2008-2011 Investment Projects of Jiangsu Shuangxing Color Plastic New Materials, 2011 8.7m Width Polyester Film Production Line of Jiangsu Shuangxing Color Plastic New Materials Operation of Jiangsu Shuangxing Color Plastic New Materials by Product, 2009-2013 Operating Revenue & Net Income of Jiangsu Shuangxing Color Plastic New Materials, 2010-2013 Operating Revenue & Net Income of Anhui Guofeng Plastic Industry, 2007-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Anhui Guofeng Plastic Industry (by Product) , 2008-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Anhui Guofeng Plastic Industry (by Region), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue & Net Income of Zhejiang Zhongcheng Packing Material, 2007-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Zhejiang Zhongcheng Packing Material (by Product), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Zhejiang Zhongcheng Packing Material (by Region), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue & Net Income of Zhejiang Zhongcheng Packing Material, 2010-2013 Subsidiaries of FSPG Hi-Tech Operating Revenue & Net Income of FSPG Hi-Tech, 2007-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of FSPG Hi-Tech (by Product), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of FSPG Hi-Tech (by Region), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue & Net Income of FSPG Hi-Tech, 2010-2013 Operating Revenue & Net Income of China Zhejiang Great Southeast Group Corp, 2007-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of China Zhejiang Great Southeast Group Corp (by Product), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of China Zhejiang Great Southeast Group Corp (by Region), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue & Net Income of China Zhejiang Great Southeast Group Corp, 2010-2013 Operating Revenue & Net Income of Zhuhai Zhongfu Enterprise, 2007-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Zhuhai Zhongfu Enterprise (by Product), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Zhuhai Zhongfu Enterprise (by Region), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue & Net Income of Huangshan Novel, 2007-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Huangshan Novel (by Product), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Huangshan Novel (by Region), 2008-2011 Fundraising and Investment Project of Huangshan Novel, 2011 Operating Revenue of Huangshan Novel (by Product), 2009-2013 Operating Revenue & Net Income of Shenzhen Beautystar Company Limited, 2007-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Shenzhen Beautystar Company Limited (by Product), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Shenzhen Beautystar Company Limited (by Region), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue & Net Income of Shenzhen Beautystar Company Limited, 2010-2013 Operating Revenue & Net Income of Shanghai Zijiang Enterprise Group, 2007-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Shanghai Zijiang Enterprise Group (by Product), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue Structure of Shanghai Zijiang Enterprise Group (by Region), 2008-2011 Operating Revenue and Total Profits of Shanghai Zijiang Color Printed Packing, 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Total Profits of Zhejiang Euro-Asia Film Material, 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Total Profits of Shaoxing Xiangyu Green Packing, 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Total Profits of VPS Propack Beijing, 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Total Profits of Zhongshan Huanya Plastic Package, 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Total Profits of Guangzhou Hongming Material Science and Technology, 2007-2009 Operation of Nine Listed Companies in China Plastic Packaging Industry, 2010-2011 Operation of Six Non-listed Companies in China Plastic Packaging Industry, 2009
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