2011-2012年全球及中国钢琴行业研究报告 |
字数:2.7万 |
页数:78 |
图表数:54 |
中文电子版:7500元 |
中文纸版:3750元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:8000元 |
英文电子版:1900美元 |
英文纸版:2000美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:2200美元 |
发布日期:2012-03 |
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随着中国人收入水平的不断提高,钢琴作为重要的文化娱乐消费品越来越受到重视。目前世界钢琴生产主要集中在亚洲和欧洲,欧洲地区为全球高端钢琴生产地,而中国钢琴产量排名世界第一,但超过九成是中低端钢琴。2010年世界钢琴总产量约为45万架,其中亚洲钢琴总产量约42.7万架,占世界产量的94.89%,中国钢琴产量约占世界钢琴产量的73.33%。 2011年度,中国主要企业钢琴总产量为351470架,同比增长6.5%,其中立式钢琴产量332715架,三角钢琴18755架。预计2012年中国钢琴总产量有望达到36.28万架。 水清木华研究中心《2011-2012年全球及中国钢琴行业研究报告》主要包括以下内容:
- 全球及中国钢琴行业发展现状,竞争格局,供需状况,发展趋势;
- 中国钢琴行业进出口,价格分析,主要消费群体,问题及建议等;
- 中国乐器行业发展现状:重点研究了乐器制造业的经营情况和盈利能力,分析了提琴,民族乐器,西管乐器,打击乐器和吉他细分乐器行业的发展概况;
- 全球3家主要钢琴生产企业和中国12家主要钢琴生产企业的经营情况,项目规划,前景预测等。
- 行业集中度较高。2011年中国年产各类钢琴1万架以上的企业有6家,合计产量25.99万架,占中国钢琴年产量的73.96%。
- 出口继续增长:中国生产的钢琴有20%左右出口到全球90多个国家和地区,美国是中国钢琴产品最大的进口国。2011年共出口钢琴66011架,较上年增长11.33%。
- 价格主要集中在1-2万元:目前中国市场上60%-70%的立式钢琴售价在1-2万元的这个区间,其中国外品牌的雅马哈和卡瓦依价格稍高,在2万元左右,国产的星海和珠江价格相对较低,均价在1.3万元左右。未来随着原材料价格和人工成本的上涨,钢琴的价格将继续呈现小幅升高的趋势。
- 中国成为全球钢琴业生产中心:近年来,受原材料、劳动力成本及目标市场变化等因素的影响,欧洲、美国、日本等经济发达国家纷纷对钢琴行业进行产业结构调整和战略转移,几乎所有知名钢琴企业都在中国设立了生产基地。
With the continuously growing income of Chinese people, the piano has drawn more and more attention as a kind of important cultural and entertainment consumer goods. Currently, the piano production worldwide is mainly concentrated in Asia and Europe of which the latter is a high-end piano producer. In terms of piano output, China ranks first around the globe, but over 90% of pianos made in China are low-end ones. In 2010, the global output of pianos registered 450,000 or so, among which 427,000 (94.89%) came from Asia; Chinese piano output swept 73.33% of world’s piano output. In 2011, the total output of major Chinese piano companies was 351,470, up 6.5% from a year earlier, including 332,715 upright pianos and 18,755 grand pianos. It is expected that Chinese piano output will reach 362,800 in 2012. The report covers:
Status quo, competitive pattern, supply & demand and development trends of global and China piano industry;
Import & export, prices and main consumer groups in the piano industry of China, as well as questions and suggestions for it;
Status quo of Chinese musical instrument industry: operation and profitability of the musical instrument industry; evelopment of violins, ethnic musical instruments, western wind instruments, percussion and guitars;
Operation, project planning and forecast of world’s major three piano manufacturers and 12 major Chinese counterparts.
China piano industry features the followings: High industry concentration degree. In 2011, six Chinese companies produced over 10,000 pianos each, 259,900 totally, contributing 73.96% to China’s annual piano output. Export continues to grow: 20% of the pianos made in China are exported to more than 90 countries and regions; in particular, the United States is the largest importer of Chinese pianos. In 2011, China exported 66,011 pianos, up 11.33% year-on-year. The unit price mainly ranges from RMB10,000 to RMB20,000: In China, 60% -70% of the upright pianos are tagged with the unit price of RMB10,000 to RMB20,000, while the unit price of the foreign brands Yamaha and Kawai is higher up to about RMB20, 000. Chiese brands Xinghai and Pearl River offer the unit price of RMB13,000. In the future, the piano prices will tend to increase slightly with the rising raw material prices and labor costs.. China becomes the world's piano production center: In recent years, influenced by raw materials, labor costs and target markets, Europe, USA, Japan and other developed countries have done structural adjustment of the piano industry and made strategic transfer. Almost all well-known piano companies have set up their production bases in China.
前言 第一章 钢琴概述 1.1定义及分类 1.2 主要结构 1.3 发展历程
第二章 全球钢琴行业发展概况 2.1 发展现状 2.1.2 美国和日本 2.1.2 欧洲 2.2竞争格局 2.3 行业壁垒 2.4 发展动态 2.4.1钢琴制造向中国转移 2.4.2注重钢琴品牌商标和知识产权保护
第三章 中国钢琴行业发展概况 3.1 发展概述 3.2 产销量 3.3 竞争格局 3.4进出口 3.5价格分析 3.6 主要消费群体 3.7 问题及建议
第四章 中国乐器行业发展概况 4.1 政策环境 4.2 发展现状 4.3经营情况 4.3.1 销售规模 4.3.2 利润规模 4.3.3 资产规模 4.4盈利能力分析 4.4.1 亏损面 4.4.2 销售利润率 4.4.3 成本费用利润率 4.5 细分乐器经营情况 4.5.1 提琴 4.5.2 民族乐器 4.5.3 西管乐器 4.5.4 打击乐器 4.5.5 吉他
第五章 重点企业研究 5.1 日本雅马哈集团 5.1.1 公司简介 5.1.2 经营状况 5.1.3 在华发展 5.2 ROLAND DG CORPORATION (罗兰) 5.2.1公司简介 5.2.2经营情况 5.2.3在华发展 5.3 德国施坦威公司 5.3.1 公司简介 5.3.2 经营状况 5.4 广州珠江钢琴集团有限公司 5.4.1 公司简介 5.4.2 经营情况 5.4.3 发展战略 5.5 宁波海伦钢琴股份有限公司 5.5.1 公司简介 5.5.2经营情况 5.5.3 发展战略 5.6 北京星海钢琴集团有限公司 5.6.1 公司简介 5.6.2 经营情况 5.7 上海民族乐器一厂 5.7.1 公司简介 5.7.2 经营情况 5.8上海钢琴有限公司 5.8.1 公司简介 5.8.2 经营情况 5.9河合乐器(宁波)有限公司 5.9.1 公司简介 5.9.2 经营情况 5.10天津市津宝乐器有限公司 5.10.1 公司简介 5.10.2 经营情况 5.11宜昌金宝乐器 5.11.1 公司简介 5.11.2 经营情况 5.12 青岛世正乐器有限公司 5.12.1 公司简介 5.12.2 经营情况 5.13浙江东方琴业有限公司 6.13.1 公司简介 6.13.2 经营情况 5.14杭州嘉德威钢琴有限公司 5.14.1 公司简介 5.14.2 经营情况 5.15上海欧亚钢琴公司 5.15.1公司简介 5.15.2经营情况 5.15.3发展动态
第六章 钢琴行业投资分析及发展预测 6.1 钢琴行业投资前景分析 6.2 钢琴行业未来发展预测 6.2.1 中国钢琴制造业发展预测 6.2.3 数码钢琴成为一种发展趋势 6.2.3 中国钢琴消费将转向中高档市场
Preface 1 Profile of Piano 1.1 Definition & Classification 1.2 Key Structure 1.3 Development Course
2 Development of Global Piano Industry 2.1 Status Quo 2.1.2 USA and Japan 2.1.2 Europe 2.2 Competition Pattern 2.3 Industry Barrier 2.4 Dynamics 2.4.1Transfer of Piano Manufacturing to China 2.4.2 Attention on Brand Trademark and Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
3 Development of Chinese Piano Industry 3.1 Overview 3.2 Production and Sales Volume 3.3 Competition Pattern 3.4 Import & Export 3.5 Price Analysis 3.6 Major Consumer Groups 3.7 Problems and Suggestions
4 Development of Chinese Musical Instrument Industry 4.1 Policies 4.2 Current Development 4.3 Operation 4.3.1 Sales 4.3.2 Profit 4.3.3 Assets 4.4 Profitability 4.4.1 Loss Making 4.4.2 Return on Sales 4.4.3 Ratio of Profits to Cost 4.5 Operation of Segmented Musical Instruments 4.5.1 Violin 4.5.2 Ethnic Musical Instrument 4.5.3 Western Wind Instrument 4.5.4 Percussion 4.5.5 Guitar
5 Key Companies 5.1Yamaha Corporation 5.1.1 Profile 5.1.2 Operation 5.1.3 Development in China 5.2 Roland DG Corporation 5.2.1 Profile 5.2.2 Operation 5.2.3 Development in China 5.3 Steinway & Sons 5.3.1 Profile 5.3.2 Operation 5.4 Guangzhou Pearl River Piano Group 5.4.1 Profile 5.4.2 Operation 5.4.3 Development Strategy 5.5 Ningbo Hailun Piano Co., Ltd 5.5.1 Profile 5.5.2 Operation 5.5.3 Development Strategy 5.6 Beijing Xinghai Piano Group Co., Ltd 5.6.1 Profile 5.6.2 Operation 5.7 Shanghai No.1 Ethnic Musical Instrument Plant 5.7.1 Profile 5.7.2 Operation 5.8 Shanghai Piano Co., Ltd 5.8.1 Profile 5.8.2 Operation 5.9 Kawai Musical Instruments (Ningbo) Co., Ltd 5.9.1 Profile 5.9.2 Operation 5.10 Tianjin Jinbao Musical Instruments Co., Ltd 5.10.1 Profile 5.10.2 Operation 5.11 Yichang Jinbao Musical Instruments 5.11.1 Profile 5.11.2 Operation 5.12 Qingdao Sejung Musical Instrument Co., Ltd 5.12.1 Profile 5.12.2 Operation 5.13 Zhejiang Orient Piano Co., Ltd 6.13.1 Profile 6.13.2 Operation 5.14 Hangzhou GOODWAY Piano Co., Ltd 5.14.1 Profile 5.14.2 Operation 5.15 Shanghai Eurasian Piano Company 5.15.1 Profile 5.15.2 Operation 5.15.3 Dynamics
6 Investment Analysis and Development Forecast of Piano Industry 6.1 Outlook for Investment 6.2 Future Development 6.2.1 Development Prediction of Piano Manufacturing in China 6.2.3 Digital Piano as a development Tendency 6.2.3 Piano Consumption in China will be turned towards Medium and High-end Markets
图:2010&2012年全球钢琴总产量分布 表:2009-2012年全球主要国家钢琴产量及企业数量 图:2000-2012年中国城镇居民家庭平均每百户钢琴拥有量 图:2005-2012年中国钢琴产量 图:2010年中国主要钢琴生产企业产量 图:2005-2012年中国钢琴出口数量 图:2004-2012年中国钢琴市场主要品牌报价 图:2011年乐器消费各消费领域占比 表:2007-2011年中国乐器行业相关政策 图:2008-2012年中国乐器制造业工业总产值 图:2005-2012年中国乐器制造业主营业务收入 图:2005-2012年中国乐器制造业利润总额 图:2005-2012年中国乐器制造业企业数量 图:2005-2012年中国乐器制造业资产总计 图:2005-2012年中国乐器制造业亏损企业数量 图:2005-2012年中国乐器制造业亏损企业亏损总额 图:2005-2012年中国乐器制造业销售利润率 图:2005-2012年中国乐器制造业成本费用利润率 图:2007-2011财年雅马哈(分产品)销售收入 图:2007-2011财年雅马哈(分地区)销售收入 图:2007-2009年杭州雅马哈乐器有限公司主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2011财年罗兰(分地区&分产品)净销售额占比 图:2010-2011财年罗兰电子乐器业务净销售额和营业利润 图:2010-2011财年罗兰吉他相关设备净销售额 图:2010-2011财年罗兰家用电子乐器净销售额 图:2010-2011财年罗兰专业视频、专业音频和电脑音乐设备净销售额 图:2007-2009年上海乐兰电子有限公司主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2008-2011年施坦威主营业务收入和营业利润 图:2009-2011年珠江钢琴主营业务收入和净利润 图:2008-2012年珠江钢琴钢琴产量 表:2009-2011年珠江钢琴(分产品)钢琴收入构成 表:2009-2011年珠江钢琴(分产品)钢琴毛利率和占毛利比例 图:2009-2011年珠江钢琴(分地区)主营业务收入及占比 表:珠江钢琴主要募投项目(百万元) 图:2008-2011年海伦钢琴主营业务收入和净利润 图:2008-2010年海伦钢琴中国市场销量及市场占有率 图:2008-2011年海伦钢琴(分地区)主营业务收入及占比 表:海伦钢琴主要募投项目 图:2007-2009年星海钢琴主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2008-2012年星海钢琴钢琴产量(单位:架) 图:2007-2009年上海民族乐器一厂主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年上海钢琴主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年河合乐器(宁波)主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年天津津宝乐器主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年宜昌金宝乐器主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年青岛世正乐器主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年浙江东方琴业主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年杭州嘉德威主营业务收入和利润总额 图:2007-2009年上海欧亚钢琴主营业务收入和利润总额 表:2010&2012年中国国教育机构及文艺机构数量 图:2009-2012年中国钢琴家庭领域市场规模 图:2009-2012年中国钢琴商用领域市场规模
Distribution of Global Piano Output , 2010 & 2012 Piano Output and Number of Piano Companies in Major Countries, 2009-2012 Number of Pianos per 100 Urban Households in China , 2000-2012 Piano Output of China, 2005-2012 Output of Major Piano Manufacturers in China, 2010 China's Piano Export Volume, 2005-2012 Prices Offered by Major Piano Brands in China, 2004-2012 Instrument Consumption by Field, 2011 Policies for China Musical Instrument Industry, 2007-2011 Total Industrial Output Value of China Musical Instrument Manufacturing, 2008-2012 Operating Revenue of China Musical Instrument Manufacturing, 2005-2012 Total Profit of China Musical Instrument Manufacturing, 2005-2012 Number of Companies in China Musical Instrument Manufacturing, 2005-2012 Total Assets of China Musical Instrument Manufacturing, 2005-2012 Number of Loss-making Companies in China Musical Instrument Manufacturing, 2005-2012 Total Losses of Loss-making Companies in China Musical Instrument Manufacturing, 2005-2012 Sales Margin of China Musical Instrument Manufacturing, 2005-2012 Ratio of Profits to Cost of China Musical Instrument Manufacturing, 2005-2012 Yamaha’s Sales (by Product), FY2007-2011 Yamaha’s Sales (by Region), FY2007-2011 Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Hangzhou Yamaha, 2007-2009 ROLAND’s Net Sales (by Region and by Product), FY2011 ROLAND’s Net Sales and Operating Income in Electronic Musical Instruments, FY2010-2011 ROLAND’s Net Sales in Guitar-related Equipment , FY2010-2011 ROLAND’s Net Sales in Household Electronic Musical Instruments, FY2010-2011 ROLAND’s Net Sales in Professional Audio & Video and Computer Music Device, FY2010-2011 Roland’s Operating Revenue and Total Profit, 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Operating Income of Steinway & Sons, 2008-2011 Operating Revenue and Net Income of Pearl River, 2009-2011 Piano Output of Pearl River, 2008-2012 Piano Revenueof Pearl River (by Product), 2009-2011 Gross Margin of Pearl River (by Product), 2009-2011 Operating Revenue (by Region) of Pearl River, 2009-2011 Major Investment Projects of Pearl River Hailun’s Operating Revenue and Net Income, 2008-2011 Hailun’sSales Volume and Market Share in China, 2008-2010 Hailun’s Operating Revenue (by Region) , 2008-2011 Hailun’s Major Investment Projects Xinghai’s Operating Revenue and Total Profit, 2007-2009 Xinghai’s Piano Output, 2008-2012 Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Shanghai No.1 Ethnic Musical Instrument Plant, 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Shanghai Piano, 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Kawai Musical Instruments (Ningbo) , 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Tianjin Jinbao, 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Yichang Jinbao, 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Qingdao Sejung, 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Orient Piano, 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Total Profit of GOODWAY, 2007-2009 Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Shanghai Eurasian Piano, 2007-2009 Number of Educational Institutions and Art Institutions in China, 2010 & 2012 Chinese Piano Market Size in Household Field, 2009-2012 Chinese Piano Market Size in Commercial Field, 2009-2012
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