2011-2012年全球及中国针状焦行业研究报告 |
字数:2.2万 |
页数:63 |
图表数:64 |
中文电子版:6000元 |
中文纸版:3000元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:6500元 |
英文电子版:1550美元 |
英文纸版:1650美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:1850美元 |
发布日期:2012-08 |
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针状焦主要应用于电炉炼钢用石墨电极、锂电池、核电、航天等领域。2009年之后,随着针状焦各下游行业逐步复苏,全球针状焦需求量迅速回升。同期,全球针状焦行业巨头为操控价格而均未大幅扩张产能,从而使得全球针状焦市场供应持续紧张。2011年,全球针状焦供给缺口达19万吨,同比增长110%。而在全球最主要的针状焦消费国中,中国针状焦市场供应紧张情况最为显著。 作为全球最大的钢铁生产国,中国一直保持巨量的针状焦需求,且近年来随着国内石墨电极行业产品结构持续优化,超高功率石墨电极比重不断增加,针状焦需求量增速明显加快。同期,由于中国针状焦生产企业数量少,技术基础薄弱,普遍存在稳定生产及产品质量控制方面的技术障碍,中国针状焦产能增长缓慢,针状焦产品供应缺口不断拉大。 2009-2011年,中国针状焦需求量从16.1万吨增长到38.0万吨,年复合增长率达53.6%。同期,中国针状焦年产能仅从13.0万吨增长到13.2万吨。由于绝大部分新涉足针状焦业务企业存在诸多技术障碍,且行业内企业产能增长有限,预计未来2年中国针状焦市场供应紧张局面将会延续。
由于中国是富煤少油的国家,煤系针状焦原料供应充足,且相关技术较为成熟,故国内现有针状焦产能以及拟在建针状焦项目绝大部分属于煤系针状焦,油系针状焦项目占比偏小。同时,从需求方面看,大规格超高功率石墨电极产品目前已成为石墨电极行业发展重点,而油系针状焦因自身成分特征更适合制备该产品,因此,中国针状焦市场又呈现出结构性供需失衡的特点。未来,随着供给缺口加大,油系针状焦将成为中国针状焦行业新的投资热点。 本报告除介绍全球及中国针状焦行业发展情况外还重点介绍了ConocoPhillips、Seadrift,JX、C-Chem、MC、Petrocokes及 Indian Oil等7家国外企业以及宏特化工、锦州石化和中钢热能等12家中国企业的针状焦业务。 ConocoPhillips是全球最大的油系针状焦生产商,针状焦产能为37万吨/年,近年来公司产能基本保持稳定。公司是全球油系针状焦价格的主导者之一,2009年至今,公司主导了全球范围内针状焦产品的两次涨价。 Seadrift 是全球第二大油系针状焦生产企业,针状焦产能达15万吨/年,公司是2012年全球针状焦涨价的推动者。2010年,公司被美国最大的石墨电极生产企业GTI收购,成为其子公司。根据母公司GTI的规划,公司远期产能将达24-25万吨/年。 C-Chem是新日铁集团旗下一家专业生产碳素制品的公司,是全球最大的煤系针状焦生产商。近年来,公司通过产能扩建有力地提升了针状焦产能,2012年公司针状焦产能达17万吨/年。 宏特化工是中国首家实现工业化生产煤系针状焦的企业,为满足国内需求公司于2008年开始兴建10万吨煤系针状焦项目,该项目于2011年4月投入试运行。2012年,公司针状焦产能达15万吨/年。
Needle coke is primarily applied in graphite electrode for electric furnace steelmaking, lithium batteries, nuclear power, aerospace, etc.. Since 2009, the global demand for needle coke has quickly rebounded in the wake of recovery of its downstream sectors. In the same period, the global needle coke giants haven’t substantially expanded capacity in order to manipulate prices, which has caused sustained tension supply in the world’s needle coke market. In 2011, the supply gap amounted to 190 kilotons, a YoY rise of 110%, and among the world’s most important consumers of needle coke, China showed the tightest supply situation. As the world’s largest steel producer, China has always maintained a huge amount of demand for needle coke, and in recent years, along with the continuously optimized product mix of Chinese graphite electrode industry as well as the ever rising proportion of ultra-high power graphite electrode, the demand growth of needle coke has significantly accelerated. During the same period, due to the small number of needle coke manufacturers, weak technological strength and the prevalence of technical obstacles in terms of production stabilization and product quality control, China’s needle coke capacity has seen slow growth, accompanied by a widening supply gap of needle coke products. In 2009-2011, China’s demand for needle coke rose from 161 kilotons to 380 kilotons, with a CAGR of 53.6%, while the annual capacity only grew to 132 kilotons from 130 kilotons. Since there are many technical hurdles for the vast majority of enterprises newly involved in the needle coke business, combined with the limited capacity growth, it is expected that the Chinese needle coke market in the next two years will continue the tight supply situation.
Demand for Needle Coke in China, 2006-2012 (Unit: kt) 
China abounds in coal but lacks oil, with adequate supply of raw materials for coal-based needle coke and more mature related technology, therefore, the overwhelming majority of the existing domestic needle coke capacity and the planned or under-construction needle coke projects pertain to the coal-based needle coke, and oil-based needle coke project occupies a small proportion. In terms of the demand, large size, ultra high power graphite electrode products have already become a development priority for the graphite electrode industry, and the oil-based needle coke is more suitable for the preparation of this product by virtue of compositional characteristics. Therefore, the needle coke market in China has once again presented a structural imbalance between supply and demand. In the future, as the supply gap widens, oil-based needle coke will prove to be a new investment hotspot for the needle coke industry in China. In addition to the development of global and China needle coke industry, this report also highlights needle coke business of seven foreign companies, i.e. ConocoPhillips, Seadrift, JX, C-Chem, MC, Petrocokes and Indian Oil, as well as twelve Chinese peers such as Shanxi Hongte Coal Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Jinzhou Petrochemical Company and Sinosteel Anshan Research Institute of Thermo-energy Co.,Ltd. ConocoPhillips is the world’s largest manufacturer of oil-based needle coke, with stable capacity of needle coke recently, about 370 kilotons per year. Being one of the deciders of global oil-based needle coke prices, it has managed two price hikes of needle coke products worldwide since 2009. As the world’s second largest producer of oil-based needle coke and a promoter of the year 2012 global needle coke price inflation, Seadrift has needle coke capacity of 150 kilotons annually. In 2010, it was acquired by the largest USA-based graphite electrode producer GTI; according to the parent company’s plan, Seadrift will achieve an annual capacity of 240-250 kilotons in the long run. C-Chem, a professional carbon product manufacturer affiliated to the Nippon Steel Corporation, is the world’s largest coal-based needle coke producer. In recent years, its needle coke capacity has been effectively enhanced via expansion to 170 kilotons in 2012. As China’s first coal-based needle coke manufacturer that realizes industrialization, Shanxi Hongte Coal Chemical Industry embarked on the construction of the 100-kiloton coal-based needle coke project from 2008 so as to meet domestic demand. In April 2011, this project was put into trial operation; in 2012, the needle coke capacity reached 150 kilotons/a.
第一章 针状焦概述 1.1产品介绍 1.2分类及应用 1.3 产业链
第二章 全球针状焦行业发展现状 2.1 发展概述 2.2 供应情况 2.3 需求情况 2.4 技术现状 2.5市场竞争格局 2.6美国 2.7日本 2.8英国 本章小结
第三章 中国针状焦行业发展现状 3.1发展环境 3.1.1政策环境 3.1.2技术环境 3.1.3贸易环境 3.2供应情况 3.3需求情况 3.4市场竞争格局 3.5进出口情况 3.6重点拟在建项目 3.7价格走势 本章小结
第四章 中国石墨电极行业发展情况 4.1发展环境 4.2生产情况 4.3需求情况 4.4市场格局 本章小结
第五章 全球针状焦重点生产企业 5.1 ConocoPhillips 5.1.1公司介绍 5.1.2经营情况 5.1.3针状焦业务 5.2 Seadrift 5.2.1公司介绍 5.2.2针状焦业务 5.3 JX Holdings Inc 5.3.1公司介绍 5.3.2经营情况 5.3.3针状焦业务 5.4 C-Chem 5.4.1公司介绍 5.4.2针状焦业务 5.5 Mitsubishi Chemical(MC) 5.5.1公司介绍 5.5.2经营情况 5.5.3针状焦业务 5.6 Petrocokes Japan Limited 5.6.1公司介绍 5.6.2针状焦业务 5.7 Indian Oil Company Limited 5.7.1公司介绍 5.7.2经营情况 5.7.3针状焦业务 本章小结
第六章 中国针状焦重点生产企业 6.1方大碳素(Fangda Carbon New Material Co., Ltd) 6.1.1公司介绍 6.1.2经营情况 6.1.3针状焦项目 6.2 宏特化工(Shanxi Hongte Coal Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.) 6.2.1 公司介绍 6.2.2 经营情况 6.2.3 重点项目 6.2.4 针状焦业务 6.3锦州石化(Jinzhou Petrochemical Co.,Ltd) 6.3.1公司介绍 6.3.2经营情况 6.3.3针状焦业务 6.4中钢热能(SINO Steel Anshan Research Institute of Thermal Energy Co.,Ltd ) 6.4.1公司介绍 6.4.2针状焦业务 6.5宝钢化工(Baosteel Chemical) 6.5.1公司介绍 6.5.2经营情况 6.5.3针状焦业务 6.6海化集团(Shandong Haihua Group Co.,Ltd) 6.6.1公司介绍 6.6.2针状焦业务 6.7兖矿科蓝(Jining Yankuang Kelan Coke Co., Ltd) 6.7.1公司介绍 6.7.2 针状焦业务 6.8宝泰隆(Qitaihe Baotailong Coal&Coal Chemicals Public Co.,Ltd) 6.8.1公司介绍 6.8.2经营情况 6.8.3针状焦项目 6.9三元碳素(SY Carbon) 6.9.1公司介绍 6.9.2针状焦业务 6.10其他企业 6.10.1金州集团(Jinzhou Coal and Coke Group) 6.10.2济宁碳素集团(JN Carbon) 6.10.3首山焦化(Shoushan Coking) 本章小结
1. Overview of Needle Coke 1.1 Profile 1.2 Classification and Application 1.3 Industrial Chain
2. Development of Global Needle Coke Industry 2.1 Development Overview 2.2 Supply 2.3 Demand 2.4 Technology Status 2.5 Competition Pattern 2.6 USA 2.7 Japan 2.8 UK Summary
3. Development of China Needle Coke Industry 3.1 Development Environment 3.1.1 Policy Environment 3.1.2 Technology Environment 3.1.3 Trade Environment 3.2 Supply 3.3 Demand 3.4 Competition Pattern 3.5 Import & Export 3.6 Major Projects Planned and Under Construction 3.7 Price Trend Summary
4. Development of China Graphite Electrode Industry 4.1 Development Environment 4.2 Production 4.3 Demand 4.4 Competition Pattern Summary
5. Key Companies Worldwide 5.1 ConocoPhillips 5.1.1Profile 5.1.2 Operation 5.1.3 Needle Coke Business 5.2 Seadrift 5.2.1 Profile 5.2.2 Needle Coke Business 5.3 JX Holdings Inc 5.3.1 Profile 5.3.2 Operation 5.3.3 Needle Coke Business 5.4 C-Chem 5.4.1 Profile 5.4.2 Needle Coke Business 5.5 Mitsubishi Chemical (MC) 5.5.1 Profile 5.5.2 Operation 5.5.3 Needle Coke Business 5.6 Petrocokes Japan Limited 5.6.1 Profile 5.6.2 Needle Coke Business 5.7 Indian Oil Company Limited 5.7.1 Profile 5.7.2 Operation 5.7.3 Needle Coke Business Summary
6. Key Companies in China 6.1 Fangda Carbon 6.1.1 Profile 6.1.2 Operation 6.1.3 Needle Coke Project 6.2 Shanxi Hongte Coal Chemical Industry Co., Ltd 6.2.1 Profile 6.2.2 Operation 6.2.3 Key Projects 6.2.4 Needle Coke Business 6.3 Jinzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd 6.3.1 Profile 6.3.2 Operation 6.3.3 Needle Coke Business 6.4 SINO Steel Anshan Research Institute of Thermal Energy Co., Ltd 6.4.1 Profile 6.4.2 Needle Coke Business 6.5 Baosteel Chemical 6.5.1 Profile 6.5.2 Operation 6.5.3 Needle Coke Business 6.6 Shandong Haihua Group Co., Ltd 6.6.1 Profile 6.6.2 Needle Coke Business 6.7 Jining Yankuang Kelan Coke Co., Ltd 6.7.1 Profile 6.7.2 Needle Coke Business 6.8 Qitaihe Baotailong Coal&Coal Chemicals Public Co., Ltd 6.8.1 Profile 6.8.2 Operation 6.8.3 Needle Coke Project 6.9 SY Carbon 6.9.1 Profile 6.9.2 Needle Coke Business 6.10 Others 6.10.1 Jinzhou Coal and Coke Group 6.10.2 JN Carbon 6.10.3 Shoushan Coking Summary
图:针状焦实物 图:针状焦产业链 图:2006-2012年全球针状焦产能(单位:千吨/年) 图:2006-2012年全球针状焦产能结构(分产品)(单位:千吨/年) 表:2006-2012年全球及中国电炉钢产量及石墨电极需求量 图:2006-2012年全球针状焦需求量(单位:万吨) 表:全球煤系针状焦生产工艺及其特点 图:不同原料生产针状焦的工艺流程 表:2012年全球(不含中国)主要针状焦生产企业产能及产品 表:2012年美国针状焦生产企业产能及生产基地 表:2012年日本主要针状焦生产企业产能及产品类型 表:2012年英国国针状焦生产企业产能及生产基地 表:2006-2012年全球针状焦产能及需求量 图:2006-2012年中国针状焦产能(单位:千吨/年) 图:2006-2012年中国针状焦产能结构(分产品)(单位:千吨/年) 图:2006-2012年中国针状焦需求量(单位:千吨) 图:2006-2012年中国针状焦产品供给缺口(单位:千吨) 表:2012年中国针状焦生产企业产能 图:2011年中国针状焦生产企业市场份额 图:2006-2012年中国针状焦产品进口量(单位:吨) 图:2006-2012年中国针状焦进口量(分产品)(单位:吨) 表:2012年上半年中国针状焦进口量、金额及均价(分国家) 表:2011-2012年中国重点针状焦拟在建项目 图:2009-2012年中国煤系及油系针状焦进口均价(单位:美元/吨) 表:2006-2012年中国针状焦产能及需求量 表:2006-2012年中国电炉钢产量及其粗钢中占比 图:2006-2012年中国石墨电极产量(单位:千吨) 表:2006-2012年中国石墨电极产量(分产品)(单位:千吨) 图:2006-2012年中国石墨电极产品结构变化趋势 图:2006-2012年中国石墨电极需求量(单位:千吨) 图:2006-2012年中国石墨电极需求结构(单位:千吨) 表:2011年中国前10名生产企业超高功率石墨电极产能 表:2011年中国前10名生产企业高功率石墨电极产能 表:2006-2012年中国石墨电极产量及需求量(分产品)(单位:千吨) 图:2008-2012年ConocoPhillips公司营业收入及净利润(单位:百万美元) 表:CONOCO INC英国Humber生产基地针状焦性能指标 表:2012年CONOCO INC针状焦生产基地产能 表:2012年JX Holdings Inc下属企业及主营业务 图:2010-2012财年JX Holdings Inc营业收入及净利润(单位:十亿日元) 表:2012年JX Holdings Inc针状焦产能及生产基地 图:2012年C-Chem针状焦产业链 表:C-Chem针状焦性能指标 表:2008-2012财年三菱化学营业收入及净利润(单位:十亿日元) 表:2008-2010年三菱化学针状焦相关原料产能扩张计划 图:2008-2012年三菱化学针状焦产能(单位:千吨/年) 表:2012年Petrocokes Japan Limited针状焦产能及生产基地 图:2008-2012财年印度石油营业收入及净利润(单位:千万卢比) 表:2012年全球主要针状焦生产企业产能 图:2008-2012年方大碳素营业收入及净利润(单位:百万元) 表:2011年方大碳素针状焦项目 图:2005-2011年宏特化工销售收入(单位:百万元) 表:2011-2012年宏特化工针状焦项目 图:2006-2012年宏特化工针状焦产能(单位:吨/年) 表:2012年宏特化工针状焦性能指标 图:2008-2012年锦州石化销售收入(单位:十亿元) 图:2006-2012年锦州石化针状焦实际产能(单位:千吨/年) 图:2007-2011年宝钢化工销售收入(单位:百万元) 图:2008-2012年宝泰隆营业收入及净利润(单位:百万元) 表:2012年宝泰隆针状焦项目 表:2012年三元碳素主要产品产能 表:2012年金州集团针状焦项目 表:2012年济宁碳酸集团主要产品产能 表:2011年首山焦化针状焦项目 表:2012年中国针状焦生产企业已投产、在建及规划产能
Needle Coke Object Industrial Chain of Needle Coke Production Capacity of Needle Coke Worldwide, 2006-2012 Capacity Structure of Needle Coke Worldwide by Products, 2006-2012 Output of EAF Steel and Demand of Graphite Electrode Worldwide, 2006-2012 Demand of Needle Worldwide, 2006-2012 Processes and Features of Coal-based Needle Coke Worldwide Processes to Produce Needle Coke with Different Raw Materials Production Capacity and Products of Major Manufacturers Worldwide(Except China), 2012 Production Capacity and Production Sites of Needle Coke Companies in USA, 2012 Production Capacity and Product Types of Main Needle Coke Companies in Japan, 2012 Production Capacity and Production Sites of Needle Coke Companies in Britain, 2012 Production Capacity and Demand of Needle Coke Worldwide, 2006-2012 Production Capacity of Needle Coke in China, 2006-2012 Production Capacity Structure of Needle Coke in China by Products, 2006-2012 Demand of Needle Coke in China, 2006-2012 Supply Gap of Needle Coke in China, 2006-2012 Production Capacity of Needle Coke in China, 2012 Market Share of Needle Coke Manufacturers in China, 2011 Import of Needle Coke in China, 2006-2012 Import of Needle Coke in China by Products, 2006-2012 Import Volume, Import Value and Average Price of Needle Coke in China by Countries, 2012H1 Major Needle Coke Projects Planned and under Construction in China, 2011-2012 Average Prices of Imported Coal-based and Oil-based Needle Coke, 2009-2012 Production Capacity and Demand of Needle Coke in China, 2006-2012 Output of EAF Steel and % of Crude Steel in China, 2006-2012 Output of Graphite Electrode in China, 2006-2012 Output of Graphite Electrode in China by Products, 2006-2012 Product Mix of Graphite Electrode in China, 2006-2012 Demand of Graphite Electrode in China, 2006-2012 Demand Structure of Graphite Electrode in China, 2006-2012 Production Capacity of Ultra High Power Graphite Electrode of TOP10 Manufacturers in China, 2011 Production Capacity of High Power Graphite Electrode of TOP10 Manufacturers in China, 2011 Output and Demand of Graphite Electrode in China by Products, 2006-2012 Revenue and Net Income of ConocoPhillips, 2008-2012 Performance Indicators of Needle Coke Produced in UK-based Humber Production Site of Conoco INC Needle Coke Capacity of CONOCO INC’s Production Sites, 2012 Subordinate Enterprises and Main Businesses of JX, 2012 Revenue and Net Income of JX, FY2010-FY2012 Production Capacity and Sites of Needle Coke of JX, 2012 Needle Coke Industry Chain of C-Chem, 2012 Performance Indicators of Needle Coke of C-Chem Revenue and Net Income of MC, FY2008-FY2012 Capacity Expansion Plan of Needle Coke Raw Materials of MC, 2008-2012 Production Capacity of Needle Coke of MC, 2008-2012 Production Capacity and Sites of Petrocokes, 2012 Revenue and Net Income of India oil, FY2008-FY2012 Production Capacity of Major Needle Coke Manufacturers Worldwide, 2012 Revenue and Net Income of Fangda Carbon, 2008-2012 Needle Coke Project of Fangda Carbon, 2011 Sales of Hongte,2005-2011 Needle Coke Projects of Hongte, 2011-2012 Production Capacity of Needle Coke of Hongte, 2006-2012 Performance Indicators of Needle Coke of Hongte, 2012 Sales of Jinzhou Petrochemical, 2008-2012 Actual Capacity of Needle Coke of Jinzhou Petrochemical, 2006-2012 Sales of Baosteel Chemical, 2007-2011 Revenue and Net Income of Baotailong, 2008-2012 Needle Coke Project of Baotailong, 2012 Production Capacity of Main Products of SY Carbon, 2012 Needle Coke Projects of Jinzhou Coal and Coke Group, 2012 Production Capacity of Main Products of JN Carbon, 2012 Needle Coke Projects of Shoushan Coking, 2012 Production in Operation, Under Construction and Planned of Needle Coke Producers in China, 2012
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