2012-2015年全球及中国MLCC电子陶瓷行业研究报告 |
字数:2.2万 |
页数:70 |
图表数:78 |
中文电子版:6500元 |
中文纸版:3250元 |
中文(电子+纸)版:7000元 |
英文电子版:1600美元 |
英文纸版:1700美元 |
英文(电子+纸)版:1900美元 |
发布日期:2012-10 |
附件:下载 |
MLCC电子陶瓷是制备MLCC的主要原材料。2009年之后,随着全球电子产业的逐步复苏,MLCC需求量止跌回升从而带动了MLCC电子陶瓷的市场需求快速增长。同期,由于日美等国MLCC电子陶瓷行业巨头对产能的控制,全球MLCC电子陶瓷市场整体处于供需平衡状态。出于保持技术垄断地位的考虑,目前国外主要MLCC电子陶瓷生产企业都未在华兴建MLCC电子陶瓷生产基地,中国MLCC电子陶瓷材料主要依靠进口。 作为全球最大的MLCC生产国,中国市场MLCC电子陶瓷需求量巨大,且随着近年来下游MLCC产能的快速扩张,MLCC电子陶瓷需求增速明显加快。同期,由于MLCC电子陶瓷行业技术门槛较高,国内从业企业数量较少,且普遍存在技术基础薄弱、高端产品比重较低等问题。中国MLCC电子陶瓷产能尤其是高端产品产能增长缓慢,国内市场供应缺口持续加大。2011年,MLCC电子陶瓷需求量达24870吨 ,而中国同期产能仅为7590吨/年,供应缺口高达17280吨。根据目前国内企业的产能扩张计划,预计未来2-3年,中国MLCC电子陶瓷市场供应紧张的局面将继续存在。
图:2007-2015年中国MLCC电子陶瓷需求量(单位:吨) 此外,由于目前中国MLCC行业相关产品正沿着微型化和大容量的趋势发展,尤其是在苹果公司iPhone手机大规模使用01005型MLCC之后,中国MLCC产品正式进入01005时代 ,该型号的MLCC将取代目前电子产品普遍使用的0201型MLCC。MLCC产业技术的进步必然对MLCC电子陶瓷产品提出更高的要求。预计未来,更高纯度、更细粒度、更高性能的MLCC电子陶瓷产品将成为市场主流,而相关产品将成为MLCC电子陶瓷行业新的投资热点。 本报告除介绍全球及中国MLCC电子陶瓷行业及中国MLCC行业的发展情况外,还重点介绍了Sakai、Ferro、NCI、Fuji Titanium、KCM、TODA KOGYO CORP及SFC等7家国外企业以及国瓷材料、信昌电陶、辛集化工和仙桃中星等10家中国企业的MLCC电子陶瓷业务。 SFC(三星精密化学)是全球著名的精细化工产品生产商,也是韩国主要的MLCC电子陶瓷生产企业,公司生产的MLCC电子陶瓷产品主要是高纯钛酸钡粉体材料。2011年公司钛酸钡粉体材料销售收入达到214亿韩元较2010年下滑22.5%。 国瓷材料是中国唯一一家专业生产MLCC电子陶瓷材料的上市企业,公司近年来一直在大力扩张MLCC电子陶瓷产能。2011年,公司MLCC电子材料产能达1940吨/年,2012年预计进一步增长到2500吨/年。 信昌电陶是是台湾主要的MLCC电子陶瓷生产商之一。2010年以来,公司MLCC电子陶瓷产能增长迅猛,截止2011年底公司MLCC产能达到2500吨/年。根据公司计划,2012年公司MLCC产能有望达3000吨/年。
MLCC electronic ceramics are the main raw materials for the production of MLCC. After 2009, with the gradual recovery of the global electronic industry, the demand for MLCC has rebounded, which has led to the rapid growth in the market demand for MLCC electronic ceramics. Over the same period, due to the capacity control of MLCC electronic ceramics giants in Japan and the United States, the global MLCC electronic ceramics market has maintained a balance between supply and demand. In order to maintain the monopolistic position in technology, none of major foreign MLCC electronic ceramics enterprises has set up production bases in China, and China mainly relies on imported MLCC electronic ceramics materials. As the largest MLCC producer in the world, China has huge demand for MLCC electronic ceramics, and the demand has risen quickly with the rapid expansion of the downstream MLCC capacity in recent years. Meanwhile, due to the high technical thresholds, there are only a small number of MLCC electronic ceramics enterprises in China, and most of them have weak technological base and few high-end products. China’s MLCC electronic ceramics capacity, especially the capacity of high-end products, grows slowly, and the domestic supply gap continues to extend. The demand for MLCC electronic ceramics in China reached 24,870 tons in 2011, while the capacity was only 7,590 tons / year over the same period, meaning a supply shortfall of up to 17,280 tons. According to the capacity expansion plans of domestic enterprises, it is expected that Chinese MLCC electronic ceramics market will still be confronted with tight supply in the next 2-3 years.
Demand for MLCC Electronic Ceramics in China, 2007-2015 (Unit: ton) 
In addition, Chinese MLCC-related products are developing in the direction of miniature and large capacity, particularly after the massive application of 01005-type MLCC in Apple iPhone, Chinese MLCC products have entered the 01005 era formally. 01005-type MLCC will replace the current popular 0201-type MLCC. The technological progress of the MLCC industry will inevitably put forward higher requirements on MLCC electronic ceramics products. In the future, the MLCC electronic ceramics products with higher purity, finer granularity and better performance will become the market mainstream, and related products will become the new hot topics for investment. In addition to the development of the global and China MLCC electronic ceramics industry as well as China MLCC industry, the report also highlights the MLCC electronic ceramics business of 7 foreign enterprises (including Sakai, Ferro, NCI, Fuji Titanium, KCM, TODA KOGYO CORP and SFC) and 10 Chinese enterprises (including Sinocera, PDC, Xinji Chemical and Xiantao Zhongxing). SFC is not only a world-renowned manufacturer of fine chemical products, but also a major MLCC electronic ceramics enterprise in South Korea, with high-purity barium titanate powder as its main MLCC electronic ceramics product. In 2011, the barium titanate powder business generated sales of KRW21.4 billion, down 22.5% compared with 2010. Sinocera is the only listed company of China that specializes in the production of MLCC electronic ceramics materials, and it has been expanding the capacity greatly in recent years. In 2011, the company’s capacity of MLCC electronic materials reached 1,940 tons / year, and will grow further to 2,500 tons / year in 2012. PDC is one of the main MLCC electronic ceramics manufacturers in Taiwan. Since 2010, the company’s capacity of MLCC electronic ceramics has seen rapid growth. By the end of 2011, the company’s capacity of MLCC electronic ceramics had hit 2,500 tons / year. According to the plan, the company’s capacity of MLCC electronic ceramics is expected to reach 3,000 tons / year in 2012.
前言 第一章 MLCC电子陶瓷概述 1.1产品介绍 1.2分类 及应用 1.3 产业链
第二章 全球MLCC电子陶瓷行业发展现状 2.1 发展背景 2.2 供给情况 2.3 需求情况 2.4市场竞争情况 2.5美国 2.6日本 2.7韩国 2.8台湾 本章小结
第三章 中国MLCC电子陶瓷行业发展现状 3.1发展环境 3.1.1政策环境 3.1.2技术环境 3.2供应情况 3.3需求情况 3.4市场竞争格局 3.5价格走势 3.6发展前景 本章小结
第四章 中国MLCC行业发展情况 4.1供应情况 4.1.1市场规模 4.1.2产量 4.2需求情况 4.2.1需求量 4.2.2手机市场 4.2.3电脑市场 4.2.4电视市场 4.3进出口情况 4.3.1进口情况 4.3.2出口情况 4.4市场竞争格局 4.5发展趋势 本章小结
第五章 全球MLCC电子陶瓷重点生产企业 5.1 Sakai 5.1.1公司介绍 5.1.2经营情况 5.1.3客户及供应商 5.1.4 MLCC电子陶瓷业务 5.2 Ferro 5.2.1公司介绍 5.2.2经营情况 5.2.3 MLCC电子陶瓷业务 5.3 NCI 5.3.1公司介绍 5.3.2经营情况 5.3.3 MLCC电子陶瓷业务 5.3.4在华业务 5.4 Fuji Titanium 5.4.1公司介绍 5.4.2 MLCC电子陶瓷业务 5.5 KCM 5.5.1公司介绍 5.5.2 MLCC电子陶瓷业务 5.6 SFC 5.6.1公司介绍 5.6.2 经营情况 5.6.2 MLCC电子陶瓷业务 5.7 TODA KOGYO CORP 5.7.1公司介绍 5.7.2经营情况 5.7.3 MLCC电子陶瓷业务 本章小结
第六章 中国MLCC陶瓷重点生产企业 6.1国瓷材料(Shandong Sinocera Functional Material Co.,Ltd ) 6.1.1公司介绍 6.1.2经营情况 6.1.3毛利率 6.1.4重点项目 6.1.5产销情况 6.1.6客户及供应商 6.2信昌电陶(PDC) 6.2.1公司介绍 6.2.2经营情况 6.2.3 MLCC电子陶瓷业务 6.3辛集化工(Hebei Xinji Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd) 6.3.1公司介绍 6.3.2 MLCC电子陶瓷业务 6.4仙桃中星(Xiantao Zhongxing Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.) 6.4.1公司介绍 6.4.2经营情况 6.4.3产能扩张情况 6.5远洋化工(Kunshan Yuanyang Chemical Co.,Ltd) 6.5.1公司介绍 6.5.2 MLCC电子陶瓷业务 6.6北京博瑞赛(Bricem) 6.6.1公司介绍 6.6.2 MLCC电子陶瓷业务 6.7奥新电子(Nantong Auxin Technology of Electronics Materials CO.,LTD) 6.7.1公司介绍 6.7.2 MLCC电子陶瓷业务 6.8其他企业 6.8.1同生化工(Tianjin Tongsheng Chemical Plant) 6.8.2邢台有色(Xingtai Steel Non-ferrous Metal Smelting Factory) 6.8.3有研总院(General Research Institute for Non-Ferrous Metal) 本章小结
Preface 1 Overview of MLCC Electronic Ceramics 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Classification and Application 1.3 Industry Chain
2 Development of Global MLCC Electronic Ceramics Industry 2.1 Background 2.2 Supply 2.3 Demand 2.4 Market Competition 2.5 The United States 2.6 Japan 2.7 South Korea 2.8 Taiwan Summary
3 Development of China MLCC Electronic Ceramics Industry 3.1 Development Environment 3.1.1 Policy Environment 3.1.2 Technology Environment 3.2 Supply 3.3 Demand 3.4 Competition Pattern 3.5 Price Trend 3.6 Prospect Summary
4 Development of China MLCC Industry 4.1 Supply 4.1.1 Market Scale 4.1.2 Output 4.2 Demand 4.2.1 Demand Volume 4.2.2 Mobile Phone Market 4.2.3 Computer Market 4.2.4 TV Market 4.3 Import and Export 4.3.1 Import 4.3.2 Export 4.4 Competition Pattern 4.5 Development Trend Summary
5 Key Global MLCC Electronic Ceramics Enterprises 5.1 Sakai 5.1.1 Profile 5.1.2 Operation 5.1.3 Customers and Suppliers 5.1.4 MLCC Electronic Ceramics Business 5.2 Ferro 5.2.1 Profile 5.2.2 Operation 5.2.3 MLCC Electronic Ceramics Business 5.3 NCI 5.3.1 Profile 5.3.2 Operation 5.3.3 MLCC Electronic Ceramics Business 5.3.4 Business in China 5.4 Fuji Titanium 5.4.1 Profile 5.4.2 MLCC Electronic Ceramics Business 5.5 KCM 5.5.1 Profile 5.5.2 MLCC Electronic Ceramics Business 5.6 SFC 5.6.1 Profile 5.6.2 Operation 5.6.3 MLCC Electronic Ceramics Business 5.7 TODA KOGYO CORP 5.7.1 Profile 5.7.2 Operation 5.7.3 MLCC Electronic Ceramics Business Summary
6 Key Chinese MLCC Electronic Ceramics Enterprises 6.1 Shandong Sinocera Functional Material Co., Ltd. 6.1.1 Profile 6.1.2 Operation 6.1.3 Gross Margin 6.1.4 Key Projects 6.1.5 Production and Marketing 6.1.6 Customers and Suppliers 6.2 PDC 6.2.1 Profile 6.2.2 Operation 6.2.3 MLCC Electronic Ceramics Business 6.3 Hebei Xinji Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. 6.3.1 Profile 6.3.2 MLCC Electronic Ceramics Business 6.4 Xiantao Zhongxing Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. 6.4.1 Profile 6.4.2 Operation 6.4.3 Capacity Expansion 6.5 Kunshan Yuanyang Chemical Co., Ltd. 6.5.1 Profile 6.5.2 MLCC Electronic Ceramics Business 6.6 Bricem 6.6.1 Profile 6.6.2 MLCC Electronic Ceramics Business 6.7 Nantong Auxin Technology of Electronics Materials Co., Ltd. 6.7.1 Profile 6.7.2 MLCC Electronic Ceramics Business 6.8 Others 6.8.1 Tianjin Tongsheng Chemical Plant 6.8.2 Xingtai Steel Non-ferrous Metal Smelting Factory 6.8.3 General Research Institute for Non-Ferrous Metal Summary
图:多层式陶瓷电容器(MLCC)结构 表:MLCC电子陶瓷材料分类及应用 图:MLCC电子陶瓷产业链 图:各类型电容器应用电压及电容值范围 图:2011年全球电容器市场产品结构 表:各类电容器性能对比 图:2007-2015年全球MLCC电子陶瓷产量 图:2007-2015年全球MLCC电容器产量 图:2007-2015年全球MLCC电子陶瓷需求量 表:全球主要MLCC电子陶瓷生产企业产能 表:2012年美国主要MLCC生产企业客户和供应商 表:2012年日本主要MLCC电子陶瓷生产企业产能 表:2012年韩国主要MLCC生产企业客户和供应商 表:2012年台湾主要MLCC电子陶瓷生产企业产能 表:2007-2015年全球MLCC电子陶瓷产量及需求量 表:2007-2012年中国MLCC电子陶瓷行业相关政策 表:主要钛酸钡制备工艺比较 图:2007-2015年中国MLCC电子陶瓷产能 图:2007-2015年中国MLCC电子陶瓷需求量 表:2012年中国MLCC电子陶瓷生产企业主要产品及产能 表:2008-2012年中国各类MLCC配方粉均价 表:2007-2015年中国MLCC电子陶瓷产能及需求量 图:2007-2015年中国MLCC销售额 图:2007-2015年中国MLCC产量 图:2007-2015年中国MLCC需求量 表:不同类型手机MLCC使用数量 表:2007-2015年中国不同类型手机产量 表:2007-2015年中国手机领域MLCC需求量(分产品) 表:2007-2015年中国各类型电脑产量 图:2007-2015年中国电脑领域MLCC需求量 表:2007-2015年中国各类型电视产量 图:2007-2015年中国电视领域MLCC需求量 表:2009-2012年中国MLCC进口量、进口金额及进口均价 表:2009-2012年中国MLCC出口量、出口金额及出口均价 表:2012年中国主要MLCC生产企业产能 表:1980-2012年主流MLCC尺寸 表:2009年全球陶瓷电容按类别需求情况 表:2007-2015年中国MLCC产量及需求量 图:2008-2015财年Sakai营业收入及净利润 表:2012年Sakai主要客户及供应商 图:2008-2015年Ferro营业收入及净利润 图:2011年Ferro营业收入结构(分领域) 图:2011年Ferro营业收入结构(分区域) 表:Ferro各型号钛酸钡基础粉性能指标 图:2008-2015财年NCI营业收入及净利润 表:NCI钛酸钡产品性能指标 表2012年NCI下属华企业及其业务 表:Fuji Titanium主要电池陶瓷产品及应用领域 表:KCM MLCC配方粉产品性能指标 图:2008-2015年SFC营业收入及净利润 表:2008-2012年SFC营业收入结构(分产品) 图:2008-2012年SFC毛利及毛利率 表:SFC钛酸钡粉体材料性能指标 图:2008-2012年SFC钛酸钡粉体销售收入 图:2008-2015财年 TODA KOGYO CORP营业收入及净利润 表:2012年全球主要MLCC生产企业产能及产品类型 图:2008-2015年国瓷材料营业收入及净利润 表:2008-2012年国瓷材料营业收入结构(分产品) 表:2008-2012年国瓷材料综合毛利率及产品毛利率 表:2011-2013年国瓷材料重点项目 图:2008-2013年国瓷材料MLCC电子陶瓷材料产能 表:2008-2011年国瓷材料产销量(分产品) 图:2008-2011年国瓷材料前五名客户销售额及营收占比 表:2011年上半年国瓷材料前5名客户及销售额 表:2011年上半年国瓷材料前10名供应商及进货额 图:2009-2012年信昌电陶营业收入及净利润 表:2012年1-8月信昌电陶营收结构(分产品) 图:2009-2012年信昌电陶MLCC电子陶瓷粉体材料产能 表:2012年辛集化工各种产品产能 表:辛集化工钛酸钡产品化学成分指标 表:辛集化工钛酸钡产品化学性能指标 图:2006-2015年仙桃中星销售收入 表:2006-2015年仙桃中星产能 表:远洋化工钛酸钡制品性能指标 表:2012年博瑞赛下属企业及其业务 表:奥新电子钛酸钡产品物理指标 表:奥新电子钛酸钡产品化学指标 表:2012年中国主要MLCC生产企业产能及生产工艺
Structure of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor (MLCC) Classification and Application of MLCC Electronic Ceramics Materials MLCC Electronic Ceramics Industry Chain Applied Voltage and Capacitance Value Range of Various Capacitors Product Structure of Global Capacitor Market, 2009 Performance Comparison between Various Capacitors Global Output of MLCC Electronic Ceramics, 2007-2015 Global Output of MLCC Electronic Ceramics by Sources, 2007-2015 Global Demand for MLCC Electronic Ceramics, 2007-2015 Capacity of Major Global MLCC Electronic Ceramics Manufacturers Clients of Major MLCC Manufacturers in the United States, 2012 Capacity of Major Japanese MLCC Electronic Ceramics Manufacturers, 2012 Capacity of Major MLCC Manufacturers in South Korea, 2012 Capacity of Major Taiwanese MLCC Electronic Ceramics Manufacturers, 2012 Global Output and Demand for MLCC Electronic Ceramics, 2007-2015 Related Policies of China MLCC Electronic Ceramics Industry, 2007-2012 Comparison between Main Barium Titanate Preparation Processes China’s Capacity of MLCC Electronic Ceramics, 2007-2015 China’s Demand for MLCC Electronic Ceramics, 2007-2015 Main Products and Capacity of Chinese MLCC Electronic Ceramics Manufacturers, 2012 Average Price of MLCC Formula Powder in China, 2008-2012 China's MLCC Electronic Ceramics Capacity and Demand, 2007-2015 China's MLCC Sales, 2007-2015 China's MLCC Output, 2007-2015 China’s Demand for MLCC, 2007-2015 MLCC Application of Mobile Phones by Type China's Mobile Phone Output by Type, 2007-2015 Demand for MLCC in Chinese Mobile Phone Field (by Product), 2007-2015 China's Computer Output by Type, 2007-2015 Demand for MLCC in Chinese Computer Field, 2007-2015 China's TV Output by Type, 2007-2015 Demand for MLCC in Chinese Television Field, 2007-2015 China's MLCC Import Volume, Import Value and Average Import Price, 2009-2012 China's MLCC Export Volume, Export Value and Average Export Price, 2009-2012 Capacity of Major MLCC Manufacturers in China, 2012 Mainstream MLCC Sizes, 1980-2012 Global Demand for Ceramic Capacitors by Category, 2009 China’s MLCC Output and Demand, 2007-2015 Sakai’s Revenue and Net Income, FY2008-FY2015 Sakai’s Major Clients and Suppliers, 2012 Ferro’s Revenue and Net Income, 2008-2015 Ferro’s Revenue Structure (by Field), 2011 Ferro’s Revenue Structure (by Region), 2011 Performance Indicators of Ferro’s Barium Titanate Based Powder NCI’s Revenue and Net Income, FY2008-FY2015 Performance Indicators of NCI’s Barium Titanate Products NCI’s Subordinate Chinese Enterprises and Their Business, 2012 Main Battery Ceramic Products and Applications of Fuji Titanium Performance Indicators of KCM’s MLCC Formula Powder Products SFC’s Revenue and Net Income, 2008-2015 SFC’s Revenue Structure (by Product), 2008-2012 SFC’s Gross Profit and Gross Margin, 2008-2012 Performance Indicators of SFC's Barium Titanate Powder SFC's Sales of Barium Titanate Powder, 2008-2012 TODA KOGYO CORP’s Revenue and Net Income, FY2008-FY2015 Capacity and Product Types of Major Global MLCC Manufacturers, 2012 Sinocera’s Revenue and Net Income, 2008-2015 Sinocera’s Revenue Structure (by Product), 2008-2012 Sinocera’s Consolidated Gross Margin and Product Gross Margin, 2008-2012 Sinocera's Key Projects, 2011-2013 Sinocera's Capacity of MLCC Electronic Ceramics Materials, 2008-2013 Sinocera’s Output and Sales Volume (by Product), 2008-2011 Sales and Revenue Contribution of Sinocera’s Top 5 Clients, 2008-2011 Sinocera’s Top 5 Clients and Sales, H1 2011 Sinocera’s Top 10 Suppliers and Procurement, H1 2011 PDC’s Revenue and Net Income, 2009-2012 PDC’s Revenue Structure (by Product), Jan.-Aug. 2012 PDC’s Capacity of MLCC Electronic Ceramics Powder, 2009-2012 Capacity of Xinji Chemical by Product, 2012 Chemical Composition Indicators of Barium Titanate Products of Xinji Chemical Chemical Performance Indicators of Barium Titanate Products of Xinji Chemical Sales of Xiantao Zhongxing, 2006-2015 Capacity of Xiantao Zhongxing, 2006-2015 Performance Indicators of Barium Titanate Products of Yuanyang Chemical Bricem’s Affiliated Companies and Their Business, 2012 Physical Indicators of Barium Titanate Products of Auxin Technology Chemical Indicators of Barium Titanate Products of Auxin Technology Capacity and Production Technology of Major Chinese MLCC Manufacturers, 2012
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